Feb 19, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Academic Policies: Graduate College of Social Work

Colleges  > Graduate College of Social Work  > Academic Policies: Graduate College of Social Work

Academic and Professional Behavior Policies

MSW Student Standards Policy

The faculty of the GCSW is responsible for creating a teaching-learning environment that fosters student growth and professional development. The Standards Policy includes criteria used to evaluate each student in six general areas: professional readiness, professional commitment, scholastic performance, attendance and punctuality, professional behavior, and ethical conduct. Evaluation is ongoing, from admissions to program entry, program entry to candidacy, and candidacy to graduation. Students are expected to demonstrate continuous progress in the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, judgment, and behaviors to assume the responsibilities of a competent professional social worker. When students confirm their admission to the GCSW, they are provided a copy of the Standards Policy, and they are required to sign a statement indicating that they have read the policy, and agree to be bound by the provisions therein.

Enrollment Status

Applicants request admission into either face to face, hybrid, or online enrollment status. Face to face is a full-time program that is completed in 2 years. Hybrid and online programs are part-time and take three years to complete.

Most students are admitted into the specific enrollment status to which they have applied; however, the GCSW reserves the right to limit the number of students admitted in each enrollment model in a given year. Students who wish to change their status prior to their initial enrollment may have to postpone starting the program for a full year if all slots are full. Once enrolled officially (i.e., tuition and fees are paid), students may change their status only with the recommendation of the academic advisor and approval from the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.

Final Course Letter Grade

Grade Scale
Grade Percent
A 96 - 100% of the points
A- 92 - 95.9%
B+ 88 - 91.9%
B 84 - 87.9%
B- 80 - 83.9%
C+ 76 - 79.9%
C 72 - 75.9%
C- 68 - 71.9%
D 64 - 67.9%
F Below 64%

Academic Probation and Suspension

A student whose grade point average (GPA) falls below 3.0 (B) will be placed on academic probation, and will be allowed to continue his/her enrollment only with the written recommendation of the academic advisor and approval from the dean. Permission to continue will be granted only if there is reasonable likelihood that the grade point average will improve in the subsequent semester. Removal from academic probation is granted when the grade point average is raised to B (3.0 or above). Students have 12 credit hours to bring their GPA to a 3.0.

Three “C” Rule

Effective January 2017, a graduate student who receives a grade of C+ or lower and/or a grade of U in 3 graduate courses attempted at this institution, whether or not in repeated courses, is ineligible for any graduate degree at this institution and will not be permitted to re-enroll for graduate study.

Incomplete Grades

The grade of I (Incomplete) is a conditional and temporary grade given when students are passing a course but, for reasons beyond their control, have not completed a relatively small part of all requirements. Students are responsible for informing the instructor immediately of the reasons for not submitting an assignment on time or not taking an examination as scheduled. The grade of I must be changed by fulfilling the course requirements by the deadline set by the instructor, but no more than one year from the date awarded, or, in conformance with university policy, it will be changed automatically to F or U (in S-U graded courses).

Continuous Enrollment

Students are expected to maintain continuous enrollment throughout their course of study. A temporary, time-limited leave of absence may be granted for compelling reasons with the recommendation of the advisor. However, students who fail to maintain continuous enrollment without initiating an official leave of absence will be considered as having withdrawn from the M.S.W. program. In such cases, students may be required to reapply for admission.

Time Limitation

As an explicit accreditation policy of the Council on Social Work Education, all requirements for the M.S.W. degree must be completed no more than four years from the date of the student’s first enrollment at the GCSW.

Academic Honesty

All members of, and participants in, the academic life of the university are governed by the University of Houston Academic Honesty Policy. Copies of this policy are distributed to all students during their first semester, but are also available from the dean’s office and the advising office. 
Academic Honesty  

Disciplinary Action and Termination

The nature of social work dictates that practitioners use sound professional judgment. The college reserves the right to terminate enrollment of any student at any time for what the college faculty and administration may believe to be good and sufficient reason(s), such as cheating, plagiarism, misuse of university property, or unprofessional conduct. Explicit policies are found in the GCSW Student Standards Policy, as well in the UH Graduate and Professional Studies Bulletin (online).

Grievance Policy and Procedures

Students have the right to appeal any action they feel is unfair or in error. The Graduate College of Social Work Policy for Student Grievance is available in the GCSW Student Handbook. It is the responsibility of all students to become familiar with the various policies and regulations of the university and the GCSW and to meet the conditions they impose.

Student Grievance Policy - http://www.uh.edu/socialwork/_docs/policies/StudentGrievancePolicy.pdf
Grievance Cover Sheet - http://www.uh.edu/socialwork/_docs/policies/GrievanceCoverSheet.pdf
Notice of Intent to File a Grievance - http://www.uh.edu/socialwork/_docs/policies/GrievanceIntentFile09.pdf

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