Sep 27, 2024  
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]




  • MATH 6366 - Optimization and Variational Methods

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 4331 and MATH 4377, or consent of instructor. Constrained and unconstrained finite dimensional nonlinear programming, optimization and Euler-Lagrange equations, duality, and numerical methods. Optimization in Hilbert spaces and variational problems. Euler-Lagrange equations and theory of the second variation. Application to integral and differential equations.

  • MATH 6367 - Optimization and Variational Methods

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 4331 and MATH 4377, or consent of instructor. Constrained and unconstrained finite dimensional nonlinear programming, optimization and Euler-Lagrange equations, duality, and numerical methods. Optimization in Hilbert spaces and variational problems. Euler-Lagrange equations and theory of the second variation. Application to integral and differential equations.

  • MATH 6370 - Numerical Analysis

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in mathematics or consent of instructor. Ability to do computer assignments. Topics selected from numerical linear algebra, nonlinear equations and optimization, interpolation and approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.

  • MATH 6371 - Numerical Analysis

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in mathematics or consent of instructor. Ability to do computer assignments. Topics selected from numerical linear algebra, nonlinear equations and optimization, interpolation and approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations.

  • MATH 6372 - Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 3431 and MATH 4331, or consent of instructor. Single- and multistep methods for initial value problems, special methods for stiff systems, stability theory and error analysis, shooting and other methods for two-point boundary value problems.

  • MATH 6374 - Numerical Partial Differential Equations

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6371  or consent of instructor. Finite difference, finite element, collocation and spectral methods for solving linear and nonlinear elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic equations and systems with applications to specific problems.

  • MATH 6375 - Methods of Approximating Partial Differential Equations

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 4336 or consent of instructor. Theoretical error statements for finite difference and finite element methods in partial differential equations, superconvergence, local error estimates in mesh refinements, domain decompositions, and multi-level schemes for numerical solution of discretized equations.

  • MATH 6376 - Numerical Linear Algebra

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6371  or consent of instructor. Advanced techniques for the direct and iterative solution of linear systems, especially sparse systems, and for the solution of Eigen value problems.

  • MATH 6377 - Basic Tools for the Applied Mathematician

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 1431, MATH 1432, MATH 2433 and either MATH 2431 or MATH 3321 and graduate standing or consent of instructor. Finite dimensional vector spaces, linear operators, inner products, eigen values, metric spaces and norm, continuity, differentiation, intergration of continuous functions, sequences and limits, compactness, fixed point theorems, applications to initial value problems.

  • MATH 6378 - Basic Scientific Computing

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 4364 and MATH 4365 or equivalent, and either COSC 1304 or COSC 2101 or equivalents, or consent of instructor. A project-oriented course in fundamental techniques for high performance scientific computation. Hardware architecture and floating point performance, code design, data structures and storage techniques related to scientific computing, parallel programming techniques, applications to the numerical solution of problems such as algebraic systems, differential equations and optimization. Data visualization.

  • MATH 6380 - Mathematical Probability

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6320  or consent of instructor. Random variables, conditional expectation, weak and strong laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, Kolmogorov extension theorem, martingales, separable processes, and Brownian motion.

  • MATH 6381 - Mathematical Probability

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6320  or consent of instructor. Random variables, conditional expectation, weak and strong laws of large numbers, central limit theorem, Kolmogorov extension theorem, martingales, separable processes, and Brownian motion.

  • MATH 6382 - Probability Models and Mathematical Statistics

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 3334, MATH 3338 and MATH 4378, or consent of instructor. A survey of probability theory, probability models, and statistical inference. Includes basic probability theory, stochastic processes, parametric and nonparametric methods of statistics.

  • MATH 6383 - Probability Models and Mathematical Statistics

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 3334, MATH 3338 and MATH 4378, or consent of instructor. A survey of probability theory, probability models, and statistical inference. Includes basic probability theory, stochastic processes, parametric and nonparametric methods of statistics.

