Sep 26, 2024  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]



Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

  • GEOL 6198 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6199 - Master’s Thesis

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6298 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6299 - Master’s Thesis

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6320 - Advanced Physical Geology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Fundamental concepts of geology for students entering graduate program without a traditional geoscience background.
  • GEOL 6321 - Aerosols and Climate

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3378 and either MATH 3321 or MATH 3331.

    Principles of primary and secondary sources of aerosols, nucleation, secondary organic aerosols, size distribution, chemical composition, cloud condensation nuclei, and microphysical properties.  Climatic implications due to aerosol type, size, and microphysical properties.  Credit may not be applied for both GEOL 4340 and GEOL 6327 .
  • GEOL 6322 - Giant Oil and Gas Fields of the World

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    the construction and interpretation of geodatabases for a large number of giant oil and gas field clusters worldwide, using a variety of software packages.
  • GEOL 6323 - Geoscience Applications of GPS & LIDAR

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in MSM or Engineering.

    Fundamental issues, hardware, software, and geosciences applications of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR); understanding errors in GPS and LIDAR measurements. Credit may not be applied for both GEOL 4332 & 6323.
  • GEOL 6324 - Satellite Positioning & Geodesy

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in NSM or Engineering.

    Theory of satellite-based positioning technologies, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), geodetic datum definition and coordinate systems, error modeling and data processing strategies.
  • GEOL 6325 - Remote Sensing

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Principles of remote sensing, data collection, digital image processing, and applications in geologic, environmental, and land use studies with emphasis on photographic, airborne/satellite, thermal, and active systems.
  • GEOL 6327 - Atmospheric Radiation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3378 and PHYS 1332, or consent of instructor.

    The basic physics of absorption and scattering by molecules, aerosols, and clouds, theory of radiative transfer, solar insolation, thermal emission, heating rates, and applications to climate and remote sensing.
  • GEOL 6328 - Atmospheric Data Analysis and Statistics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 and either GEOL 1350 or GEOL 3378.

    Physical and mathematical basis of atmopsheric data analysis.  Topics include basic concepts of statistics, regression, filtering, and principal component analysis, etc.
  • GEOL 6329 - Atm Instrument & Measurement

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 or consent of instructor.

    Operations of atmospheric chemistry and meteorological instruments, including instrument calibration, performance characteristics, and evaluation and interpretation of data quality.
  • GEOL 6330 - Dynamic Meteorology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 and PHYS 1322, or consent of instructor.

    Study of atmospheric motions and thermodynamics as solutions of the fundamental equations appropriate to mesoscale and synoptic weather phenomena.
  • GEOL 6331 - Seismic Data Processing

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Detailed use of seismic exploration tools and routines in a variety of real scenarios, both two- and three-dimensional, involving land and shallow- and deep-water marine data.
  • GEOL 6332 - Air Pollution Meteorology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Meteorological factors influencing air quality. Atmospheric dispersion and characteristics, land use and topographic effect, local circulations, effects of cloud and precipitation, long range transport, exchange between troposphere and stratosphere.
  • GEOL 6333 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 or consent of instructor.

    Basic concepts of geofluid dynamic equations, fluid kinematics, principles of irrotational and rotating fluid motion, compressible and incompressible flow, boundary-layer theory, Boussinesq assumptions, hydrodynamic instability, perturbation dynamics, Rayleigh instability theorem, thermal convection, linear and nonlinear theories, Benard cells, and dynamic similitudes in geofluid systems such as atmosphere and ocean.
  • GEOL 6334 - Atmospheric Chemistry

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 and CHEM 1332, or consent of instructor.

    Emission sources and chemical transformations of urban, regional, and global scale air pollution including ozone, particulates, and acids deposition.
  • GEOL 6335 - Atmospheric Numerical Modeling

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 or consent of instructor.

    Numeric modeling techniques used in atmospheric sciences including synoptic and mesoscale numerical weather forecasting, global climate modeling, and air pollution modeling.
  • GEOL 6336 - Boundary Layers and Turbulence

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 or consent of instructor.

