Sep 26, 2024  
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]



Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • ECE 6331 - Advanced Telecommunications

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4371 and ECE 6337  or consent of instructor. Random signals and wide, baseband data transmission, error analysis of additive white Gaussian noise channels, intersymbol interference, multipath interference, fading, signal-space concepts, and optimal receiver design.

  • ECE 6332 - Wireless Telecommunication Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6331 . Theory of data communications, GPS systems, spread-spectrum systems, HDTV systems, RF and microwave devices in communication systems.

  • ECE 6333 - Signal Detection and Estimation Theory

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6337  or consent of instructor. Elements of hypothesis testing signal detection in discrete time, elements of parameter estimation, and elements of signal estimation.

  • ECE 6335 - Digital Control Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4375. Analysis and synthesis of digital control systems: z-transform; pulse transfer functions; discrete-time response; frequency domain analysis; stability; root locus; frequency domain concepts; parameter identification; state-space modeling; sampled-data system; time-delayed system; hybrid controller design.

  • ECE 6336 - Advanced Microprocessor Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-1)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4436 or consent of instructor. An introduction to the architecture and design of interfaces between microcomputers and peripheral devices. Required projects provide the students with realistic problems in the development of interfaces.

  • ECE 6337 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: INDE 2333 or equivalent. Probability spaces, random variables, distributions, functions of random variables, conditioning, limit concepts, sampling, correlations and power spectral analysis, linear estimation, orthogonal projections.

  • ECE 6338 - Topics in Optical and Ultrasonic Imaging

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Diffraction theory, Fourier optics, optical image acquisition, principles of ultrasonic imaging, ultrasonic image acquisition, imaging systems applications.

  • ECE 6340 - Intermediate Electromagnetic Waves

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3317. Maxwell’s equations, properties of matter, transmission lines, waveguides, plane waves, radiation from antennas, duality, image methods, equivalence principle, reciprocity, radiation from sources in layered media.

  • ECE 6341 - Advanced Electromagnetic Waves

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6340 . Vector potentials, cylindrical wave functions, spherical wave functions, asymptotic methods, spectral-domain methods for layered media, radiation and scattering from periodic structures.

  • ECE 6342 - Digital Signal Processing

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3366. Sampling theory, use of the DFT/FFT, design of FIR and IIR digital filters, quantization and finite word length effects, and digital signal processing hardware.

  • ECE 6344 - Signal Integrity

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3317or instructor permission. Introduction to signal integrity for high speed digital systems.

  • ECE 6345 - Microstrip Antennas

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6340 . Introduction to microstrip antennas, overview of basic properties, CAD formulas, transmission-line model, cavity model, equivalent-circuit model, spectral-domain analysis, mutual coupling, segmentation methods.

  • ECE 6346 - VLSI Design

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3456 or ECE 3457, or graduate standing and/or consent of instructor. Integrated circuit design using computer aided design methods; MOS, GaAs and bipolar techniques, standard cells, digital subcircuit and memory layout and design.

  • ECE 6347 - Advanced Topics in MOS Devices

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4339 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Physics of MOS devices including the MOS capacitor and applications; long-channel MOSFET theory; MOSFET scaling and shortchannel effects; hot carriers and reliability; SOI MOSFETs and CMOS; MOS memory; novel devices.

  • ECE 6348 - Masterials Science of Thin Films

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. Deposition, characterization, properties, and applications of thin films.

  • ECE 6349 - Applied Solid State Theory

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4339 or consent of instructor. Physics of solids including energy band theory, carrier transport, point defects, and optical properties. The course will make use of basic principles of quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics in an engineering context.

  • ECE 6350 - Numerical Solution Methods in Electromagnetics

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6340  or consent of instructor. Formulation and numerical solution of integral equations for scattering and radiation by thin wires, two- and three-dimensional conducting structures, bodies of revolution, dielectric bodies.

  • ECE 6351 - Microwave Engineering

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Transmission lines; wave guides; micro-strip circuits; microwave circuit theory; scattering matrices; impedance transformers; passive microwave devices; resonators; microwave tubes; solid state active devices.

  • ECE 6352 - Antenna Engineering

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Antenna concepts: linear, aperture, and wire antennas; printed- circuit radiators; frequency-independent antennas; measurement techniques.

