Feb 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Co-operative Education (Co-op) and Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Policies  > Academic Regulations > Co-operative Education (Co-op) and Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

At the University of Houston, Co-op/CPT is approved for students in many Colleges and Departments as an “Experience Track”. To satisfy the requirements for the Experience Track, students must declare their intention to pursue the track and complete an approved Co-op/CPT internship. Zero-credit courses, as well as courses for academic credit, are available to satisfy the requirements for the Experience Track for select majors, if approved by the respective Academic Department. Co-op is available to all UH students in a participating program. Students on an F-1 visa must meet the additional requirements outlined in the section below titled “Information about Curricular Practical Training”.

Information about Co-operative Education (Co-op)

Students are required to adhere to all deadlines and requirements set by the Cooperative Education & Internship Programs Office, (713) 743-4230. The information below is also available at this link: http://career.egr.uh.edu/students/coop.

Students should know the following about the course work, fees and reporting of the co-op experience.

  • Co-op education/training appears on the official transcript; therefore, students in the program must enroll each term of Co-op using their myUH account to enroll and pay for the Co-op course. Students must pay before the specified deadline each term of Co-op. All Co-op students must submit a Co-op Data Form in person at the Co-op Office or via email to complete the process.
  • There is a processing fee charged for each term a student received education/training as a Co-op intern. The fee is posted directly to the student’s myUH account.  Some employers reimburse the student for the processing fee; it is up to the student to discuss with the employer regarding Co-op fee reimbursement. If the employer agrees to reimburse the student, the student should provide the employer with documentation that the fee has been paid though myUH account and request that the employer issue the reimbursement separate from the student paycheck to ensure the student receives the full reimbursement with no taxes removed.
  • A Co-op Work Report is a pre-formatted 6-8 page document which must be completed to verify the work incorporates educational training in a particular field of study. The following points relate to the work report:
    • A letter grade is assigned by the instructor of record based upon completion of the Work Report submitted by the student each term of Co-op.
    • Co-op interns must complete and submit a work report each term to verify the Co-op internship experience is within their field of study. A review of the Work Report (which includes an employer evaluation) assists in determining the letter grade received on the official transcript.
    • Work reports must be completed, submitted and signed by the appropriate employment supervisor and faculty advisor before each term deadline.
    • Work reports and evaluations should be scanned and submitted via email to ecareers@central.uh.edu to confirm the date and time of the submission.
    • Submitting the work report after the deadline will result in the student receiving a lower grade.
  • Three reminders will be sent to each Co-op student’s UH email address each term of the Co-op experience to ensure awareness of policies and deadlines.
  • Students who are officially enrolled for Co-op and do not receive email reminders should call (713)743-4230 to ensure the Co-op Office has the correct UH email address on file.

Information about Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

For students on an F-1 visa, all of the guidelines and deadlines above are applicable. In addition, the following requirements will have to be completed prior to taking courses specified in the Experience Track.

F-1 students must visit the ISSS (International Student and Scholar Services) office to receive a CPT form. This form must be signed by the Academic Department to verify that the practical training constitutes valid professional experience. This form is submitted to the ISSS before the start of the term in which the student intends to participate in an internship. The CPT form is to be accompanied by a formal offer on the hiring company’s stationery that provides a description of the work to be performed, a beginning and ending date, and the salary offered. As with all internships, the work must be related to the students major.

CPT students are allowed only half-time employment during Fall and Spring terms. Full-time employment is allowed during the Summer term.

Follow the link below to learn more about eligibility for internships, steps to declare the experience track, and eligible coursework for each College or Department that offers CPT.

Bauer College of Business - Experience Track  

Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design - Experience Track  

College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Experience Track  

College of Technology - Experience Track  

Cullen College of Engineering - Industrial Experience  

Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts (KGMCA)
Moores School of Music - Experience Track  

College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Economics - Experience Track  

Department of Sociology - Experience Track  

Jack J. Valenti School of Communication - Experience Track