Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]



Supply Chain and Logistics Technology

  • SCLT 3376 - Global Trade Intermediaries

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: LOGT 2362.
    In-depth analysis for critical intermediaries in a supply chain system, their operations and relationships to business partners, and factors for them to achieve superior supply chain performances.
  • SCLT 3381 - Industrial and Consumer Sales

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly LOGT 3381
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
    Analysis of consumer bases, product knowledge and applications, benefits selling, competition analysis, and strategies and methods appropriate to inside/outside sales.
  • SCLT 3384 - Logistics Tech and Processes

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly LOGT 3384
    Prerequisite: LOGT 2362 and either junior standing or consent of instructor.
    Capacity allocation, facility and flow design, retrieval mechanisms, and inventory control systems; impacts on service and cost performance.
  • SCLT 3385 - Transport Economics and Policy

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly LOGT 3385
    Prerequisite: LOGT 2362 and ECON 2304  . Cost structures and service capabilities of the major modes of transportation.
    History and effects of regulatory policies of carriers and shippers.
  • SCLT 3387 - Procurement

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly LOGT 3387
    Prerequisite: SCLT 2362  or HDCS 3303  .
    Purchasing functions including vendor analysis, negotiations, value analysis, systems contracts, public purchasing, organization, personnel, policies, competitive bids, and ancillary functions.
  • SCLT 3389 - Transportation Law

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: LOGT 2380 and TELS 2360 
    Regulatory and procedural requirements pertaining to domestic and international freight transportation.
  • SCLT 4198 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Approval of chair.
    Individual projects under faculty sponsorship.
  • SCLT 4298 - Special Problems

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Approval of chair.
    Individual projects under faculty sponsorship.
  • SCLT 4312 - Inventory & Materials Handling

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly LOGT 4312
    Prerequisite: SCLT 3384  ,and 3387 , or consent of instructor.
    Recognition and utilization of mechanical and automated handling systems, tools, and techniques required for the movement and storage of materials within a logistics operation.
  • SCLT 4375 - Global Supply Chain

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly LOGT 4375
    Prerequisite: SCLT 3384  , or 3385.
    Relationships among international trade specialists, global distribution channels, and governments using international documentation, terms of trade, financial, and legal resources.
  • SCLT 4380 - Quality Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly LOGT 4380
    Prerequisite: SCLT 2362  and TMTH 3360 
    Quality techniques and systems with an emphasis on statistical analysis.
  • SCLT 4387 - Financial Evaluation For Supply Chain Management

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Junior standing.
    Identification of costs and financial risk associated with supply chain structures and operations to optimize business value.
  • SCLT 4389 - Practicum in Supply Chain and Logistics Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly LOGT 4389
    Prerequisite: Second semester senior standing in Supply Chain and Logistics Technology major or consent of department.
    Team approach to research-oriented problems in the field of logistics technology.
  • SCLT 4390 - Current Issues in Supply Chain & Logistics Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Senior standing as Supply Chain and Logistics Technology major.
    Current issues and topics of significance to logistics technology.
  • SCLT 4396 - Internship in Supply Chain and Logistics Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Consent of department.
    Internship under faculty supervision.
  • SCLT 4397 - Selected Topics in Supply Chain and Logistics Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Approval of department.
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

    Note: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • SCLT 4398 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Approval of department chair.
    Individual projects under faculty sponsorship.
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

    Note: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

Supply Chain Management

  • SCM 3301 - Service and Manufacturing Operations

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 1313  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, or declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Operations Management concepts and techniques: operations management strategy, total quality management, location and layout, forecasting, aggregate planning, materials management, just-in-time systems, scheduling, and project management in small and multinational manufacturing and service organizations.
  • SCM 3399 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair and the Bauer College’s Office of Undergraduate Business Programs.
  • SCM 4301 - Logistics Management

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: A grade of C+ or better in SCM 3301  , a grade of C or better in STAT 3331  , and credit for or concurrent enrollment in SCM 4330  or approved equivalent; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Introduction to the primary concepts and principal tools/methods used in logistics management. Topics include customer service, transportation, inventory, warehouse management, demand forecasting, facility types/layout and emerging trends in logistics.
  • SCM 4302 - Energy Supply Chain

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4390
    Prerequisite: SCM 3301  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Overview of the physical supply chain that brings energy (oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear, and alternative forms) from sources to customers, including operations and information management requirements.
  • SCM 4303 - Global Supply Chain Operations

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4387
    Prerequisite: SCM 3301  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    International issues in supply chain operations management.
  • SCM 4304 - Production and Logistics for Small Business

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4388
    Prerequisite: SCM 3301  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Application of production and logistics management principles for small businesses.
  • SCM 4311 - Project Operations

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4370
    Prerequisite: SCM 3301  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Management of one-time complex projects.
  • SCM 4312 - Project Management for Energy Industries