  • ECE 6353 - RF and Microwave Electronics

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Fundamentals of RF and microwave electronic circuit design, matching networks, small-signal and large-signal transistor amplifier design, noise, broadband techniques, oscillator design, high-frequency circuit simulation.

  • ECE 6354 - Digital Video

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Concepts, theory, and applications of digital video compression. Sampling and quantization, data compression, adaptive coding, BMP and JPEG image standards, H.261 video-conferencing, MPEG codecs, mathematical animation techniques.

  • ECE 6355 - Introduction to Well-Logging Techniques

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3317 or GEOL 4330 or PHYS 4321. Logging tools discussed include electrical resistivity, induction, acoustic, dielectric, natural gamma ray, neutron density, pulse neutron, NMR, and diameter. Various production tools are discussed along with well-log data transmission, processing, and recording.

  • ECE 6356 - Electronic Circuit Design

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3456. Design of linear integrated circuits. Op-amp design and modeling. AC and DC op-amp parameters and their effects on designs. Electronics noise sources and their control. Design and simulation (using CCI-CAP and SPICE programs) of differential amplifiers, active filters, oscillators, and other linear and nonlinear circuits using linear integrated circuits.

  • ECE 6360 - Geometrical Theory of Diffraction

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6340  and ECE 6382 . Geometrical theory of diffraction, modern geometrical optics, differential geometry, vector ray theory, high frequency antenna and scattering applications.

  • ECE 6364 - Digital Image Processing

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6342 . The nature of images; visual effects; acquisition of images; sampling, quantization, and two-dimensional linear processing; image enhancement and restoration; image coding; texture analysis; tomography.

  • ECE 6367 - Computer Architecture and Design

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3441 and ECE 4436. Computer arithmetic and ALU design; instruction sets; CPU design; pipelining; memory hierarchy; I/O systems; system organization; performance evaluation.

  • ECE 6368 - Industrial Power System Analysis

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Industrial power system architecture and composition; voltage classes; voltage unbalance and deviation, and effects on equipment; power flow; voltage control and power factor improvement; fault analysis; control equipment for motors and generators; motor starting.

  • ECE 6369 - Electrical Power Regulations And Standards

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Regulations and practices for design, maintenance requirements, and special equipment; National Electric Code applied in the industrial environment; standards and norms for induction and synchronous motors, generators, transformers, cables, switchgears and breakers; domestic and international standards for equipment and systems; state professional registration (not for Ph.D. credit).

  • ECE 6370 - Advanced Digital Design

    Cr. 3. (3-1)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Design fundamentals and techniques using ASIC development and synthesis tools and FPGAs. Design of control units, arithmetic and logic units, memory and I/O subsystems and cache.

  • ECE 6371 - Fundamentals of Hardware Design

    Cr. 3. (3-1)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3441 and ECE 3455 or consent of instructor and graduate standing. Stateof- the-art hardware-based system design and analysis techniques.

  • ECE 6372 - Advanced Hardware Design

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6371  or consent of instructor. Advanced analysis and design of complex hardware-based systems and algorithms.

  • ECE 6373 - Advanced Computer Architecture

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4436 and ECE 5440 or consent of instructor. Parallel processing and multioperation machine organizations (multiprocessors, multifunction, pipeline and array machines). In-depth study of control units, processors, and memories.

  • ECE 6375 - Measurement and Analysis Techniques in Stochastic Processes

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6337  or MATH 6382  and MATH 6383 ; ECE 6342 . Random time series; measurement of statistical parameters and related errors; analog and digital correlation and power spectrum computations; coherence and transfer function computations; complex demodulation; cepstrum and optimum filtering techniques for the extraction of signals from noise; general linear models of random time series; random data reduction techniques.

  • ECE 6376 - Digital Pattern Recognition

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6337 . Adaptive techniques for classifying patterns, Bayesian decision theory, parametric and nonparametric techniques, supervised and unsupervised estimation, feature selection, and clustering.

