Contact Information
Office of the Dean |
713-743-2611 |
Department of Biology and Biochemistry |
713-743-2666 |
Department of Chemistry |
713-743-2701 |
Department of Computer Science |
713-743-3350 |
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences |
713-743-3399 |
Department of Mathematics |
713-743-3500 |
Department of Physics |
713-743-3550 |
Health Related Professions |
713-743-8987 |
Web Address |
Dean: Dan E. Wells, Ph.D., Indiana University
Associate Deans: Andrew Hamilton, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego; Ian Evans, Ph.D., Texas A&M University; Anne Delcour, Ph.D., Cornell University; T. Randall Lee, Ph.D., Havard University
Mission Statement
The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) is committed to excellence in teaching and research in the natural sciences and mathematics.
Academic departments within the college are: Biology and Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics.
Because NSM faculty members are engaged in creation of new knowledge through research, they bring the latest information to their classrooms and teaching laboratories.
Departmental curricula and courses are designed to help students acquire appropriate content knowledge and develop well-honed critical thinking and scientific literacy skills.
NSM graduates are competitive in the job market, and students aspiring to graduate or medical school often have opportunities to participate in research with faculty members.
The college sponsors several academic support programs.
The Scholar Enrichment Program ( and
The Houston-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (
These programs offer excellence workshops associated with certain core courses in mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Participation in these programs hones problem-solving skills for success in more advanced coursework, and facilitates mentoring relationships.
The Center for Academic Support and Assessment (CASA) provides tutorial services for students in lower level mathematics courses.
Student Organizations
Student groups offer opportunities for students with common goals to develop leadership skills, network, and serve the university community. Membership in the following organizations is encouraged for students in good standing who meet eligibility requirement:
- NSM Ambassadors
- Alpha Epsilon Delta, the National Pre-Medical Honor Society
- Allied Health Professions Society
- Mu Delta, African American Pre-Health Association
- Biology and Biochemistry Undergraduate Association
- Delta Delta Sigma, Pre-Dental Professional Society
- Pre-Optometry Professional Society
- Sigma Gamma Epsilon, National Honorary Earth Science Society
- Society of Physics Students
- University of Houston Math Enthusiasts
- University of Houston Geosociety
- American Association of Petroleum Geologists - Student Chapter
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists - Student Chapter