Aug 31, 2024  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]


Policies  > Withdrawal



The phrase ‘withdrawal’ applies to the dropping of all courses for which students are registered at the University of Houston. Withdrawal may be initiated by a student after consultation with the departmental graduate advisor.

Student Initiated Withdrawal

In addition to following the procedure for dropping a course, students must return all library books and laboratory equipment and have their UH record clear in every respect. Students who wish to withdraw must submit their request by following the process outlined on the Academic Forms website: All students must notify their academic unit of their intention to withdraw from all classes.

Students whose enrollment in a course is terminated on or before the last day to drop or withdraw without receiving a grade (a date listed in the academic calendar and in the class schedule) will not have courses appear on permanent records, and grades will not be assigned. When terminations are made after this date, the message and date of withdrawal will appear, grades of W (withdrawal, either passing or with no evaluative data available at the time of drop) or F (withdrawal, failing) will be assigned by the instructor at the close of the semester, and the courses and grades will appear on the permanent records.

Students are responsible for initiating action to drop or withdraw from classes on or before the last day to drop a course. Students who fail to do so will be retained on the class rolls even though they may be absent for the remainder of the semester. In such instances, grades of F (or U in S/U graded courses) will be given unless mitigating circumstances warrant grades of I (incomplete).

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Medical Withdrawal

A student may request withdrawals from all courses in which the student is enrolled in cases where the student experiences a medical situation that impedes academic progress.


  • The Graduate School may grant medical withdrawals at any time to graduate and professional students who must withdraw for medical reasons from all courses for which they are registered at the University of Houston.
  • Students who receive medical withdrawals after the last day to withdraw without receiving a grade shall receive an ‘I’, a ‘W’, or, (in some instances) a grade, in each course for which they were registered.
  • Graduate and professional students who receive medical withdrawals must obtain permission from the university to enroll again at the University of Houston.
  • Under extenuating circumstances, this policy may be applied retroactively.


  1. Graduate and professional students (or their appointed representatives if they are unable to act for themselves) who seek to withdraw for medical reasons from all courses for which they are registered at the University shall request a medical withdrawal using the Graduate School Medical/Administrative Withdrawal Form (PDF) and attach all appropriate documentation, which must include a statement from a licensed physician or licensed psychologist.
  2. The medical withdrawal request should be filed at the department/college level. Note: International students should notify the International Student Services Office of their intent to withdraw.
  3. If the medical withdrawal is requested with an effective date after the last day for a student to withdraw from classes without receiving a grade, the dean shall, in making inquiries and seeking recommendations from each instructor of record, notify each that if approved, the withdrawal will normally result in a grade of W.
  4. If the instructor believes the student is entitled to a final grade other than a W, the instructor shall assign that grade (if requested by the student) and notify the college dean, in writing, of the college of the student’s major.
  5. The dean of the college will determine a recommendation on the withdrawal and forward it to The Graduate School.
  6. The Graduate School shall
    1. review each request and its accompanying documentation,
    2. decide whether to make inquiries and seek recommendations from appropriate sources of information,
    3. decide whether to approve or deny the request and effective date of the withdrawal,
    4. and notify the Office of the University Registrar (which will enter the assigned grades into the student’s record) and the college of the student’s major.
    5. If the request is approved, medical withdrawal enrollment hold will be placed on the student record, unless otherwise noted by physician, clinical psychologist, or licensed clinical practitioner.
  7. The Graduate School will communicate to colleges of the decision.
  8. The dean of the college of the student’s major shall communicate the final decision to the student.


Graduate and professional students who receive medical withdrawals and later seek to return to the university shall submit a Graduate/Professional Student Petition (PDF) requesting reinstatement, including a statement from their licensed physician or licensed psychologist, to the dean of the college of their major justifying their readiness to resume their studies.

The college dean shall

  • review each request to resume study at the university,
  • decide whether to make inquiries and seek recommendations as appropriate,
  • decide whether to approve or deny the request,
  • forward to The Graduate School for university review.
  • Once a decision is made, the college will inform both the student and others, as appropriate, of the decision in writing.

If the request is approved, The Graduate School will remove the medical withdrawal enrollment “stop” from the student’s record. (This action does not remove any other “stops” that may have been placed on the student’s record by other university officials)

The University may grant a leave of absence to a student who requests and receives a medical withdrawal. This leave grants the student readmission into the program at a specified time and under specified circumstances.

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Financial Withdrawal

Students who make payment on their account with checks which are returned to the university for insufficient funds or who fail to pay by designated deadlines may be withdrawn from the university without refund. Students who are financially withdrawn after the last day to drop or withdraw without a grade will receive, “W”, or “F” grades only for the semester.

Students with two or more returned checks must make payment on their account by cash, cashier’s check, money order, or credit card. No checks - personal or otherwise - will be accepted.