  • ECE 6377 - Power Transmission And Distribution

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing, and co-registration in ECE 6127 . Power transmission and distribution network architecture and composition; load curves; symmetrical components; parameters and equivalent circuits in symmetrical components for overhead and underground lines, transformers, generators and loads; substations; industrial networks; network steady-state analysis; faults; protection systems; switching equipment; voltage and power static control; surge voltages and protection. A term project will be required.

  • ECE 6378 - Power System Analysis

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4363 or equivalent. Power system architecture and composition; network matrices; power flow; economic operation; voltage and frequency control; fault analysis; voltage and angle stability. A term project will be required.

  • ECE 6379 - Advanced Power System Analysis

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6378 . Sparse matrix techniques; short circuit studies with computer; diakoptics; numerical solutions to the load-flow problem; economic dispatch.

  • ECE 6380 - Power Electronics And Electric Drives

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Power electronics; power semiconductor switches; converters; DC, induction and synchronous motor drives; industrial applications; harmonics and filtering.

  • ECE 6381 - Industrial Substations And Switching Equipment

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6368  or ECE 6378 . Industrial substation configuration and composition; cable and busway system design, installation, protection and testing; switching apparatus fundamentals, types, design, operation, protection; substation planning, design, construction, automation, operation (not for Ph.D. credit).

  • ECE 6382 - Engineering Analysis I

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Analytical methods applied to electrical engineering problems; solution techniques involving complex variables, conformal mapping, residue calculus, asymptotic evaluation of integrals; solution of boundary-value problems by separation of variables and transform techniques; special functions.

  • ECE 6383 - Engineering Analysis II

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Numerical techniques for solving engineering problems involving ordinary and partial differential and difference equations.

  • ECE 6385 - Analog Input/Output Design

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 3456 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Design and applications of precision linear and nonlinear IC devices for analog signal acquisition, processing, filtering, and conversion.

  • ECE 6386 - Power System Transients, Harmonics And Grounding

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6368  or ECE 6378 . Switching transients and over voltages: causes, effects, modeling, measurement; capacitor switching; harmonics: sources, characteristics, effects, filters; surge nature, insulation characteristics; system neutrals; arresters, grounding, static lightning protection; insulation coordination.

  • ECE 6387 - Topics in Communication Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6331 , ECE 6337 , ECE 6342  or consent of instructor. Modern communication techniques, fiber optics communication, spreadspectrum methods, frequency hopping, error-efficient coding, information theory, problems in angle modulation, nonlinear modulation theory, radar and sonar signal processing. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • ECE 6389 - Industrial Power System Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6368  or ECE 6378 . Planning: scope, requirements, component cost, cost estimation; reliability: fundamentals, equipment data, probability methods; interruption cost and economic analysis; maintenance, preventive measures; emergency and standby power, supply and stored energy systems; energy and load management, energy saving, conservation, cogeneration (not for Ph.D. credit).

  • ECE 6390 - Linear Multivariable Control Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6325  or consent of instructor. Multivariable systems modeling, similarity transformations, stability, structure theory, realization theory, state estimators and state feedback designs.

  • ECE 6392 - Internship I

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Prior approval required from Director of Graduate Studies. Practical training in an industrial environment.

  • ECE 6393 - Special Projects I

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Prior approval required from Director of Graduate Studies. Supervised research/ development.

  • ECE 6394 - Control System Component Design

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4375 or consent of instructor. Analysis and design of control system components; transfer function descriptions and determination of criteria for specifying and designing components of given control systems.

  • ECE 6395 - Industrial Power Monitoring And Control

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite:   or ECE 6378 . Monitoring and control system architecture, design options, modes of communication, equipment and installation cost; multifunctional microprocessor based systems; control integration, monitoring and protection systems (not for Ph.D. credit).

  • ECE 6396 - Advanced Topics in Biomedical Engineering

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Cardiovascular dynamics, electrocardiology, electromyography, neurophysiology, modeling, medical imaging, prosthetic devices, clinical assist and monitoring systems. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • ECE 6397 - Intelligent Sensing System Engineering

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ECE 6398 - Research

    Cr. 1-5.
    Prerequisite: Approval of Chair.

  • ECE 6399 - Master’s Thesis

    Cr. 3 per semester.
  • ECE 6466 - Integrated Circuit Engineering

    Cr. 4. (3-3)
    Prerequisite: ECE 4339. Design, fabrication and testing of integrated circuits. An individual research project is required.