    Boundary layer mean and turbulent motions, convective and stable boundary layers, boundary layer scaling and similarity theory, turbulence closures, and boundary layer modeling.
  • GEOL 6337 - Atmospheric Physics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 or consent of instructor.

    Physical principles in atmospheric sciences, including thermodynamics, radiative transfer, cloud physics and wave dynamics.
  • GEOL 6338 - Paleoclimate and Global Change

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Natural and anthropogenic global climate change, paleoclimates and paleogeography, evolution of the atmosphere, greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, ocean-atmosphere coupling, solar activity, Milankovitch cycles, effects of global change on agriculture, water resources and energy use.
  • GEOL 6339 - Igneous Petrology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3371 and GEOL 3335 or consent of instructor.

    Integration of geochemical, geological, and petrographic data in the interpretation of the origin of igneous rocks.
  • GEOL 6340 - Metamorphic Petrology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3370, GEOL 3372, and GEOL 3373, or consent of instructor.

    Mineral reactions, and textural changes in response to dynamothermal processes and applications of geothermobarometry and petrochonology to rocks from a variety of tectonic environments.
    Repeated for credit.

  • GEOL 6341 - Geochemistry

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3370 and CHEM 1331,1332 or consent of instructor.

    Principles of geochemistry, mineral-water stability relationships, isotope geochemistry, phase equilibria, and trace elements in igneous rocks.
  • GEOL 6342 - Earth Physics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    The purpose of this course is to bring the fundamental knowledge in the Solid Earth geophysics to the attention of graduate and PHD students in geology and geophysics.
  • GEOL 6343 - Organic Geochemistry

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: CHEM 1332 or equivalent.

    Basic concepts of organic compounds and reactions in geological processes in sedimentary basins, and principles of selected analytical techniques.
  • GEOL 6345 - Hydrochemistry

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 1330 and GEOL 6341 or CHEM 4370 or CHEM 4373, and graduate standing in Natural Sciences and Mathematics or Engineering, or consent of instructor.

    Application of thermodynamic principles to predict reactions in fluid-rock systems under low- and high-temperature and pressure conditions.
  • GEOL 6346 - Geochemistry of Water-Rock Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: CHEM 1332, GEOL 3370, or consent of instructor.

    Processes controlling mineral alteration and chemical transport at low and high temperatures; aqueous geochemistry, chemical thermodynamics, and methods of calculating water-rock interactions and chemical-mass transfer.
  • GEOL 6347 - Sandstone Petrography

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: BEOL 3372 and GEOL 3374 or consent of instructor

    Interpretation of provenance, depositional environment, and diagenesis of sanDissertationones by petrographic analysis.
    May be repeated for credit.

  • GEOL 6348 - Carbonate Petrography

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3372 and 3374 or consent of instructor.

    Discussion and petrographic and hand-specimen analyses of the origin and diagenesis of carbonate strata and their depositional environments.
  • GEOL 6349 - Geodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Earth’s layers (core, mantle, crust) and their interactions; mantle convection; lithosphere deformation and rheology; heat; magmatism; continental rifted margins; seafloor spreading; subduction.
  • GEOL 6350 - Advanced Structural Geology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3145, GEOL 3345, and MATH 2433.

    For geology majors. Analysis of geologic structures using surface and subsurface data.
  • GEOL 6351 - Basin Modeling

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Fundamental concepts and computer modeling of the formation and development of sedimentary basins on lithosphere and basin scale.
  • GEOL 6352 - Microtectonics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3345 and GEOL 3373.

    Rock and mineral deformation in the interpretation of microstructural and petrofabric data in relation to kinematics and rheology.
  • GEOL 6358 - Terrigenous Depositional Systm

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 4358, or consent of instructor.

    Modern terrigenous depositional systems as a basis for the interpretation of ancient terrigenous sedimentary rocks. Field trip(s) may be required, cost to be defrayed by student.
  • GEOL 6360 - Rivers and Deltas

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3150, GEOL 3350, and GEOL 6358 , or consent of instructor.