  • MATH 6384 - Discrete - Time Models in Finance

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6382  or consent of instructor. Single-period securities markets, arbitrage, risk-neutral probabilities, complete and incomplete markets, consumption investment problems, mean-variance portfolio analysis, equilibrium models, valuation of options, futures and other derivatives on equities, currencies, commodities and fixed-income securities.

  • MATH 6385 - Continuous-Time Models in Finance

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6384  or consent of instructor. Stochastic calculus, Brownian motion, change of measures, Martingale representation theorem, pricing financial derivatives whose underlying assets are equities, foreign exchanges, and fixed income securities, single-factor and multi-factor HJM models, and models involving jump diffusion and mean reversion.

  • MATH 6386 - Computational Statistics

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 4377 and MATH 3334 or consent of instructor. Common descriptive, graphical, and inferential procedures in statistics and their implementation in standard software packages, simulation, linear and generalized linear models, smoothing, classification and clustering, time series.

  • MATH 6387 - Nonparametric Statistics

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 4332 and either MATH 4386 or MATH 6383 . General theory of nonparametric statistical inference on location and scale, linear rank statistics, M-estimators, Hodges-Lehmann estimators.

  • MATH 6388 - Statistical Inference and Multivariate Analysis

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 4332 and either MATH 4386 or MATH 6383 . General theory of parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, multivariate normal distribution and associated sampling distributions and tests for mean vectors and covariance hypotheses, discriminant analysis, covariance models and time series models.

  • MATH 6389 - Statistical Inference and Multivariate Analysis

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 4332 and either MATH 4386 or MATH 6383 . General theory of parameter estimation and hypothesis testing, multivariate normal distribution and associated sampling distributions and tests for mean vectors and covariance hypotheses, discriminant analysis, covariance models and time series models.

  • MATH 6394 - Selected Topics in Algebra

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated with approval of chair.

  • MATH 6395 - Selected Topics in Analysis

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated with approval of chair.

  • MATH 6396 - Selected Topics in Topology

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated with approval of chair.

  • MATH 6397 - Selected Topics in Mathematics

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated with approval of chair.

  • MATH 6398 - Special Problems

    Cr. 1-5 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 6399 - Master’s Thesis

    Cr. 3 per semester.
  • MATH 6498 - Special Problems

    Cr. 1-5 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 6598 - Special Problems

    Cr. 1-5 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 7304 - Theory of Groups

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Sylow theorems, the Remak-Krull-Schmidt theorem, solvable and nilpotent groups, free groups and free products, extensions, infinite abelian groups, and homological algebra for Z-modules.

  • MATH 7306 - Structure of Rings and Modules

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6302  or consent of instructor. Study of structure of rings and modules.

  • MATH 7307 - Structure of Rings and Modules

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6302  or consent of instructor. Study of structure of rings and modules.

  • MATH 7308 - Boolean Algebras with Applications

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor. The lattice and ring theoretic foundations of boolean algebras and Stone’s topological duality theory. Particular algebras from topology, analysis, logic, and computer science.

  • MATH 7315 - Master’s Tutorial

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be taken concurrently. Open only to those choosing the non-thesis option for the M.S. degree. Special topics selected by student and instructor to be no less demanding than writing a thesis.

  • MATH 7320 - Functional Analysis

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6320  or consent of instructor. Linear topological spaces, Banach and Hilbert spaces, duality, and spectral analysis.

  • MATH 7321 - Functional Analysis

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6320  or consent of instructor. Linear topological spaces, Banach and Hilbert spaces, duality, and spectral analysis.

  • MATH 7324 - Bifurcation Theory

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 3334, MATH 4362 and MATH 4378, or consent of instructor. Course material includes singularity theory, imperfect bifurcation, normal forms, classification by codimension, Liapunov Schmidt reduction, and Hopf bifurcation. The first semester concentrates on singularity theory in systems without symmetry and the second on systems with symmetry. Elements of representation theory, pattern formation and applications will be discussed.

