Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]



Mechanical Engineering

  • MECE 4364 - Heat Transfer

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3363  and MECE 3363 .
    Steady and unsteady heat conduction; heat transfer by forced and free convection, radiation, and/or phase change; numerical solutions, and heat transfer system synthesis.
  • MECE 4371 - Thermal-Fluids Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECE 3360  and MECE 4364 .
    Experimental aspects of fluid mechanics and heat transfer; fluid behavior and fluid properties, flow variables and their measurement; temperature and heat transfer measurement; design and execution of student experiments.
  • MECE 4372 - Mechanics-Controls-Vibration Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1.5    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Experimental methods to study dynamic response of structures and process systems. Course includes design of control systems and modification of laboratory hardware.
  • MECE 4398 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of chair.
  • MECE 4399 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
  • MECE 4498 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 4.0
  • MECE 4598 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 5.0
  • MECE 5119 - Nanotechnology Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: MECE 3338 , concurrent enrollment in 5319, and consent of instructor.
    Nanotechnology metrology and fabrication methods.
  • MECE 5120 - Nanomaterials Engineering Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: ECE 5119  or CHEE 5119  or MECE 5119 , enrollment in MECE 5320 , and consent of instructor.
    Engineering of nanomaterials with emphasis on structural, optical, photonic, magnetic, and electronic materials. Experimental design, synthetic and analytical characterization will be emphasized.
  • MECE 5121 - Nanofabrication Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: ECE 5120  or CHEE 5120  or MECE 5120 , concurrent enrollment in MECE 5321 , and consent of instructor.
    Design, fabrication, and metrology of nanoscale devices.
  • MECE 5307 - Fracture of Structural Materials

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3245  and senior standing in Mechanical Engineering.
    Methods of materials characterization for fracture-resistant or fracture-safe design.
  • MECE 5312 - Computational Fluid Dynamics I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3363 , MECE 3371  and MATH 3363  or equivalent or permission of instructor.
    Finite-difference and finite volume methods for solving fluid flow model PDEs. Concepts of consistency, stability, and convergence; Solution of large-scale linear equation systems. Credit may not be received for more than one of BIOE 4312 and MECE 5312 .
  • MECE 5319 - Introduction to Nanotechnology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3338 , concurrent enrollment in 5119, or consent of instructor.
    Field of nanotechnology. Fundamental concepts underlying various nanotechnologies which serves as a leveling course.
  • MECE 5320 - Introduction to Nanomaterials Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 5319  or CHEE 5319 , concurrent enrollment in MECE 5120 , or consent of instructor.
    Engineering of nanomaterials with emphasis on structural, optical, photonic, magnetic, and electronic materials. Synthetic methods and analytical characterization with design for applications will be emphasized.
  • MECE 5321 - Nanoscale Design & Fabrication

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly MECE 5321 Design and Fabrication of Nanoscale Devices
    Prerequisite: ECE 5320  or CHEE 5320  or MECE 5320 , concurrent enrollment in MECE 5121 , or consent of instructor.
    Design and fabrication at the nanoscale. Effects of nanoscale phenomena on device scaling; technological advantages and challenges. Design, fabrication, metrology, and device integration at nanoscale.
  • MECE 5323 - Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: CHEE 3363  or MECE 3363  or BIOE 3341  and MATH 3321 .
    Credit may not be received for more than one of BIOE 4323 , CHEE 5395, or MECE 5323 . Fundamental concepts in tissue engineering and cell biology including structure, function, and replication.
  • MECE 5332 - Introduction to Continuum Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3245 , MECE 3363 , MECE 3369 , and senior standing in Mechanical Engineering.
    Vector and tensor analysis, kinematics of deformation, stress, the balance laws of physics, and basic constitutive theory with applications to elastic solids and viscous fluids.
  • MECE 5339 - Introduction to Engineering Alloys

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3245  and senior standing in Mechanical Engineering.
    Structure and properties of metal alloys; selection of alloys for various engineering applications; metallographic examinations; scanning electron microscope fractography.
  • MECE 5349 - Hydro/Aerodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: senior standing in Engineering and MECE 3363  or equivalent.
    Two- and three-dimensional potential flows with application to various hydro- and aerodynamic shapes, including bluff bodies and airfoils. Vortex and surface singularity methods.
  • MECE 5361 - Introduction to Compressible Flow