    Modern processes and translation into ancient counterparts of river and delta deposits.
  • GEOL 6363 - Carbonate Sedimentalogy

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Field trip(s) required; cost to be defrayed by student. Discussion of the origins and criteria of recognition of carbonate accumulations from different depositional environments.
    Course can be repeated for credit.

  • GEOL 6364 - Mesoscale Meteorology Forecast

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 2433; PHYS 1322, GEOL 3342 or equivalent.

    his course explores the physical nature of mesoscale atmospheric phenomena and their consequences: boundary layer mesoscale phenomena; orographic phenomena, deep convection; and the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) and its plotting packages.
  • GEOL 6366 - Hydrogeology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: CHEM 1332, MATH 1432, GEOL 1330, and PHYS 1312, graduate standing in Natural Sciences and Mathematics or Engineering, or consent of instructor.

    Field trips may be required; cost to be defrayed by student. Interdisciplinary study of groundwater, emphasizing the geologic aspects of groundwater flow and chemistry.
  • GEOL 6367 - Advanced Hydrogeology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 6366 and MATH 2433, and graduate standing in Natural Sciences and Mathematics or Engineering, or consent of instructor.

    Advanced topics in hydrologic field methods and groundwater principles for saturated and unsaturated media, contaminant transport and numerical simulation of fluid flows.
  • GEOL 6370 - Integrated Biogeochemical Studies

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363, CHEM 1332, or consent of instructor.

    Natural biochemical cycles of relevant atmospheric species; factors that regulate cycles; interactions among biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere; perturbations of biogeochemical cycles; impact on ecosystems/human health.
  • GEOL 6372 - Petroleum Geochemistry

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: CHEM 3332, or consent of instructor.

    Geological and geochemical constraints on petroleum generation and accumulation. Concepts and technology of petroleum geochemistry and their application in petroleum exploration, exploitation and production.
  • GEOL 6373 - Petroleum Systems Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

    Modern quantitative multi-disciplinary procedures for objective evaluation of petroleum potential of basins and exploration opportunities on the basis of statistical probabilities of hydrocarbon charge, reservoir, trap, and seal.
  • GEOL 6374 - Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3370, and GEOL 3373 or 3374 or consent of instructor.

    Principles of radiogenic isotope chronology and its applications in surface processes and sedimentary systems, tectonics, solid Earth and planetary sciences.
  • GEOL 6375 - Tecton Himalayan-Tibet Orogen

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or concsent of instructor.

    Geologic history of specific regions within a plate tectonic framework. Origin and evolution of sedimentary basins, development and evolution of rifts, plate boundaries and orogenic belts. Geologic regions selected will vary.
  • GEOL 6376 - Adv Tect and Sedimentation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

    Field trip may be required; cost to be defrayed by student. Examination of sedimentary rocks and sedimentary basins that form near plate boundaries.
  • GEOL 6378 - Basin Analysis for Petroleum Exploration

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3345, GEOL 3145, GEOL 3350, and GEOL 3150.

    Application of petroleum workstations for basin analysis and petroleum exploration in tectonically complex areas, including the use of 3D seismic data volumes from a known petroleum-producing area.
  • GEOL 6379 - Applied Biostratigraphy

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3350, GEOL 3330, or consent of instructor.

    Principles of biostratigrahy in the applications to solve geologic problems by integrating biostratigraphy with multiple-sourced datasets, seismic, and geochronological datasets
  • GEOL 6380 - Sequence Stratigraphy

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3350 or consent of instructor.

    Subdivision of basin fills into genetic packages, lithostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, seismostratigraphic and sedimentological bases for correlation, mapping of facies and stratigraphic prediction.
  • GEOL 6381 - Petroleum Geology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3345, and GEOL 3350, or consent of instructor.

