Feb 06, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]


Policies  > Enrollment


The university’s online enrollment services system, myUH, provides a convenient option to simplify the enrollment process. Specific dates, detailed instructions, and a listing of the courses offered each term are included in the UH Self Service Center, also available online after logging in to myUH.

In order to qualify for financial aid students must have an approved degree objective posted in their student information system (myUH) prior to the first day of the semester in which they are enrolling. Students must be advised by their academic advisor prior to enrollment (registration).


Prior to the first day of classes, students may cancel their enrollment (registration) by dropping courses through the myUH system. Students may also receive assistance through the Office of the University Registrar, 128 Welcome Center.

Students who cancel classes prior to the first day of classes are entitled to a full refund minus a small matriculation fee and are regarded as never having officially enrolled in that semester.

Class Membership

Students may not attend a class unless properly enrolled. Failure to follow proper enrollment (registration) procedures may jeopardize a student’s good standing at the university and result in a loss of credit. Class rosters are comprised solely from the official enrollment records of the Office of the University Registrar. Students whose names do not appear on the official class roster in each of their classes should immediately verify enrollment (registration) in myUH.

Discontinued Classes

The university reserves the right, whenever necessary, to discontinue classes or to alter the schedule otherwise. Should a class be discontinued, students will be notified at the first class meeting, or before, so they may enroll for alternate courses. Students who are enrolled in a discontinued class will be automatically dropped from that course. If they wish to enroll in another section they must go through the official procedure to add the course, whether online or though the department offering the course.

Schedule of Classes

A listing of courses for the university may be accessed well in advance of the beginning of each term, including the summer sessions. Information is provided on the Web site at myUH.

Section or Course Changes

Students may make changes to their course schedule only during the dates indicated in the Academic  and Enrollment calendars using myUH.

Generally, the last day to add courses is determined by the length of the session.

Session Name

Session length

Last day for students to add courses

Session 1 (Regular)

16 weeks

6th class day (M-F)

Session 2

5 weeks

3rd class day (M-F)

Session 3

8 weeks

3rd class day (M-F)

Session 4

5 weeks

3rd class day (M-F)

Session 5

8 weeks

3rd class day (M-F)

Session 6

5 weeks

3rd class day (M-F)

Mini Session

3-4 weeks

2nd class day (any)


After the last day to drop without a grade students may drop or withdraw from a class(es) online by completing a Student-Initiated Drop Form, gaining their instructor’s signature, and submitting the completed form to the Office of the University Registrar in the Welcome Center. See the policy on Dropping Courses  for more information.

99-Hour Doctoral Cap

All doctoral students who accumulate more than ninety-nine doctoral semester credit hours at any Texas public institution of higher education will be charged the nonresident tuition rates irrespective of student residency status or any appointment, fellowship, or other circumstance that would normally entitle them to resident tuition rates.

For more details, visit the section on the 99-Hour Doctoral Cap .

Course Cap

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Rules (under Chapter 13) authorizes institutions to charge out of state tuition for students who enroll in a course for the third or more time.

Students may be charged for semester credit hours or contact hours attempted in any course, other than a non-degree-credit developmental course, containing the same content for a third or more times at their institutions. Attempted hours are calculated for courses in which a student is enrolled on the Official Reporting Day (ORD) (typically twelfth class day or fourth class day in summer), not by the courses in which a student receives a grade (passing, failing, or W).

Semester credit hours or contact hours attempted by students for the following types of coursework are exempt from the provisions of this section:

  • thesis and dissertation courses.
  • courses that may be repeated for credit because they involve different or more advanced content each time they are taken, including but not limited to, individual music lessons, Workforce Education Course Manual Special Topics courses (when the topic changes), theater practicum, music performance, applied music lessons, music ensembles, certain physical education and kinesiology courses, and studio art.
  • independent study courses.
  • special topics and seminar courses.