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 4343 , MECE 3363 , and senior standing in mechanical engineering.
    Control volume solutions in one- and two-dimensional flows; normal and oblique shocks; isentropic flow; frictional flow; nonadiabatic flow; nozzles, diffusers, ejectors, and wind tunnels.
  • MECE 5363 - Fluid Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3363 , and senior standing in mechanical engineering.
    Flow in piping systems, boundary layers and bluff body flows, inviscid flow, and turbomachinery.
  • MECE 5364 - Industrial Energy Conservation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3363 , credit for or concurrent enrollment in MECE 4364 .
    Technical and economic principles needed to assess the potential for energy conservation projects in energy-intensive industries. Applications of energy procedures involving steam usage, combustion science, heat recovery techniques and equipment, and industrial insulation. Lighting, ventilation, and air conditioning of industrial buildings.
  • MECE 5367 - Control System Analysis and Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3338  and senior standing in mechanical engineering.
    Analysis and design of control systems in mechanical engineering, stability and time response, controller design, state variable approach.
  • MECE 5369 - Computational Fluid Dynamics II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 5312  or equivalent, MATH 3363  or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
    Credit may not be received for both MECE 5369  and BIOE 5369 . Mathematics, numerical analysis, and theoretical foundations for Computational Fluid Dynamics.
  • MECE 5371 - Vibration Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3338  and senior standing in mechanical engineering.
    Single and multiple degree-of-freedom systems; free and forced vibrations of damped and undamped systems; approximate methods of analysis.
  • MECE 5373 - Computer-Based Resolution of Open Problems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: senior standing in College of Engineering.
    The resolution of open problems in engineering, including their characteristics, approaches for modeling, solution and validation of results. Examples from mechanical, electrical, chemical, civil, and industrial engineering.
  • MECE 5387 - Intermediate Dynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3336  and senior standing in mechanical engineering.
    Topics in Eulerian and Lagrangian mechanics with application to mechanical systems.
  • MECE 5388 - Intelligent Structural Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECE 3245 , MECE 3338 , and senior standing in Mechanical Engineering.
    Modeling, designing, and control of intelligent structures using various smart materials such as piezoceramics, shape memory alloys, magnetorheo logical (MR) fluid, and fiber optical sensors.
  • MECE 5397 - Selected Topics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

Mechanical Engineering Technology

  • MECT 1330 - Engineering Graphics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: computer knowledge or consent of instructor.
    Geometric construction, multiview, auxiliary views, section views, dimensioning. ANSI Y14 standards. Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering.
  • MECT 1364 - Materials and Processes I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Survey of manufacturing processes. Application of machine tools, measuring tools, and primary processes to the manufacturing cycle.
  • MECT 2354 - Introduction To Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: C- or better in PHYS 1301  and MATH 1431 .
    Static equilibrium conditions of forces, moments, friction, centroids, trusses, and moments of inertia.
  • MECT 3118 - Fluid Mechanics Application Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in MECT 3318 .
    Laboratory experiments using standard measuring devices for performing hydraulic and pneumatic tests, noncompressible fluid piping systems, turbines, and pump stations.
  • MECT 3155 - Strength of Materials Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in MECT 3355 .
    Experimentation to determine the mechanical properties of materials including tensile strength, hardness, creep, and toughness.
  • MECT 3318 - Fluid Mechanics Applications