    Credit may not be given for both GEOL 4382, and GEOL 6381 . Fundamentals of petroleum geology; source rock, reservoir, and trap studies; well log and seismic interpretation, petroleum geochemistry, and mapping.
    Note: Credit may not be applied toward a graduate degree.
  • GEOL 6382 - Plate Tectonics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3345 and GEOL 3350.

    The historical development of the plate tectonic theory and its seismological basis; kinematics of plate motion, geometry, and evolution of plate mosaics; geologic analysis of the structure and history of plate boundaries and ancient orogenic belts.
  • GEOL 6383 - Petroleum Geology of Gulf of Mexico & Latin America

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3345, GEOL 3145, GEOL 3350, and GEOL 3150.

    Provides an integrated tectonic, stratigraphic, paleogeographic, and structural framework for the region to evaluate known and frontier petroleum areas.
  • GEOL 6384 - Petroleum Prospecting Workshop

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 6390 or consent of instructor

    Interdisciplinary, team-based petroleum system analysis and prospect generation.
  • GEOL 6386 - Igneous Petrogenesis & Plate Tectonics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3372 and 3373

    Major element, trace element and radiogenic characteristics of magmas generated in different tectonic settings, processes responsible for chemical diversity of magmas, and petrogenetic models for magmatism in terms of global tectonic processes.
  • GEOL 6387 - Reservoir Geophysics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

    Reservoir characterization using geophysical methods, including time-lapse seismic and permanently-instrumented reservoirs.
  • GEOL 6388 - Intro Geographic Info Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Introduction to Geographic Information Systems used in management, analyses and graphical presentation of spatial data set.
  • GEOL 6389 - Gis for Geologists

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 6388 or consent of instructor.

    Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS, ArcInfo, Spatial Analyst, 3-D Spatial Analyst) in geology, geophysics, geohazards, hydrology, environmental geosciences, petroleum geology and geophysics.
  • GEOL 6390 - 3-D Seismic Exploration I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 4330 or equivalent.

    Interpretation of the spatial component of three-dimensional seismic data in geologic structure and tratigraphy with emphasis on hydrocarbon exploration.
  • GEOL 6392 - Migration Seismic Data

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 7333 or consent of instructor

    Covers methods for processing seismic data to obtain a picture of the subsurface in both two and three dimensions.
  • GEOL 6393 - Seismic Amplitude Interpretation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly/Same as: GEOL 6393 - Three-Dimensional Seismic Exploration I
    Prerequisite: GEOL 4330 or equivalent.

    Interpretation of the amplitude component of three-dimensional seismic data in predicting lithology and hydrocarbons.  Correlation with logs, AVO, impedance inversion and reservoir characterization.
  • GEOL 6394 - Geophysical Data Acquisition

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2   Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Formerly/Same as: GEOL 6394 - Three-Dimensional Seismic Exploration II.
    Prerequisite: GEOL 4330 or equivalent or consent of instructor.

    Instruction in geophysical survey design, instrumentation (ultrasonic, well logging, VSP, seismic, GPS, and radar), data acquisition, and various software packages.  Local field surveys will be conducted.
  • GEOL 6395 - Petroleum Seismology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Overview of seismic methods and the role they play in petroleum exploration and production. Topics include aspects of acquisition, processing, and interpretation.
  • GEOL 6396 - Graduate Seminar

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

    Current research topics in the earth and atmospheric sciences.
    May be repeated for credit as seminar topics vary.

  • GEOL 6397 - Selected Topics in Geology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.

    Current topics in geology and geophysics.
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • GEOL 6398 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Note: Independent Study
  • GEOL 6399 - Masters Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6499 - Master’s Thesis

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6598 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 5.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6599 - Master’s Thesis

    Credit Hours: 5.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6698 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 6.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6699 - Master’s Thesis

    Credit Hours: 6.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6798 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 7.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 6998 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 9.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 7199 - Master Thesis

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 7320 - Seismic Velocity

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 7333 or consent of instructor

    Factors governing seismic velocities in Earth materials, velocity model building using seismic and wellbore data via modeling, Seminarblance, seismic migration and tomographic inversion with applications in exploration and solid Earth geophysics.
  • GEOL 7321 - Multicomponent Seismic Exploration

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 7333 and GEOL 7341 , or consent of instructor.