  • MATH 7325 - Bifurcation Theory

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 3334, MATH 4362 and MATH 4378, or consent of instructor. Course material includes singularity theory, imperfect bifurcation, normal forms, classification by codimension, Liapunov Schmidt reduction, and Hopf bifurcation. The first semester concentrates on singularity theory in systems without symmetry and the second on systems with symmetry. Elements of representation theory, pattern formation and applications will be discussed.

  • MATH 7342 - Advanced Point Set Topology

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6343  or consent of instructor. Upper semicontinuous collections, indecomposable continua, covering theorems, and metrization problems.

  • MATH 7344 - Dimension Theory

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6343  or consent of instructor. The topological study of dimension in metric spaces.

  • MATH 7350 - Geometry of Manifolds

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 3431 and MATH 3333, or consent of instructor. Manifolds and tangent bundles, submanifolds and imbeddings, integral manifolds, triangulation of manifolds, connections and holonomy; Riemannian geometry, surface theory, Morse theory, and G-structures.

  • MATH 7351 - Geometry of Manifolds

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 3431 and MATH 3333, or consent of instructor. Manifolds and tangent bundles, submanifolds and imbeddings, integral manifolds, triangulation of manifolds, connections and holonomy; Riemannian geometry, surface theory, Morse theory, and G-structures.

  • MATH 7374 - Finite Element Methods

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6326 ; MATH 6327  or consent of the instructor. Introduction to variational formulations of boundary value operators, construction of finite element spaces, existence and convergence of finite element solutions, mixed and hybrid finite element methods, algebraic formulation of finite element equations, iterative methods for large scale finite element systems, applications in fluid mechanics and electromagnetics.

  • MATH 7375 - Finite Element Methods

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6326 ; MATH 6327  or consent of the instructor. Introduction to variational formulations of boundary value operators, construction of finite element spaces, existence and convergence of finite element solutions, mixed and hybrid finite element methods, algebraic formulation of finite element equations, iterative methods for large scale finite element systems, applications in fluid mechanics and electromagnetics.

  • MATH 7380 - Stochastic Differential Equations

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MATH 6380  or MATH 6382  or consent of instructor. Brownian motion and its properties, martingales, the Ito integral, solutions of stochastic differential equations, numerical schemes, diffusion processes. Applications to mathematical finance (arbitrage and option pricing) and connections to PDE’s.

  • MATH 7394 - Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated with approval of chair.

  • MATH 7396 - Selected Topics in Numerical Analysis

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated with approval of chair.

  • MATH 7397 - Selected Topics in Probability

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated with approval of chair.

  • MATH 7399 - Master’s Thesis

    Cr. 3 per semester.
  • MATH 8198 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-6 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 8298 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-6 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 8398 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-6 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 8399 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Cr. 3, 6, or 9 per semester.
  • MATH 8498 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-6 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 8598 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-6 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 8698 - Doctoral Research

    Cr. 1-6 per semester.
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor and approval of chair.

  • MATH 8699 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Cr. 3, 6, or 9 per semester.
  • MATH 8999 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Cr. 3, 6, or 9 per semester.


  • MANA 6332 - Organizational Behavior and Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Introduction to organizational analysis; problems of leadership, motivation, group dynamics, and organizational change and development; organizations as open systems.

  • MANA 6383 - Strategic Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and completion of all modular M.B.A. core requirements. A capstone course covering strategy formulation and implementation in domestic and international organizations and emphasizing the integration of decisions in the functional areas.

  • MANA 6385 - Industry Structure and Competitive Strategies

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and completion of all modular M.B.A. core requirements. Strategies for competing in various types of industry structures involving an analysis of industry evolution, competitor profiles, substitutes, supplier/buyer positions, and industry entry/exit barriers.