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MECT 2354  and MATH 1432 .
    Fluid properties, static fluid forces, buoyancy and pressure measurement. Fluid dynamics, including conservation laws, fluid pumps, motors and flow measurement devices.
  • MECT 3331 - Applied Thermodynamics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly MECT 2331
    Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MATH 1431  and PHYS 1302  or equivalents.
    Heat and energy conversions and properties of gases and liquids. First and Second Laws of thermodynamics and applications. Thermodynamic power cycles and applications.
  • MECT 3341 - Computer-Aided Drafting I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Cr. 3. (2-3). Prerequisites: MATH 1330  and COSC 1304  or equivalents.
    Computer-aided drafting and design (CAD) systems and computer graphics hardware and software. Selection and evaluation of CAD systems.
  • MECT 3342 - Elements of Plant Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MECT 1330 , MECT 3318 , and MECT 3331 .
    Piping design problems associated with heat exchangers, pumps, horizontal and vertical vessels, pipeways, and plant layouts. Design concepts used in preparation of piping arrangement, elevation, and isometric drawings.
  • MECT 3345 - Fundamentals of Power Generation Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: TECH 2325 and MECT 3331  or consent of instructor.
    Concept of designing power plant systems by incorporating various renewable and non-renewable energy sources for better energy efficiency, emerging efficient clean power technology.
  • MECT 3355 - Strength of Materials

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MECT 2354  and MATH 1432 .
    Stresses, strains, torsion, shear and moment in beams. Bending and combined stresses. Analysis of columns.
  • MECT 3358 - Dynamics of Mechanisms

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MECT 1330 , MECT 2354  and MATH 1432 .
    The motion of particles and rigid bodies, including forces, mass acceleration, work, and energy. Analysis of devices, including four-bar linkages, sliders, and gear trains.
  • MECT 3360 - Automated Manufacturing Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MECT 1364 .
    Automated manufacturing process planning and analysis, including CNC programming, robotics, and elements of computer-aided manufacturing.
  • MECT 3362 - Industrial Work Measurement

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 1364  and MATH 1330 .
    Workplace design and analysis, methods of work measurement, operating procedures, time standards, productivity measurement and improvement. Man-machine interaction and cost analysis.
  • MECT 3365 - Computer-Aided Design I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MECT 3355 , MECT 1330 , and MECT 1364  or equivalents.
    Use of computer-aided design software in the design and engineering of machinery, machine components, and mechanical systems.
  • MECT 3367 - Quality Control Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Grade of C- or better in MECT 1364  and MATH 1330  or equivalents.
    Statistical analysis of data to establish quality control systems for manufacturing facilities.
  • MECT 3377 - Introduction to Petroleum Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECT 1364  and MECT 2354 
    Fundamental technology principles of petroleum industry, including; up, mid, and downstream.
  • MECT 3399 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of Thesis Advisor.
    Undergraduate thesis.
    May be repeated for credit.

  • MECT 4172 - Materials Technology Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in MECT 4372 .
    Experiments of materials behavior including hardenability, effect of heat treatment on strength, microstructure and ductility.
  • MECT 4188 - Ethics in Engineering Technology

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: senior status in the Engineering Technology department.
    Ethical considerations and value judgments related to management, engineering, and engineering technology decisions.
  • MECT 4198 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of chair.
  • MECT 4275 - Senior Design Project I

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 3358 , 3318, 3365.
    Design, modeling, testing and validation processes. Complete design process from research through conceptualization to generation of final design and documents.
  • MECT 4276 - Senior Design Project II

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 4275 .
    Formulation, construction and/or fabrication work. Refining, experimenting, and testing of models considering alternatives. Analyzing results, preparing and submitting design documents including a project report.
  • MECT 4292 - Sustainable Energy Design Project I

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 1
    Prerequisite: ELET 4345 , and MECT 3331  or ELET 4305 , or consent of instructor.
     Design, modeling, testing and validation processes for system engineering of various devices related to sustainable energy, and report preparation
  • MECT 4293 - Sustainable Energy Design Project II

