Sep 20, 2024  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Art History, MA

College of the Arts  > School of Art  > Art History, MA

Admission Requirements

The MA program in Art History follows the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences requirements for admission:

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution with an overall 3.0 (B) average on the last 60 hours of course credit.
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores
  • The materials listed below under Application Procedures.

The deadline for applications is February 1 for Domestic Students. International students must apply by January 15th.  All application materials must be received by the deadline. All applications are accepted to begin in the fall semester only.

Though an undergraduate degree in art history is not required, consideration is given to the number and variety of undergraduate courses in art history taken, as well as experience with humanities research and writing. An understanding of the discipline of art history and preparation for graduate study are essential.

Degree Requirements

  • 36 hours - 2 years at 9 hours (full-time) per semester
  • Graduate Seminar in Curatorial Issues and Practice: 3 hours
  • Graduate Seminar in Art History: 3 hours
  • Four additional courses in art history (chosen from art history elective courses): 12 hours
  • Six free elective courses (chosen from approved interdisciplinary courses, independent study, practical internships): 18 hours
  • Thesis Track - Thesis (in written or exhibition form): 6 hours (counts toward the 18 hour free elective requirement)
  • Non-Thesis Track - Oral and Written Examination
  • Demonstrated reading ability in one foreign language (Please Consult with the Graduate Advisor to determine how you will satisfy this requirement)*

The department of Department of Modern and Classical Languages   (MCL) at the University of Houston offers courses in reading for graduate students in French, German, and Italian