  • ECE 6498 - Research

    Cr. 1-5.
    Prerequisite: Approval of Chair.

  • ECE 6598 - Research

    Cr. 1-5.
    Prerequisite: Approval of Chair.

  • ECE 7331 - Nonlinear and Time-Varying Feedback Control Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6325  or consent of instructor. Classical and state-space analysis.

  • ECE 7332 - Design of Statistical Control Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6325  and ECE 6335  or consent of instructor. Synthesis of optimal stationary and time-varying linear control systems based upon random signal characteristics and statistical performance criteria. Adaptive control systems.

  • ECE 7333 - Optimal Control Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6325  and ECE 6335  or consent of instructor. Parameter optimization; linear quadratic regulator; computational methods; calculus of variations; optimal tracking control; discretetime optimal control; dynamic programming; inverse-optimal control; optimal regional-pole assignment; frequency-domain optimization.

  • ECE 7334 - Advanced Digital Control Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6325  and ECE 6335  or consent of instructor. Modeling of multi-rate, multivariable sampled-data systems; balanced realization; stability; digital redesign; hybrid control; on-line control; self-tuning control; computational delays; computational algorithms.

  • ECE 7335 - Robust Control Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6390  and ECE 7333  or consent of instructor. Internal stability; minimal realization; plant uncertainty; robust stability; robust performance; model-matching problems; state-space approach; H control of sampled-data systems.

  • ECE 7337 - Industrial Power System Protection

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6368  or ECE 6378 . Protection tasks, requirements, principles, components; instrument transformers; protective systems: transformers, feeders, generators, motors, primemovers, buses, switchgears, cables, transfer devices, busways, UPS, service supply lines and utility interties protection schemes; components, operation, faults, testing, maintenance, calibration.

  • ECE 7342 - Advanced Topics in Signal Processing

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6342 , ECE 6337  and consent of instructor. Survey of current research topics in signal processing, including topics of adaptive filters, spectral estimation, and multichannel signal processing.

  • ECE 7349 - Advanced Topics in Microelectronics

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6466  and consent of instructor. Current research issues in the design, fabrication, testing and reliability of integrated circuits.

  • ECE 7364 - Image Reconstruction and Medical Imaging

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6364 . Reconstruction algorithms: backprojection, convolution, Fourier transform, ART, optimization methods, and true 3D reconstruction; image reconstruction from incomplete projections; 3D medical imaging and other applications; data acquisition and reconstruction methods in CT, PET, SPECT, Ultrasound, and MRI.

  • ECE 7366 - Advanced Process Integration for VLSI

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6466  or equivalent and consent of instructor. Process integration for application in VLSI and ULSI circuits; advantages and limitations of NMOS, CMOS, Bipolar and Bicmos technologies; process and device simulators.

  • ECE 7370 - Parallel Computer Architecture

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 5367 (or equivalent), ECE 6373  and/or consent of the instructor. Design concepts for parallel architectures; parallel models and applications; system issues; routing modes; static network properties; packet routing; switch design; coherency; synchronization; consistency issues and case studies.

  • ECE 7373 - Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6373 . Vector and array processing and their application in engineering problems.

  • ECE 7381 - Power System Control and Stability

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ECE 6378 . Development of physically-based dynamic models for synchronous machines, boilers, turbines, governors, and loads; excitation systems; the automatic generation control problem; system stability studies; interconnected system operation.

  • ECE 7392 - Internship II

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Prior approval required from Director of Graduate Studies. Practical training in an industrial environment.

  • ECE 7393 - Special Projects II

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Prior approval required from Director of Graduate Studies. Supervised research/ development.

  • ECE 7396 - Advanced Topics in Electromagnetic Waves

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Topics from the following: antenna theory, guided wave propagation, scattering theory, computer aided design, electromagnetic theory, microstrip circuits and antennas, high frequency methods, millimeter waves. May be repeated for credit.

  • ECE 7397 - Selected Topics

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ECE 7399 - Master’s Thesis

    Cr. 3 per semester.
  • ECE 8198 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-5.
    Prerequisite: Approval of advisor.

  • ECE 8298 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-5.
    Prerequisite: Approval of advisor.