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 4292  or consent of instructor.
    Formulation, construction and/or fabrication of sustainable energy systems. Emphasizes prototype design, data analysis, and report preparation.
  • MECT 4323 - Applications in Stress Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECT 3355  and MATH 1432  or equivalents.
    Combined stress systems, nonsymmetrical loadings, structural joints and pressure vessels, beams and columns of composite materials, fatigue and impact applications.
  • MECT 4326 - Fundamentals of Offshore Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 3358  and 3365.
    Structural aspects of offshore systems and their dynamic properties. Basic theory in design and applications of theory to practical examples.
  • MECT 4328 - Fundamentals of Pipeline Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 3365  and 4372.
    Pipeline mechanical design using the limit-state based strength method; flow assurance and material selection; pipeline stability, corrosion, and construction; inspection, monitoring, and maintenance of pipelines.
  • MECT 4330 - Valve Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECT 3365 .
    Valve design analysis and development, featuring a complete design package for a valve per ASME 16.34, API Spec 6A, or 6D code.
  • MECT 4331 - Applied Thermal Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECT 3318  and MECT 3331 .
    Advanced vapor power cycles, air standard cycles, heat transfer concepts, heat exchange systems, and HVAC systems.
  • MECT 4332 - Fundamentals of Drilling Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 3318 .
    Drilling rig components design and operation, circulating systems, well control and monitoring systems. Drill bit hydraulics, drilling mud composition, properties and functions. Experimental methods and software data analysis.
  • MECT 4337 - Downhole Drilling Tools and Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 3355  and MECT 4332 .
    Selection of drilling tools and technology for drilling. Design and execution of complex well plans.
  • MECT 4341 - Materials Selection and Management

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECT 3365  and MECT 4372 .
    Material selection as part of the design process; material properties, process and process selection, hybrid materials, and case studies.
  • MECT 4343 - Thermal Processing and Post-Processing of Materials

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECT 3331  and MECT 4372 .
    Thermodynamic phenomena occurring during materials processing. Heat effects during solidification, phase transformation, recrystallization, and other postprocessing effects. Technologies to monitor phase transformations, recrystallization, and implications on materials characteristics.
  • MECT 4345 - Fundamental & Applications of Fuel Cell

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: CHEM 1301  and TECH 1325  or consent of instructor.
    Comprehensive knowledge on Fuel Cell Technology, an emerging new and efficient alternative clean energy technology.
  • MECT 4350 - Principles of Mechatronics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ELET 2307 , MECT 3358  or equivalents
    Kinematics of mechanisms and machines. Electrical drives and characteristics. Automatic controls and interfacing. Microprocessor assimilation into electro-mechanical systems.
  • MECT 4360 - Fundamentals of Biomechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECT 3318  and MECT 3355 .
    Cardiovascular, skeletal and muscular systems: physiology, biomechanics, mechanical measuring techniques, relevance to health care field, tissue engineering, growth and remodeling, biofluid mechanics, and solid mechanics.
  • MECT 4361 - Cardiovascular Mechanics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MECT 3331 , MECT 3355 , and MECT 3358 .
    Healthy/diseased cardiovascular physiology, histology, cellular and extracellular matrix relations, solid mechanics, hemodynamics, applied thermodynamics, constitutive formulations, kinematics, mechanotransduction, growth and remodeling, and treatment of cardiovascular disease
  • MECT 4365 - Computer-Aided Design II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 3365  or equivalent.
    Advanced computer-aided design software to integrate the design of system components and assemblies.
  • MECT 4372 - Materials Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in MECT 3355  and concurrent enrollment in MECT 4172 .
    Structure and property relationships of materials including metals, ceramics, and polymers. Behavior of materials with emphasis on manufacturing processes and applications.
  • MECT 4384 - Manufacturing Systems Control

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: MECT 3360  or equivalent.
    Manufacturing systems including layout, maintenance, material handling, and controls. Lean manufacturing, cost analysis, and manufacturing economics.
  • MECT 4394 - Selected Topics in Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary

  • MECT 4397 - Selected Topics in Mechanical Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • MECT 4398 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of chair.
  • MECT 4399 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of Thesis Advisor.
    Undergraduate thesis.
    May be repeated for credit.