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SCM 4301  or 4302; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Project management roles and environments in oil and gas, refining and petrochemicals.
  • SCM 4320 - Competitive Quality

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4367
    Prerequisite: SCM 4301  or 4302; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Development, design, and management of contemporary organizational quality systems for manufacturing enterprises and service firms in today’s competitive environment.
  • SCM 4330 - Business Modeling and Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in SCM 4301  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Application of spreadsheet tools to develop models, analyze the relevant information, and recommend solutions to business problems. Includes problems of optimization, data analysis, and forecasting.
  • SCM 4350 - Strategic Supply Management

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SCM 3301  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in SCM 4301  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Strategic supply management process, focusing on how effective strategic supply chain management provides a competitive advantage. Outsourcing, early supplier involvement, negotiation, supply contracts, supply management performance, and e-procurement.
  • SCM 4351 - Strategic Sourcing and Spend Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SCM 4350  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Seven-step strategic sourcing process. Topics include spend analysis, supplier rationalization, leveraged spend, maverick spend and spend leakage, cost analytic models, and Kraljic’s portfolio matrix.
  • SCM 4360 - Business Forecasting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4365
    Prerequisite: Either SCM 4301  or 4302; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Examination of analytical business thinking while building and applying forecasting models to sales, inventory, earnings and other variables widely encountered in business enterprises.
  • SCM 4361 - Distribution and Inventory Management

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4366
    Prerequisite: Either SCM 4301  or 4302; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Theory, concepts, and practices in integrated distribution and inventory management. Effective coordination of inventory and distribution decisions.
  • SCM 4362 - Demand and Supply Integration

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SCM 4301  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Strategies for demand and supply integration. Topics include: planning and control systems, forecasting, portponement, rapid replenishment, Toyota production system, seasonal planning, requirements and distribution system design, and information technology applications.
  • SCM 4366 - Distribution and Inventory Management

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly DISC 4366
    Prerequisite: SCM 3301  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in SCM 4361  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Theory, concepts, and practices in integrated distribution and inventory management. Effective coordination of inventory and distribution decisions has a significant impact on overall supply chain profitability in the management of complex, global supply chains.
  • SCM 4367 - Managing Productivity & Quality

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SCM 4330  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Application of process design, measurement, analysis and improvement techniques to enhance the operating capabilities of organizations in both service and manufacturing environments, and managing process change within those organizations.
  • SCM 4370 - Operations in Service Industries

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4363
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in SCM 4301  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Operations management in service industries such as hospitals, banks, utilities, and other public systems.
  • SCM 4380 - Enterprise Resource Planning

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SCM 4301  , 4330 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in SCM 4362  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Theory, concepts, and practices associated with ERP systems, which integrate business processes to support decision making. Provides hands-on experience using SAP R/3 and business intelligence tools.
  • SCM 4385 - Supply Chain Analytics and Simulation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: a grade of B or better in SCM 4330 , credit for SCM 4380 ; good academic standing; pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Survey of business analytics methods and tools, non-linear optimization and mathematical programming, and introduction to supply chain simulation techniques.
  • SCM 4387 - Global Supply Chain Operations

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4364
    Prerequisite: SCM 3301  and credit for of concurrent enrollment in 4361; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    International issues in supply chain operations management.
  • SCM 4390 - Supply Chain Strategy

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SCM 4350  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in SCM 4362  ; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    Examines how supply chain strategy supports and enhances an organization’s integrated value chain. Develops an understanding of how to build, implement and sustain supply chains in rapidly evolving global environments.
  • SCM 4396 - Supply Chain Management Internship

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly SCM 4369
    Prerequisite: SCM 4301  or SCM 4302 .
    Working aspects and functions in plant and multi-plant system operations from an executive and managerial perspective. Focuses on using critical success measures to be proactive towards emergent problems.
  • SCM 4397 - Selected Topics in Supply Chain Management

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Approval of department chair; good academic standing; and one or more of the following: pre-business major with advisor approval, declared business major, or if required for a declared minor or special program.
    May be repeated when topics vary.

    Note: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • SCM 4398 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    May not be repeated for credit.

  • SCM 4399 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair and the Bauer College’s Office of Undergraduate Business.

