Feb 10, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Duration of Appointment

Policies  > Graduate Student Assistantships > Duration of Appointment

The appointment of a graduate assistant is normally for the full academic year (Fall and Spring terms), although a one-term appointment is possible. Summer employment is not guaranteed and will be based on departmental needs.

A graduate student may be employed in a graduate student appointment position for no more than six long terms (3 years) while classified as a master’s student.

A graduate student may be employed in a graduate student appointment position for no more than 10 long terms (5 years) while classified as a doctoral student. Graduate students who pursue both master and doctoral studies at the University of Houston may be employed in a graduate assistantship for no more than twelve terms (6 years).

For those who are employed in graduate student appointment positions and who are pursuing two graduate degrees at the same level (i.e. two master’s degrees) consecutively at the University of Houston, the time limitation starts over with the second degree. Therefore, a student who graduates with one master’s degree and then pursues a second master’s degree is eligible for up to 12 long terms (or six years) while classified as a master’s student.