Sep 12, 2024  
2022-2023 Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Student Handbook [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Expectations of Students for a Conducive Learning Environment

Student Life Policies  > Expectations of Students for a Conducive Learning Environment

Expectations of Students for a Conducive Learning Environment

Be Respectful
Respect the learning/classroom environment and the dignity and rights of all persons. Be tolerant of differing opinions.

Be Courteous/Considerate
Extend courtesy in discourse. Please do not interrupt speakers. Avoid distractions such as cell phones, beepers, and irrelevant discussions. Do not eat or drink in class without permission.

Be Supportive/Caring
Exhibit concern for others and promote a caring environment. Think about how your behavior affects others. Help distressed peers find appropriate resources/assistance.

Be Informed
Familiarize yourself with the course and instructor expectations. Read the course syllabus.

Be Honest and Fair
Grades should reflect individual work, unless group work is authorized. Maintain the code of academic honesty.

Be Attentive
Mentally prepare yourself for listening. Resist distractions, emotional reactions, or boredom.

Be Punctual
Attend classes regularly and on time. Instead of closing your notebook early, listen carefully to information given near the end of class; summary statements and instructions may be important. Moreover, leaving class early distracts from a lecture.

Be Organized/Prepared
Prepare for class by completing readings and assignments. Avoid procrastinating and set realistic goals.

Be Participatory/Curious
Contribute and participate in class discussions; display interest during class by raising thoughtful and relevant questions that enrich discourse. Get involved in campus life.

Be Communicative
Interact with the instructor and discuss assignments, grading and subject matter. Express complaints and concerns in a calm and respectful manner.

Be Enthusiastic
Enjoy the educational experience. Seek ways to make your coursework meaningful and relevant. Give your best effort.

Be Dedicated/Committed
Show initiative and desire to excel and make your studies a priority. Avoid over-committing your time to activities that do not support your goals.

Violations occurring within the residence halls may be resolved by the appropriate residence halls staff and/or referred to the Dean of Students Office.