Surveying Engineering Technology

  • SURY 2361 - Surveying I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Formerly SURY 2461
    Prerequisite: MATH 1330 .
    Plane surveying techniques and computations; horizontal and vertical alignments; coordinates systems; care and use of surveying instruments and equipment.
  • SURY 2372 - Geographic Information Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SURY 2361 .
    Geographic information systems in surveying and mapping.
  • SURY 3363 - Surveying III

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly CNST 3363
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    Geodesy, state plane coordinate systems, and global Apply to UH Students Faculty & Staff Alumni Parents Visitors positioning system.
  • SURY 3373 - Subdivision Planning and Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: SURY 2361 .
    Subdivision planning and design including preparation of subdivision plat.
  • SURY 4361 - Surveying Practicum

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Formerly CNST 3161
    Prerequisite: SURY 3363 .
    One hundred fourteen (114) hours of office/field work under supervision of a Registered Professional Land Surveyor.
  • SURY 4364 - Surveying IV

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly CNST 4364
    Prerequisite: SURY 3363 .
    Measurements, measurement analyses, and measurement adjustment theory and application.
  • SURY 4369 - Surveying Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly CNST 4369
    Prerequisite: SURY 4364 .
    Advanced topics in boundary law including legal research and preparation of an extensive report covering conflicting survey evidence.
  • SURY 4397 - Selected Topics in Surveying

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • SURY 4398 - Independent Study in Surveying Engineering Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

Technical Mathematics

  • TMTH 3360 - Applied Technical Statistics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly TMTH 3360 Technical Statistics
    Prerequisite: ITEC 1301  and six semester hours in mathematics.
    Collection, analysis, presentation, interpretation of numerical data; probability, sampling, quality control with special emphasis on application.
    Core Category: [90] Math/Reasoning
  • TMTH 4198 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 1.0


  • TECH 1313 - Impact of Modern Technology on Society

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in communication and mathematics Core courses.
    Impact of modern technology on ethical, legal, moral, cultural and social behavior standards of society. Basic social/behavioral scientific research methods and review of the technologies.
    Core Category: [80] Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • TECH 1325 - Energy For Society

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    The development of new frontiers in energy technology as well as recent advances in conventional technology for societal needs.
  • TECH 3300 - Strategic Foresight

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ENGL 1303  or ENGL 1304 .
    Perspectives and techniques for anticipating and influencing the long-term future. Review of macro trends affecting the future.
  • TECH 3322 - Student Mentoring

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Supervised field experience in mentoring middle and high school students.
  • TECH 3365 - Applications of Discrete Methods in Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ITEC 1301  or equivalent.
    Application of discrete methods in technology with an emphasis on computer applications.
  • TECH 3366 - Applications of Numerical Methods in Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 2300  and MATH 1431  or equivalents.
    Applications of numerical methods to engineering technology problems.
  • TECH 4301 - Project Management Processes

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: senior standing
    Framework and processes of project management; Integration, scope, time, and cost management of processes, procurement and risk management. Designed for novice Project Management Professionals and preparation for CAPM Certification Exam.
  • TECH 4310 - Future of Energy and the Environment

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ENGL 1303  or ENGL 1304 .
    Social patterns that will drive alternative energy and environmental conditions in the future.
  • TECH 4397 - Selected Topics in Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.


  • THEA 1101 - Fundamentals of Arts Marketing

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 1    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    Theory and practice of audience development, promotions, and the use of new media.
  • THEA 1111 - Production

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 6
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Service on one crew per semester on a rotating basis, developing students’ skills in all phases of production.
    May be repeated for credit.

  • THEA 1112 - Production

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 6
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Service on one crew per semester on a rotating basis, developing students’ skills in all phases of production.
    May be repeated for credit.

  • THEA 1329 - Voice and Articulation for Non-Majors

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Developing a clear speaking voice, including work on projection, resonance, and articulation.
  • THEA 1330 - Introduction to Musical Theatre

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Historical overview and critical appreciation of American musical theatre.
  • THEA 1331 - Introduction to the Theatre

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Students will gain a genuine appreciation for the art and craft of theatre by reading, attending, and writing critically about plays.
    Core Category: [50] Creative Arts
    TCCNS Equivalent: DRAM 1310
  • THEA 1332 - Fundamentals of Theatre

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Critical appreciation and practice of live theatre, emphasizing the synthesis of acting, direction, and design in the context of contemporary theatrical production.
    Core Category: [50] Creative Arts
  • THEA 1334 - Fundamentals of Design for Theatre

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Introduction to the elements and principles of theatrical design.
  • THEA 1338 - Acting I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: acceptance to THEA major by audition/portfolio review, concurrent enrollment in THEA 1332 , and consent of instructor.
    Beginning level study of scene work, monologues, script analysis, and techniques of character development.
    TCCNS Equivalent: DRAM 1351
  • THEA 1339 - Acting II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 , THEA 1338 , and consent of instructor.
    Character development and text analysis, concentrating on truth and honesty in acting via scene work and monologues.
    TCCNS Equivalent: DRAM 1352
  • THEA 1340 - Beginning Acting for Non-Majors

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Theory and practice of acting explored through exercises, scenes, and the viewing of plays.
  • THEA 1341 - Intermediate Acting for Non-Majors

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1340 .
    Exercises, scene work, monologues, and techniques for acting in plays.
  • THEA 1342 - Fundamentals of Acting

