Sep 26, 2024  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]



Other Courses

  • ENGL 6310 - Advanced Academic Writing Workshop

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Two semesters of graduate coursework

    This course has one central purpose: to guide you in the production of a final, high quality research project of student’s choosing. To that end, we will break down the research and writing process into its component parts, working toward the goal of producing a final, cohesive draft of the MA report by the end of the semester. Reading and writing assignments in early weeks will help you articulate the central issues, questions, and problems of your MA report, allowing you to approach the entire project (to be drafted in later weeks) with a sense of awareness and control. All writing assignments-in draft, provisional , and final from-will be “workshopped” with the entire group.
    May not be repeated


  • ACCT 7A97 - Selected Topics in Accounting

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

    May be repeated when topics vary.

  • ACCT 7A98 - Research

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and approval of chair.

    Research in accounting and taxation.
    May be repeated as appropriate to degree plan.

  • ACCT 6331 - Financial Accounting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing.

    Introduction to transaction analysis, recording, preparation, and understanding of basic financial statements.
  • ACCT 7105 - MS/Accountancy Colloquium

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

    Introduction to the business environment of professional CPAs.
    May be repeated when topics vary.

  • ACCT 7330 - Advanced Accounting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 3368, ACCT 5368 or equivalent.

    Selected problems with emphasis on partnerships and business combinations.
  • ACCT 7340 - Financial Statement Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 3368, ACCT 5368, ACCT 6331 or equivalent.

    Analysis of financial statements and related disclosures for business decisions such as investing, lending, and valuation.
  • ACCT 7350 - International Financial Reporting & Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and completion or concurrent enrollment in ACCT 4330, ACCT 5330,  or equivalent.

    A comparison of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and U.S. Financial Reporting Standards, analysis of foreign firms’ financial statements, multi-national firms, foreign currency translations/transactions, and transfer pricing.
  • ACCT 7360 - Partnership Taxation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 4331, ACCT 5331 or equivalent, and completion or concurrent enrollment in ACCT 4332, ACCT 5332,  or equivalent.

    A comparative study of the tax implication of conducting a business operation as a trust, partnership, or as a Subchapter S corporation. Tax planning considerations are emphasized.
  • ACCT 7362 - Tax Research

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 4331, ACCT 5331 or equivalent, and completion or concurrent enrollment in ACCT 4332, ACCT 5332,  or equivalent.

    Business situations and appropriate alternative plans to minimize taxes, emphasizing the impact of taxes on business decisions.
  • ACCT 7363 - Contemporary Accounting Topics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 4330, ACCT 5330, ACCT 7330 or equivalent.

    Evaluation and review of current topics in accounting including SEC financial reporting requirements.
  • ACCT 7365 - Accounting Theory

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 3368 or equivalent.

    Critical evaluation of theory structure in accounting.
  • ACCT 7367 - Advanced Internal Auditing

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing, approval of department chair, ACCT 4335, ACCT 5335 or equivalent,  , and ACCT 4375,  ,  ,  or equivalent.

    Critical evaluation of internal auditing methods and operational audits.
  • ACCT 7370 - Advanced Financial Statement Auditing

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly/Same as: ACCT 7370 - Advanced Auditing.
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 4335, ACCT 5335 or equivalent.

    Current issues in financial statement auditing with an emphasis on the practical application of authoritative auditing standards.
  • ACCT 7372 - Multijurisdictional Taxation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly/Same as: ACCT 7372 - International Taxation.
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 4331, ACCT 5331 or equivalent. Pre or co-requisite:  ACCT 4332, ACCT 5332,  or equivalent.

    Comparative study of state, local, and international tax systems.
  • ACCT 7375 - Corporate Taxation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing, approval of department chair, ACCT 4335, ACCT 5335 or equivalent,  , and ACCT 4375,  ,  ,  or equivalent.

    Corporate formations, nonliquidating distributions, stock redemptions, liquidating distributions, and an introduction to the taxation of partnerships, LLCs, and S corporations.
  • ACCT 7378 - Government and Non-Profit Accounting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 3367, ACCT 5367,  or equivalent.

    Accounting for municipalities, health service organizations, hospitals, and other nonprofit entities.
  • ACCT 7380 - Advanced Corporate Taxation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and ACCT 7375  or its equivalent.

    Corporate reorganizations and consolidated corporate tax returns.
  • ACCT 7382 - Governance, Risk and Compliance

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 4335, ACCT 5335 or equivalent.