  • ECE 8311 - Organized Graduate Research Discussions (also Cive, Inde, Mece)

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Doctoral standing. Group research discussions with the intent of broadening the education and background of the student by exposure to the related research activities in his/her field.

  • ECE 8398 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-5.
    Prerequisite: Approval of advisor.

  • ECE 8399 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Cr. 3; 6; 9 per semester. Cr. 1. (1-0)
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ECE 8399 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Cr. 3; 6; 9 per semester. Cr. 1. (1-0)
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ECE 8498 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-5.
    Prerequisite: Approval of advisor.

  • ECE 8598 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-5.
    Prerequisite: Approval of advisor.

  • ECE 8699 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Cr. 3; 6; 9 per semester. Cr. 1. (1-0)
    May be repeated for credit.

Educational Research

  • EDRS 8380 - Research Methods in Education

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program; EPSY 7322  or equivalent or consent of instructor. Consideration of various inquiry strategies. Attention to formulating problem statements and hypotheses, devising appropriate research designs, acquiring and summarizing data, appreciating probabilistic thinking.

  • EDRS 8381 - Research Methods in Education

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program; EPSY 7322  or equivalent or consent of instructor. Consideration of various inquiry strategies. Attention to formulating problem statements and hypotheses, devising appropriate research designs, acquiring and summarizing data, appreciating probabilistic thinking.

  • EDRS 8382 - Statistical Analyses in Education

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: EDRS 8381 . Basic descriptive and inferential statistical analyses and their application in educational research.

Educational Leadership and Cultural Studies

  • ELCS 6197 - Selected Topics in Educational Leadership and Cultural Studies

    Cr. 1-3 per semester. (1-0; 2-0; 3-0)
    Prerequisite: approval of advisor and consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • ELCS 6198 - Special Problems

    Cr. 1-5 per semester.
    Prerequisite: approval of advisor and consent of instructor. Individual study of areas in educational administration. Requirements jointly established by staff and student.

  • ELCS 6297 - Selected Topics in Educational Leadership and Cultural Studies

    Cr. 1-3 per semester. (1-0; 2-0; 3-0)
    Prerequisite: approval of advisor and consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • ELCS 6298 - Special Problems

    Cr. 1-5 per semester.
    Prerequisite: approval of advisor and consent of instructor. Individual study of areas in educational administration. Requirements jointly established by staff and student.

  • ELCS 6301 - Educational Administration: Basic Concepts

    Cr. 3 per course. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Admission to the graduate program in Educational Leadership or approval of chair. Principles and theory of administration; governance and organization; basic activities of educational management such as supervision, financial and business management, and personnel relations.

  • ELCS 6310 - Interpersonal Communications

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Admission to the graduate program in Educational Leadership or approval of chair. Development of administrative competence through laboratory experiences using the class to simulate an organization. Emphasis on interpersonal and group relations, using instrumented and clinical procedures.

  • ELCS 6320 - Instructional Supervision

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ELCS 6301  and ELCS 6302, and admission to the graduate program in Educational Leadership or approval of chair. approval of chair. Principles, applications, and problems of supervision and the leadership role.

  • ELCS 6322 - Organization & Administration of Student Support

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Comprehensive introduction to the role of college student personnel services in higher education.

  • ELCS 6330 - Finance and School-Based Budgeting

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Admission to the graduate program in Educational Leadership or approval of chair. Examines school budget development; purchasing and disbursement systems; and school accounting systems.

  • ELCS 6332 - Student Development/Student Affairs

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    The college student affairs profession is emphasized through the historical, philosophical, psychological, and sociological development of its student service functions.

  • ELCS 6336 - The Two-Year College

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Demographic and educational diversity of today’s college students coupled with an understanding of various socio-economic barriers to education and identification of those institutional practices that increase feelings of student inclusion.

  • ELCS 6340 - Student Persistence: Theories & Preventions

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    The impact of various factors on student persistence and how these factors may be used to decrease attrition rates.

  • ELCS 6350 - School Leadership

    Cr. 3 per course. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: ELCS 6301 , and admission to the graduate program in Educational Leadership or approval of chair. Organization and management of elementary and secondary school unit; second course: practice in administrative tasks.


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