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the DAN or THEA Production major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Ensemble building, improvisation, action playing, basic voice/speech exercises leading toward short duo scenes to provide dance majors as well as THEA production majors with fundamental skills in acting.
  • THEA 2100 - Theatre Education Internship

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 6
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the THEA major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Assisting a theatre instructor in an educational setting, by coaching students in directing, acting in theatre skills.
  • THEA 2223 - Makeup for Actors

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Formerly THEA 2323 - Make for Actors
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 &THEA 1338 .
    Introduction of basic stage makeup materials, methods, and techniques with an emphasis on applications for theatre and film.
  • THEA 2320 - Acting III

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1339  and consent of instructor.
    Character and scene work through the use of space/body isolations and objects and emotional experimentation.
  • THEA 2321 - Acting IV

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 2320  and consent of instructor.
    Principles of Shakespearean verse and prose for actors and directors. Text analysis of sonnets and plays for solo performance and scene work.
  • THEA 2332 - Voice and Movement for the Actor I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 , THEA 1338 , THEA 1339 , and consent of instructor.
    Development of the actor’s voice and body, including vocal and physical warm-up techniques.
  • THEA 2334 - Fundamentals of Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the THEA or DAN major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Fundamental principles and elements of theatrical design.
  • THEA 2335 - Scenic Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the THEA major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Introduction to materials, tools, and techniques used in theatrical scenery construction and rigging.
    TCCNS Equivalent: DRAM 1330
  • THEA 2336 - Lighting and Sound Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the THEA major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Introduction to equipment, tools, and techniques used in theatrical scenery construction and rigging.
    TCCNS Equivalent: DRAM 2331
  • THEA 2342 - Dramatic Structures and Genres

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 , THEA 1339 , ENGL 1303 , completion of or/ concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1304 , and instructor consent.
    Survey of the fundamental aspects of dramatic structures and theatrical genres. Critical approaches for a better understanding of how given plays accomplish their theatrical goals.
  • THEA 2344 - American Drama

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
    Survey of drama in the United States from the seventeenth century to the present, representing a broad variety of periods, styles, and perspectives.
    Core Category: [81] Writing in the Disciplines
  • THEA 2350 - Movement for the Actor II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 2332  and consent of instructor.
    Developing stage combat skills and integrating to performance work. Final scenes viewed by an adjudicator from the Society of American Fight Directors. Students may qualify for professional recognition of skills.
  • THEA 2373 - Costume Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: acceptance to the THEA or DAN major by audition/portfolio review and consent of instructor.
    Introduction to materials, tools, and techniques used in theatrical costume construction.
  • THEA 2374 - Costume Construction II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: THEA 2373  or consent of instructor.
    Techniques of costume crafts, garment fitting, patterning, and construction.
  • THEA 2380 - Voice for the Actor II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 2332  and consent of instructor.
    Continued development of the actor’s voice, as well as developing clear stage speech, Standard British, and the International Phonetic Alphabet.
  • THEA 2382 - Stage Management I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332  and THEA 1334 .
    Introduction to the principles and practices of stage management in educational and professional theatre.
  • THEA 2383 - Stage Management II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1334  or consent of instructor.
    Practical methodology and resources for the stage manager; applied organizational techniques.
  • THEA 2390 - Technical Drawing

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 2335  and consent of instructor.
    Techniques of drafting for scenic and lighting design.
  • THEA 3283 - Stage Management III

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 2383  or consent of instructor.
    Advanced stage management methodology; research and discussion in script analysis, rehearsal and performance skills.
  • THEA 3301 - Introduction to Performance Studies

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1132, 1339 and completed or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1304  and instructor consent.
    Survey of aesthetic and social performances through the emerging field of Performance Studies.
  • THEA 3302 - Playwriting Workshop: Realism

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 : Fundamentals of Theatre
    Examines realism as a theatrical style; focuses on writing multiple theatrical pieces in the realist mode.
  • THEA 3303 - Playwriting Workshop: Non-Realism

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 : Fundamentals of Theatre
    Examines stylistic alternatives to theatrical realism; focuses on writing multiple experimental theatrical pieces outside the tradition of realism.
  • THEA 3304 - Playwriting Workshop: Myth & Ritual

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 : Fundamentals of Theatre.
    Examines the influence of myth and ritual on theatrical storytelling; focuses on writing multiple dramatic pieces based on source material drawn from myths and rituals.
  • THEA 3305 - Playwriting Workshop: Comedy

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 : Fundamentals of Theatre.
    Examines comedy as a theatrical style; focuses on writing multiple pieces of comic writing, including sketch comedy and a comedic one-act play.
  • THEA 3308 - Creative Collaboration

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: THEA 1332 : Fundamentals of Theatre.
    Examines both established and emergent performance styles by exploring collaborative forms of adaptation, devising, and other performance methodologies.

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