Mexican American Studies

  • MAS 2340 - Introduction to Mexican American Studies

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of director of Mexican American Studies.
    Significant aspects of the Chicano experience.
  • MAS 3340 - The Development of the Mexican American Urban Community

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ENGL 1304 .
    An interdisciplinary approach to the origin and development of Mexican American neighborhoods in urban regions from the 20th century to the present. The course will focus on demographic and structural urbanization and how this has influenced the quality of life of this community in various settings.
    Core Category: [40] Language, Philosophy, & Culture
  • MAS 3341 - Mexican American Experience Through Film

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: six semester credit hours of sophomore-level English.
    Analyzing the Mexican American experience in the United States through film. Spanish not required. Emphasis on essay writing.
  • MAS 3342 - Mexican Immigration To the US

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    An interdisciplinary analysis of the immigration from Mexico to the United States. It will include critical discussions of historical, literary, and ethnographic accounts.
    Core Category: [81] Writing in the Disciplines
  • MAS 3343 - Latino Psychology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ENGL 1303 .
    Social, psychological, political and historical factors that impact the psychological development of Latinos in the United States.
  • MAS 3344 - Research Methods in Mexican American Studies

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Junior level ranking (60 sch).
    Training in different research methodologies used to explore the Mexican American/Latina/o population and its experiences. Students will conduct their own research.
    Note: The course may be repeated twice when the research topics change.
  • MAS 3345 - Latino Leadership, Activism & Organizing

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Sophomore level.
    Exploration of the Latino/a community efforts to bring about social change. Theories of social change; social, political, cultural and economic aspects of the Latino experience, grassroots community organizing, leadership and tactics.
    Core Category: [81] Writing in the Disciplines
  • MAS 3346 - Latinas in the United States

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Mexican American women and other Latinas’ roles in the broader Latino community. Examination of Latina history, politics, contemporary activism, art, literature, theater, film, music and the intersectionality of race/ethnicity, gender, class, sexuality and citizenship.
  • MAS 3347 - Latino American Popular Music

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
    Examination of how US based Latino communities create, maintain, and re-create cultural connections, and how musicians express these experiences through songs and music.
  • MAS 3348 - Pre-Columbian Life and Religion in Mexico

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Sophomore level.
    Pre-Columbian Aztec civilization and religion from Empire to contemporary Mexico.
  • MAS 3395 - Sel Top Mexican American Stdy

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

    Note: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

Military Science

  • MSCI 1125 - Physical Readiness Training

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: students must provide CC 139-r and DA 3425 signed by physician prior to attendance.
    Open to all students. Utilizes Army fitness techniques; develops strength, flexibility and endurance; develops self-confidence through leadership training and physical activities.
  • MSCI 1126 - Physical Readiness Training

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: students must provide CC 139-r and DA 3425 signed by physician prior to attendance.
    Open to all students. Utilizes Army fitness techniques; develops strength, flexibility and endurance; develops self-confidence through leadership training and physical activities.
  • MSCI 1131 - Intermediate Physical Fitness

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: students must provide CC 139-r and DA 3425 signed by physician prior to attendance.
    Physically and mentally demanding activities designed to challenge students through team building exercises to improve strength and stamina utilizing Army fitness techniques. Students compete for Ranger Challenge Team positions.
  • MSCI 1210 - Introduction to the Army

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: Department approval required; students must provide CC Form 139-R and DA 3425 prior to attendance.
    MSCI 1210 focuses on introduction to the Army and critical thinking. It introduces Cadets to the Army and the Profession of Arms. Students will examine the Army Profession and what it means to be a professional in the U.S. Army. The overall focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of the Army Leadership Requirements Model while gaining a complete understanding of the Reserve Officers¿ Training Corps (ROTC) program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student. Cadets also learn how resiliency and fitness supports their development as an Army leader. Includes a weekly lab facilitated by MS III Cadets and supervised by Cadre.
  • MSCI 1211 - Introduction to Leadership for Non-Cadets

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: department approval required; students must provide CC 139-r prior to attendance. Open to all students.
    Open to all students. No military commitment is required. Students learn how critical thinking, goal setting, time management, physical fitness, and stress management relate to leadership, officership, and the Army profession.
  • MSCI 1220 - Foundations of Agile & Adaptive Leadership