  • MANA 6386 - Management Simulation and Executive Decisions

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of dean. Application of functional, quantitative, and behavioral concepts through participation in a complex management simulation that reproduces the condition, environment, and reaction of firms operating within a competitive market. The class is divided into teams representing companies that compete against one another. Teams also interact with investment bankers, union leaders, and government officials.

  • MANA 6388 - Strategic Choice Analysis

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and completion of all M.B.A. core requirements except MANA 6383 . Study of strategies for corporate expansion and repositioning, such as mergers, acquisitions, new ventures, international efforts, and vertical integration.

  • MANA 6389 - Integration of Administration Methods and Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of dean. Examines top management strategy with respect to planning and policy formulation by integrating prerequisite materials through the use of comprehensive case studies of organizations.

  • MANA 6398 - Special Problems

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair.

  • MANA 7330 - Legal Environment of Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Analysis of legal problems which surround managers: relations with officers, directors, government agencies, employees, customers, competitors. Study of legislation, court decisions, and regulations.

  • MANA 7331 - Seminar in Organizational Development

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . A comprehensive study of organizational development. Specific focus is on the processes of planned development at the individual, group, and organizational levels.

  • MANA 7333 - Legal Environment of Personnel

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Analysis of current legislation, court decisions, court interpretations or evaluation procedures, and trends as they apply to personnel policies.

  • MANA 7334 - Management Development and Career Planning

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. A review of practices and trends in management development career planning; career stages and changing career patterns; contemporary approaches to the quality of work life.

  • MANA 7336 - Human Resource Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . An integrated course focusing on the planning, selection, development, assessment, and compensation of human capital in organizations.

  • MANA 7337 - Stress and Work

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Examination of stress causes and management techniques, including relationship of stress to health, performance, and individual differences.

  • MANA 7338 - Organizational Power, Politics, and Culture

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Explores and differentiates between the concepts of power and politics, and examines their relationship to organizational culture.

  • MANA 7339 - Leadership Development

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Development of the skills sets needed to elicit commitment and productivity from people and groups, and the awareness of one’s own values, beliefs, problem-solving skills and behaviors.

  • MANA 7340 - Management of High Technology Organizations

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . Analysis of issues in high technology organizations, such as organization design for technological innovation, project group management, and career planning for professional employees.

  • MANA 7342 - Organization Design: Theory and Application

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . Conceptual analysis of organization design issues and their application via case studies and exercises. Topics include the design of complex organizations for effectiveness, and the differentiation and integration of subunits.

  • MANA 7343 - International Legal Environment of Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Students may not receive credit for both INTB 7343  and MANA 7343. Management impact of sovereignty, treaties, executive agreements, contracts, non-tariff trade barriers, extraterritorial anti-trust, dispute resolution. International oil and gas, air, sea, space law.

  • MANA 7344 - Employee and Labor Relations

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Examination of the labor-management relationship, including collective bargaining, arbitration, labor law, union structures, and employee health, safety and security.

  • MANA 7346 - Global Human Resource Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Role of human resource management around the world; focuses on how HRM multinational organizations differ from domestic organizations. Global pay, selection, labor relations, and HRM strategy are also examined.

  • MANA 7347 - Managerial Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332  or permission of instructor. Evaluation of alternative perspectives regarding a range of social and ethical issues confronting managers of contemporary organizations.

  • MANA 7351 - Managing Global Organizations

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . Students may not receive credit for both MANA 7351 and INTB 7351 . The study of comparative management with emphasis on the international and cultural issues in organizational behavior and management encountered by multinational operations.

  • MANA 7352 - International Management of Technology

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . Students may not receive credit for both MANA 7352 andINTB 7352 . Global management of technology issues, such as strategies and organization designs for international technology generation and transfer.