    Study of an organization’s hierarchical approach to identifying and managing business risk while complying with applicable regulatory, legal and contractual requirements.
  • ACCT 7385 - Fraud Examination

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and ACCT 4335, or ACCT 5335 or equivalent.

    An examination of fraud, including asset misappropriation, corruption and fraudulent financial statements, the causes and symptoms of fraud, and the implementation of adequate internal controls to deter fraudulent activity.
  • ACCT 7396 - Accounting Internship

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing, enrollment for at least one semester in the MS/Accountancy program, and prior written approval of the chair or program director.

    Enhancement of concepts and techniques learned in the classroom through work experience directly related to the auditing or accounting profession. (Internship credit is limited to three credit hours and requires employer evaluation.)
  • ACCT 7397 - Selected Topics in Accounting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair or program director.

    May be repeated when topics vary.

  • ACCT 7398 - Research

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair.

    Research in accounting and taxation.
    May be repeated as appropriate to degree plan.

  • ACCT 8199 - Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • ACCT 8331 - Research Paradigms in Accounting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair. Available only to those enrolled in the Ph.D. program.

    A doctoral Seminar with three objectives: to familiarize first year doctoral students with various paradigms in accounting research, providing students with an overview of the state of research in each field of interest to our faculty, and the important research questions being actively pursued in these fields; to offer our faculty the opportunity to inform the students of their own specific research interests and describe the projects on which they are currently working; and to assist students in the selection of an area in which to undertake a summer research project jointly with a faculty member.
  • ACCT 8332 - Archival-Based Research Method

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair. Available only to those enrolled in the Ph.D. program.

    Provides a programming introduction for doctoral students in finance and accounting using an application-oriented approach to use of SAS in analyzing accounting and finance research questions. By working through the required papers and performing complete or partial replications of the empirical papers, students assemble a toolkit of programming skills usable in developing solutions to other, more complex empirical problems.
  • ACCT 8333 - Capital Market Research

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair. Available only to those enrolled in the Ph.D. program.

    Overview of research literature on financial accounting research, emphasizing an evaluation of the relationship between accounting information and firm valuation from both the theoretical and empirical perspectives.
  • ACCT 8334 - Experimental Design in Accting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair. Available only to those enrolled in the Ph.D. program.

    Examination of experimental and quasi-experimental research designs and methods, as applied to contemporary accounting topics.
  • ACCT 8335 - Predissertation Research

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair. Available only to those enrolled in the Ph.D. program.

  • ACCT 8395 - Teaching Practicum

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of instructor.

    Supervised practice in teaching of accounting.
  • ACCT 8396 - Research Practicum

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of instructor.

  • ACCT 8397 - Selected Topics in Accounting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair.

    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • ACCT 8398 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair.

  • ACCT 8399 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing.

  • ACCT 8699 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 6.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing.

  • ACCT 8999 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 9.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing.

African American Studies

  • AAS 6300 - Africana Study Theory & Method

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Cross-Listed As: AAS 6307 - Seminar On Mlk Jr. & Malcolm X  

    The course explores critical issues in research theory and methods in Africana Studies, including issues in research designs and tools of analysis.
  • AAS 6307 - Seminar On Mlk Jr. & Malcolm X

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    The course is a critical study and analysis of the major ideas and doctrines that formed the conceptual frameworks of these two men.  It engages explorations of cultural pluralism, self-determination, Pan Africanism, satyagraha, nonviolence, civil disobedience, reform, and revolution.
  • AAS 6308 - Africana Religion & Biography

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    The course examines Africana religion in the United States, interrogating Christian, Islamic, Hebrew, and traditional African forms by means that include biographies and autobiographies of representative and influential figures.


  • ANTH 6198 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 1
  • ANTH 6199 - Thesis

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • ANTH 6298 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 2
  • ANTH 6300 - Foundations of Anthropological Theory

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing.

    Investigates Anthropological theory that underpins all Anthropology, plus Archaeology, Socioculture, and Biological Anthropology through readings and class presentations.
  • ANTH 6301 - Language and Culture

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Anthropology.

    Examination of language as a key to the world view of people; theoretical and methodological issues will also be discussed.
  • ANTH 6310 - Anthropological Resrch Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology or consent of instructor.

    Discussion of research, design, statement of problems, literature search and proper methods of implementing anthropological research.
  • ANTH 6311 - Recent Sociocultural Theory

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ANTH 6300 .

    Seminar in recent theory in Sociocultural Anthropology, covering post-structural, postmodern, and other new developments.
  • ANTH 6312 - Proseminar-Physical Ant

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ANTH 2301 or equivalent.