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: Department approval required; students must provide CC Form 139-R and DA 3425 prior to attendance.
    MSCI 1220 introduces Cadets to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Cadets learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, time management, goal setting, and stress management relate to leadership, and the Army profession. Cadets learn the basics of the communications process and the importance for leaders to develop the essential skills to effectively communicate in the Army. Includes a weekly lab facilitated by MS III Cadets and supervised by Cadre.
  • MSCI 1221 - Introduction to Leadership II for Non-Cadets

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: department approval required; students must provide CC 139-r prior to attendance.
    Open to all students. No military commitment is required. Overview of leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem solving, listening, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and using effective writing skills.
  • MSCI 2210 - Leadership & Decision Making

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: Department approval required; students must provide CC Form 139-R and DA 3425 prior to attendance.
    MSCI 2210 focuses on leadership and decision making. The course adds depth to the Cadets understanding of the Adaptability Army Learning Area. The outcomes are demonstrated through Critical and Creative Thinking and the ability to apply Troop Leading Procedures (TLP) to apply Innovative Solutions to Problems. The Army Profession is also stressed through leadership forums and a leadership self-assessment. Students are then required to apply their knowledge outside the classroom in a hands-on performance-oriented environment during Leadership LABs (team building exercises, LTXs, VBS exercises). Includes a weekly lab facilitated by MS III Cadets and supervised by Cadre.
  • MSCI 2211 - Foundations of Leadership for Non-Cadets

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: department approval required; students must provide CC 139-r prior to attendance.
    Open to all students. No military commitment is required. Explore the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles, and practice aspects of personal motivation and team building.
  • MSCI 2220 - Army Doctrine & Team Development

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: Department approval required; students must provide CC Form 139-R and DA 3425 prior to attendance.
    MSCI 2220 focuses on Army doctrine and team development. The course begins the journey to understand and demonstrate competencies as they relate to Army doctrine. Army Values, Teamwork, and Warrior Ethos and their relationship to the Law of Land Warfare and philosophy of military service are also stressed. The ability to lead and follow is also covered through Team Building exercises in small units up to squad level. Students are then required to apply their knowledge outside the classroom in a hands-on performance-oriented environment during Leadership LABs (team building exercises, LTXs, VBS exercises). Includes a weekly lab facilitated by MS III Cadets and supervised by Cadre.
  • MSCI 2221 - Foundations of Leadership II for Non-Cadets

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: department approval required; students must provide CC 139-r prior to attendance.
    Open to all students. No military commitment is required. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army Leadership Requirements Model and explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership.
  • MSCI 2810 - Leader’s Training Course (LTC)

    Credit Hours: 8.0
    Prerequisite: approval of the department chair.
    No military obligation is associated with this course. Student will not receive credit for both the total combination of MSCI 1210 :MSCI 1220 :MSCI 2210 :  and 2810. Four week off-campus field training practicum. Introduces student to the Army and leadership
  • MSCI 3310 - Training Management and the Warfighting Functions

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: Department approval required.
    MSL 3310 focuses on training management and the warfighting functions. It is an academically challenging course were you will study, practice, and apply the fundamentals of Training Management and how the Army operates through the Warfighting functions. At the conclusion of this course, you will be capable of planning, preparing, and executing training for a squad conducting small unit tactics. Includes a lab per week using peer facilitation overseen by MSLIVs, supervised by ROTC Cadre.
  • MSCI 3311 - Adaptive Team Leadership for Non-Cadets

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: department approval required; students must provide CC 139-r prior to attendance.
    Open to all students. No military commitment is required. Challenging scenarios and land navigation training related to small-unit tactical operations are used to develop self awareness and critical thinking skills.
  • MSCI 3320 - Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: Department approval required.
    MSCI 3320 focuses on applied leadership in small unit operations. It is an academically challenging course were you will study, practice, and apply the fundamentals of direct level leadership and small unit tactics at the platoon level. At the conclusion of this course, you will be capable of planning, coordinating, navigating, motivating and leading a platoon in the execution of a mission. Successful completion of this course will help prepare you for the ROTC Cadet Leader Course (CLC), which you will attend in the summer at Fort Knox, KY. Includes a lab per week using peer facilitation overseen by MSLIVs, supervised by ROTC Cadre.

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