  • MANA 7353 - Regional Issues in Global Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    (also INTB 7353 )

    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Students may not receive credit for both MANA 7353 and INTB 7353  for the same topic. Economic, cultural, technological and managerial factors that may impact an organization’s strategies, practices and effectiveness. Topics may include a focus on a global region such as Latin America, Europe, or Asia. Can be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours with different topics.

  • MANA 7355 - Staffing and Performance Improvement Systems

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: MANA 7336  or approval of instructor. Examination of recruitment, selection, and placement methods in organizations, including the identification of staffing needs. Discussion of performance measurement techniques and systems for enhancing individual and organizational productivity.

  • MANA 7356 - Diversity Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Effective management in the context of changing global worker demographics to maximize organizational performance.

  • MANA 7358 - Compensation and Benefits

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Analysis of the decisions and strategies used to develop and implement compensation systems and structures, including base pay, incentive programs, and pecuniary and non-pecuniary benefits.

  • MANA 7361 - Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Credit for both MANA 7361 and ENTR 7338  cannot be applied toward a degree. The study of environmental, organizational, and individual factors and their relationship with entrepreneurship, value creation, innovation, corporate venturing, and new venture management.

  • MANA 7362 - Leading Change

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Examines the leader’s role in implementing and sustaining change at three levels: individual, group, and organization. Change strategies, diagnostic tools and techniques, resistance to change, and effective implementation are discussed.

  • MANA 7363 - Managing Innovation and Creativity

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . Developing, managing and focusing innovative and creative activities within the business context; opportunity recognition and evaluation; and how to develop new business concepts for implementation.

  • MANA 7365 - New Venture Resources

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . The operational, organizational and resource issues of starting a new venture: start-up and growth planning; assessing resource requirements; developing a resource plan; negotiations with venture capitalists, suppliers, and other resource providers.

  • MANA 7366 - Organization and Policy Formulation for Multinational Operations

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and completion of all other M.B.A. core requirements except MANA 6383 . Students may substitute MANA 7366 for MANA 6383 . Students can receive credit toward the degree for only one of the following courses: MANA 6383 , MANA 7366, or INTB 7366 . Factors and problems concerning the establishment of policies and organizational structures for coordination and conduct of operations on a global basis.

  • MANA 7380 - Implementation of Strategies

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and completion of MANA 6383 . Advanced study of the implementation of strategies. Emphasis will be given to the design and integration of (a) organizational processes, and (b) operating, information, and control systems for implementing strategies.

  • MANA 7390 - Virtual Teams I

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . Corequisite:
    Virual Teams I must be taken simultaneously with Virtual Teams II. Project and team-based work in a virtual environment emphasizing web-based teams and management.

  • MANA 7391 - Virtual Teams II

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and MANA 6332 . Corequisite:
    Virual Teams II must be taken simultaneously with Virtual Teams I. The impact of technological choice on virtual team effectiveness.

  • MANA 7392 - Global Leadership

    Cr. 3. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Examines the roles of global leaders, the competencies they need to develop, the challenges they face, and the personal and organizational aspects of becoming a global leader.

  • MANA 7397 - Selected Topics in Management

    Cr. 3 per semester. (3-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair or program director. May be repeated when topics vary.

  • MANA 8190 - Professional Issues

    Cr. 1 (1-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of instructor. Discussion of professional and ethical issues important to students in Management and related fields. May be repeated as topics vary.

  • MANA 8198 - Special Problems

    Cr. 1-3 per semester, or more by concurrent enrollment.
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair.

  • MANA 8231 - Seminar in Management I

    Cr. 2. (2-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of instructor. Introduction to the major theories and research in Management.

  • MANA 8232 - Seminar in Management II

    Cr. 2. (2-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of instructor. Advanced study of major theories and research in Management.

  • MANA 8233 - Seminar in Management III

    Cr. 2. (2-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of instructor. Advanced study of major theories and research in Management.

  • MANA 8241 - Research Methods in Management I

    Cr. 2. (2-0)
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of instructor. Introduction to basic research methods and descriptive statistics used in management research.


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