    Multicomponent (3C and 4C) acquisition techniques, elastic-wave signals analysis and processing (with emphasis on converted waves), and interpretation of PS with PP data using logs and VSP.
  • GEOL 7322 - Seismic Inversn:Currnt Concpts

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 7332 or GEOL 7333 , or consent of instructor.

    Applied mathematical concepts and geophysical applications of two and three dimensional inversion of seismic data, emphasizing its applications in hydrocarbon.
  • GEOL 7323 - Borehole Geophysics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Links borehole data to surface geophysical data. Rock physics, petrophysics, borehole seismics including VSP, borehole gravity and electromagnetics, well-logging methods.
  • GEOL 7324 - Rock Physics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

    Study of lithological, compositional, textural, and pore space properties of sediment and sedimentary rocks using laboratory and field measurements, empirical relations, and theoretical models.
  • GEOL 7325 - Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and consent of instructor.

    Description of rock and fluid properties and evaluation of petroleum-bearing formations, using coring and core analysis, rock catalogs, mud logging, and drill stem and wireline formation testing.
  • GEOL 7326 - Microseismic Theory & Methods

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing in Geophysics or Consent of lnstructor.

    Microseismics: physical-mathematical foundations, aspects of vector and tensor algebra, Green-Christoffell and static Green’s tensor calculations; oil and gas industry technology applied in exploration and production.
  • GEOL 7327 - Principles of Marine Geophysics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: GEOL 3345, 4330 and Graduate Standing in Geophysics, or consent of instructor.

    Theory of exploration geophysics in the marine environment; navigation, seafloor imaging; theory and techniques of marine seismic reflection and refraction, gravity, magnetics, heat flow; interpretation of marine geophysical data.
  • GEOL 7330 - Potntl Fld Mtds-Geophys

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 or consent of instructor.

    Theory of gravitational and magnetic fields; gravity and magnetic instruments and field procedures; reduction and quantitative interpretation of gravity and magnetic data.
  • GEOL 7333 - Seismic Wave & Ray Theory

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3321 or consent of instructor.

    Fundamental concepts and foundations of wave and ray theory with implications for the processing of seismic data.
  • GEOL 7335 - Geophysics of Porous Media

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3321 or consent of instructor.

    Basic concepts of Gassman and Biot type of media; Terzagi equation and pore pressure analysis; concepts of absolute and relative permeability; wave propagation and frequency dependency in media with isolated and connected porosity.
  • GEOL 7341 - Geophysical Data Processing

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363 or consent of instructor.

    Principles and methods in processing of geophysical data in discrete form, including sampling theory, spectral analysis, resolution, filtering and deconvolution, plus introduction to seismic imaging, velocity analysis, data fitting and inversion.
  • GEOL 7399 - Masters Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 8198 - Doctoral Research

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 8199 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: admission to candidacy as a doctoral student.

    Doctoral dissertation work in progress.
  • GEOL 8298 - Doctoral Research

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 8299 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: admission to candidacy as a doctoral student.

    Doctoral dissertation work in progress.
  • GEOL 8398 - Doctoral Research

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 8399 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: admission to candidacy as a doctoral student.

    Doctoral dissertation work in progress.
  • GEOL 8498 - Doctoral Research

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 8499 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: admission to candidacy as a doctoral student.

    Doctoral dissertation work in progress.
  • GEOL 8599 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 5.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: admission to candidacy as a doctoral student.

    Doctoral dissertation work in progress.
  • GEOL 8698 - Doctoral Research

    Credit Hours: 6.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
  • GEOL 8699 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 6.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: admission to candidacy as a doctoral student.

    Doctoral dissertation work in progress.
  • GEOL 8898 - Doctoral Research

    Credit Hours: 8.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0   Lab Contact Hours: 0

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