    Survey of current research trends in physical anthropology.
  • ANTH 6313 - Sem Archaeo Mthds/Thry

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ANTH 2303 or equivalent.

    Survey of recent trends in methods and theoretical orientations in American archaeology.
  • ANTH 6315 - Sem-Ethnographic Anlys

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ANTH 6310 and ANTH 6311 or equivalents.

    A critical evaluation of major ethnographic works in terms of methodology, logic of argument, empirical evidence, and justification of conclusions.
  • ANTH 6317 - Anthropology and Gender

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology or consent of instructor.

    Cross-cultural analysis of gender roles from theoretical and ethnographic perspectives.
  • ANTH 6318 - Sem in Historical Archaeology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology or consent of instructor.

    Survey of methods and theories in historic site archaeology.
  • ANTH 6319 - African Myth, Cosmlgy & Symbol

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Analysis of several societies from theoretical and ethnographic perspectives.
  • ANTH 6320 - Seminar in Citizenship and Political Culture

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing in Anthropology.

    Interdisciplinary seminar comparatively examines the history and contemporary significance of citizenship in relation to the political economy of culture through a range of empirical case studies and theoretical formulations.
  • ANTH 6322 - Seminar in Medical Anth

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology or consent of instructor.

    Interrelationship and influence of biology, culture, and nature on disease patterns and the role of adaptation in disease processes.
  • ANTH 6325 - Computer-based Data Analysis in Anthropology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 1
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

    Study of computer-based data analysis for both quantitative and qualitative anthropological research.
  • ANTH 6326 - Cultural Construction of HIV

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology or consent of instructor.

    History of the disease and its epidemiology, the development of theories concerning its etiology, public health issues and the cultural, social, and psychological dimensions of AIDS.
  • ANTH 6330 - Applied Anthropology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Overview of the development of theory and methodology in applied anthropology.
  • ANTH 6337 - Anthropology of the Life Cycle and Aging

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    In cross-cultural and historical perspective, this course explores the meaning of growing “older” in different cultures and societies.
  • ANTH 6340 - Anthropology and Literature

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

    Applying cultural critiques to works of classic literature by reading them as ethnographic texts.
  • ANTH 6341 - Cultural Ecology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    Exploration of the relationship of human cultural behavior to the natural environment, with both ethnographic and archaeological samples.
  • ANTH 6342 - Food and Culture

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    The relationship of food to humans through its biological, social, economic, political, and symbolic roles.
  • ANTH 6343 - Anthropology of Wine

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    Investigation of the biological, social, economic, political, and symbolic roles that wine has in human cultures since the first use of wine.
  • ANTH 6351 - Human Osteology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in Anthropology.

    Detailed study of the human skeleton and its uses in anthropological research.
  • ANTH 6372 - Mayan Archaeology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    Evolution of prehistoric Mayan culture and the archaeological methods used to obtain and interpret the data.
  • ANTH 6373 - Aztec Archaeology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    The antecedents and the evolution of the Aztecs and the archaeological methods used to obtain and interpret the data.
  • ANTH 6375 - Southeastern U.S. Archaeology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    Exploration of the prehistoric and protohistoric (European Contact) period archaeology of the southeastern United States.
  • ANTH 6376 - Texas Archaeology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    Survey of the aboriginal archaeology of Texas, ranging from European Contact to the earliest known groups.
  • ANTH 6377 - Archaeology of the African Diaspora

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    The development of African American culture in North America and the Caribbean from the late 16th to through early 20th centuries.
  • ANTH 6379 - Archaeology of the Southwestern U.S.

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology.

    Prehistoric archaeology of the southwestern United States from earliest times up to the Mission period.
  • ANTH 6380 - Field Methods

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in anthropology or consent of instructor.

    Overview of methods for cultural/applied studies.
  • ANTH 6382 - Archaeology Lab Methods

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

    Presentation of techniques of classification, taxonomy, functional analysis, processing, and curation of artifacts recovered from archaeological sites.
  • ANTH 6383 - Applied Archaeology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing in Anthropology.

    Methods and legal regulations as they apply to salvage and excavations on public lands.
  • ANTH 6390 - Archaeological Field Work I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Approval of field work director.
    May be taken concurrently with ARCH 6325 .

    Archaeological field work for M.A. thesis.
  • ANTH 6391 - Ethnographic Field Work I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of field work director.

    Corequisite: May be taken concurrently with ANTH 7391 .

