Aug 31, 2024  
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Non-Academic Policies: College of Optometry

Colleges  > College of Optometry  > Non-Academic Policies: College of Optometry


Rules of Conduct
Attire and Personal Hygiene
I.D. Cards
Leave of Absence
Non-Academic Disciplinary Action
Providing Information
Right to Privacy

Rules of Conduct

Except for the following rules of conduct and those relating to academic matters, students promulgate their own behavior codes through approved student organizations and student committees established in cooperation with the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions. The college assigns great importance to self-discipline, the ability to work effectively with others, and the ability to conduct oneself in a professional manner. A demonstration of deficiency in any of these qualities will be deemed as evidence that the student is not suited to a professional career.The faculty of the college has the authority to establish and maintain standards of ethical and personal conduct for students in the professional degree program. The dean is responsible either for enforcing all rules governing student affairs or for delegating the enforcement to others.

By accepting admission to the College of Optometry, students indicate their willingness to subscribe to and to be governed by these rules and regulations. They acknowledge the right of the college and the university to take disciplinary action, determined through regular process, either for failure to abide by such rules and regulations or for conduct determined by such process to be detrimental to the college or the university. The college reserves the right to terminate enrollment of any student at any time for what the college faculty and administration may believe to be good and sufficient reasons, such as cheating, plagiarism, misuse of university property, or unprofessional conduct. It is the responsibility of students to become familiar with the various regulations of the university and the college and to meet the conditions they impose.

Attire and Personal Hygiene

Since the treatment of patients occurs in close proximity to classrooms and laboratories, each student is expected to dress appropriately and in a professional manner. Students who are not properly attired or who have not observed adequate personal hygiene may be barred from patient areas by the faculty. Please refer to the University Eye Institute Policy Manual for clinical attire regulations.


Students have the right to appeal any action they feel is unfair or in error. The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Admissions will work closely with students to initiate the appeals procedure and to give advice. All appeals must be presented in writing to the dean. If an appeal is determined to warrant a hearing, the Academic Committee will serve as the hearing committee. Finally, the student may appeal an unfavorable decision to the senior vice president for academic affairs.


Initiations by organizations may involve no action that is either dangerous or degrading to students.

I.D. Cards

Each student is required to have in his or her possession a university identification card. Cards may be obtained by students either at the time of tuition payment or at any time afterwards at the University Center.

Leave of Absence

Occasionally, students are faced with events in their lives which interfere with their ability to complete the Doctor of Optometry program as designed. In such cases, the student may request a Leave of Absence which allows the student to leave the program for a specified period of time. A leave of absence guarantees the student the ability to return to the program, following the leave period, at a specified point in the curriculum. Leave of Absence requests should initially be presented to the Associate Dean for Professional Studies who will make recommendations to the Dean regarding the granting of the leave. If the circumstances surrounding the case are complex, or the student is not in good academic standing, the Associate Dean will refer the request to the Academic Committee for a hearing. Should a student’s request for a Leave of Absence be denied by the Associate Dean, the student may appeal the decision to the Academic Committee.

Non-Academic Disciplinary Action

Any student who engages in an act that violates existing student life policy is subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal. Moreover, students who demonstrate blatant disregard for the rights of others or who show other unprofessional conduct may be dismissed from the college.


Adequate parking spaces for students are provided in the parking lot at the rear of the optometry building. Student vehicles parked either in the patient area or in other unauthorized spaces on campus will be towed away at the student’s expense. For information on parking, refer to the general information section section of this catalog. Optometry students who park in the patient parking area will be charged with unprofessional conduct.

Providing Information

All students are responsible for keeping the college’s Office of Student Affairs and Admissions informed of their current local address, telephone number, home address, home telephone number, and where they may be reached if employed.

Right to Privacy

Privacy of student records and other personal information is protected under the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (P.S. 93-380), and by policies issued by the university. Students who have specific questions concerning government and university policies on privacy should consult the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions. Transcripts and other personal information will be released by that office only upon receiving written permission from a student or from persons authorized by law.