    Archaeological field work for M.A. thesis.
  • ANTH 6392 - Research Practicum I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Formerly/Same as: ANTH 6392 - Practicum in Applied Anthropology.
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Individual practicum on research problem.
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ANTH 6393 - Internship in Applied Anthropology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Formerly/Same as: ANTH 6393 - Practicum in Applied Anthropology.
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Individual internship for applied anthropological project.
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ANTH 6395 - Selected Topics in Ant

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ANTH 6398 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 3
  • ANTH 6399 - Masters Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • ANTH 6692 - Research Practicum

    Credit Hours: 6.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 6
    Formerly/Same as: ANTH 6392 - Practicum in Applied Anthropology.
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Individual practicum on research problem.
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ANTH 6693 - Internship in Applied Anthropology

    Credit Hours: 6.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 6
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    Individual internship for applied anthropological project.
    May be repeated for credit.

  • ANTH 7199 - Thesis

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • ANTH 7390 - Archaeological Field Work II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • ANTH 7391 - Ethnographic Field Work II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • ANTH 7399 - Masters Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0


  • ARCH 6A20 - Environmental Technology 1

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6600 and ARCH 6A22 .

    Fundamentals of environments including active and passive thermal systems, as well as electrical, plumbing, fire safety, and egress.
  • ARCH 6A21 - Environmental Technology 2

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ARCH 6A20 and concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6601 and ARCH 6A23 .

    Fundamentals of environmental building systems including daylighting, electrical lighting, room acoustics and noise control.
  • ARCH 6A22 - Construction Technology I

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Concurrent Enrollment in ARCH 6600 and ARCH 6A20 .

    Fundamentals of structures including statics, mechanics and strength of materials.
  • ARCH 6A23 - Construction Technology 2

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ARCH 6A22 and concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6601 and ARCH 6A21 .

    Fundamentals of structures including wood, steel, concrete, and composite systems.Structural elements.
  • ARCH 6A48 - Environmental Technology 3

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ARCH 6A21 and concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6603 and ARCH 6A50 .

    Numerical design of environmental systems in buildings including systems selection, configuration,
  • ARCH 6A49 - Environmental Technology 4

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ARCH 6A48 and concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6604 and ARCH 6A51 .

    Digital and analog modeling of technical systems at the level of complete buildings, including structure, energy, thermal systems, daylighting, and electrical lighting, utilizing computer simulation and scale model investigations. Building skins and envelopes.
  • ARCH 6A50 - Construction Technology 3

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ARCH 6A23 and concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6603 and ARCH 6A48 .

    Numerical design of structural systems in buildings including systems selection, configuration, guideline sizing ratios, schematic planning, basic sizing calculations, and digital calculation tools at building component design scale.
  • ARCH 6A51 - Construction Technology 4

    Credit Hours: 1.5
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ARCH 6A50 and concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6604 and ARCH 6A49 .

    Digital and analog modeling of technical systems at the level of complete buildings, including
  • ARCH 6130 - Topic in Computer Aided Design

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Topics in computer aided design.
  • ARCH 6198 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

  • ARCH 6301 - Introduction to Architecture I: Design and Communication

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1   Lab Contact Hours: 6
    Formerly/Same as: ARCH 6301 Architectural Communication I
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in architecture or consent of Director of Graduate Program.

    Introduces students without an architecture background to the theory and practice of architecture emphasizing the interrelationship of design and communication, including manual and digital methods of architectural representation.
  • ARCH 6302 - Introduction to Architecture II: Society and the Profession

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1   Lab Contact Hours: 6
    Formerly/Same as: ARCH 6302 Architectural Communication II
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in architecture or consent of Director of Graduate Program.

    Introduction to the theory and practice of architecture emphasizing the intersection of the design profession and society, including issues of context, human behavior, cultural and ecological diversity, and ethics.
  • ARCH 6320 - Technology I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6600 .

    Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in ARCH 6600 .

    Fundamentals of structures including statics, mechanic and strength of materials. Fundamentals of environments including active and passive thermal systems, as well as electrical, plumbing, fire safety and egress.
  • ARCH 6321 - Technology 2

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly/Same as: ARCH 6321 Design of Construction Details; ARCH 6346 Technology 2
    Prerequisite: ARCH 6320 and concurrent enrollment in 6601.

    Corequisite: ARCH 6601  

    Fundamentals of structures including wood, steel, concrete and composite systems. Fundamentals of environmental building systems including day lighting, electrical lighting, room acoustics and noise control.
  • ARCH 6324 - High Rise Structures

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ARCH 6327 or equivalent.

    Structural design concepts and systems for tall buildings.

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