Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]



Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • ECE 3397 - Selected Topics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: None.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

    Additional Fee: N
  • ECE 3399 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
  • ECE 3436 - Microprocessor Systems

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 3331  and ECE 3441 .
    Corequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 2100 .
    Memory devices, microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, I/O programming, I/O interface design, data communications, and data acquistition systems. Laboratory exercises in assembly language and C.
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ECE 3441 - Digital Logic Design

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 2201 .
    Corequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in ECE 2100 .
    Boolean algebra, combinational logic, sequential machine analysis and synthesis.
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ECE 3456 - Analog Electronics

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 3155  and ECE 3355 .
    Bipolar, MOS, and JFET transistors; multistage amplifier design; frequency response and feedback concepts; operational amplifiers; analysis and design using discrete and integrated devices.
  • ECE 3457 - Digital Electronics

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 3355 .
    Analysis of discrete and integrated digital electronic devices and components and their use in the design and implementation of digital circuits.
  • ECE 4113 - Energy Conversion Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 2100  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 4363 .
    Selected experiments in electromechanical energy conversion devices.
  • ECE 4115 - Control Systems Laboratory I

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 2100  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 4375 .
    Introductory experiments in automatic control systems.
  • ECE 4117 - Telecommunications Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 2100  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 4371 .
    Selected experiments in telecommunications.
  • ECE 4119 - Solid State Devices Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 4339 .
    Introduction to the methods of solid state device characterization and the use of CAD tools in the design of discrete devices.
  • ECE 4197 - Selected Topics

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: None.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

    Additional Fee: N
  • ECE 4198 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
  • ECE 4298 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
  • ECE 4335 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 3155 , ECE 3317 , ECE 3340 , ECE 3355 , ECE 3436 , INDE 2333 , and a core approved economics elective.
    Propose and begin team projects involving open-ended design problems supplied by industry and faculty. Professionalism, research methodologies, design tools, and technical communication.
  • ECE 4336 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Design II

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 2    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 4335  and graduating senior standing.
    Complete, construct, demonstrate, and defend team projects begun in ECE 4335 .
  • ECE 4339 - Physical Principles of Solid State Devices

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3155 , ECE 3355 , and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 4119 .
    Electronics, modern physics, and electromagnetism used to develop fundamental understanding of bipolar, Schottky, and MOS solid state device operation.
  • ECE 4363 - Electromechanical Energy Conversion

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3364  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 4113 .
    Electromechanical energy conversion principles, transformers, rotating machines, and solid-state motor control.
  • ECE 4371 - Advanced Telecommunications Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3337 and INDE 2333.
    Linear systems, filters, convolution, spectra, random processes, noise, baseband transmission, amplitude modulation and angle modulation, baseband digital communication and digital modulation.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Yes Fee Type Engineering Equipment Access Fee
  • ECE 4375 - Automatic Control Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3337  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 4115 .
    Automatic control systems: mathematical modeling, block diagram, transfer function, system response, stability, root-locus, Bode analysis, Nyquist analysis, Nichols analysis, compensator design.
  • ECE 4397 - Selected Topics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: None.
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

    Additional Fee: N
  • ECE 4398 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: approval of chair.
  • ECE 4399 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Prerequisite: approval of department chair.
  • ECE 4437 - Embedded Microcomputer Systems

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 3155 , ECE 3355 , ECE 3436  and ECE 3441 .
    Hardware and software components of real-time embedded microcomputer systems; programming and interfacing to real-time external devices.
  • ECE 4498 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 4.0
  • ECE 5113 - Microwave Engineering Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 2100  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 5317 .
    Selected topics in microwave engineering.
  • ECE 5114 - Antenna Engineering Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 2100  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 5318 .
    Selected topics in antenna engineering.
  • ECE 5115 - Control Systems Lab II

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 2100 , ECE 4375 , and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 5335 .
    Computer simulations and computer-aided control system design.
  • ECE 5119 - Nanotechnology Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 5319 .
    Laboratory exercises pertaining to ECE 5319 . Introduction to nanotechnology, metrology and fabrication methods.
  • ECE 5120 - Nanomaterials Engineering Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: ECE 5119  or CHEE 5119  or MECE 5119 , concurrent enrollment in ECE 5320  and instructor permission.
    Introduction to engineering of nanomaterials with emphasis on structural, optical, photonic, magnetic and electronic materials. Experimental design, synthetic and analytical characterization will be emphasized.
  • ECE 5121 - Nanofabrication Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 2
    Prerequisite: ECE 5120  or CHEE 5120  or MECE 5120 , concurrent enrollment in ECE 5321 , and consent of instructor.
    Design, fabrication, and metrology of nanoscale devices.
  • ECE 5127 - Power Transmission and Distribution Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 2100  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 5377 .
    Real and reactive power, power flow and voltage regulation, parallel lines and transformers, series and parallel network compensation, phase shift transformers, protection.
  • ECE 5180 - Power Electronics Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite(s): ECE 3155 . Co-Requisite(s): ECE 5380 .
    Analysis, design, and test of power semiconductor devices (diodes, thyristors and transistors) and power electronics converters (DC-AC, DC-DC, DC-AC, and AC-AC converters) by simulation and experimentation.
  • ECE 5197 - Selected Topics

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • ECE 5311 - Introduction to Machine Learning

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3331, INDE 2333, MATH 2415 and MATH 3321.
    Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network, Auto-Encoder, Generative Adversarial Network, Recurrent Network, Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding, Dimensionality Reduction, Ensemble Learning; Classification, Regression, Feature Selection.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: N
  • ECE 5317 - Microwave Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3317 .
    Transmission lines, waveguides, microstrip circuits, microwave circuit theory, scattering matrices, impedance transformers, passive microwave devices, resonators, microwave tubes, and solid state active devices.
  • ECE 5318 - Antenna Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3317 .
    Antenna concepts, linear wire antennas, linear arrays, aperture and horn antennas, printed-circuit radiators, frequency-independent antennas, and measurement techniques.
  • ECE 5319 - Introduction to Nanotechnology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 3317  or consent of program director.
    Fundamental concepts underlying various nanotechnologies.
  • ECE 5320 - Introduction to Nanomaterials Engineering

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in ECE 3317.
    Engineering of nanomaterials with emphasis on structural, optical, photonic, magnetic, an electronic materials. Synthetic methods and analytical characterization with design for applications will be emphasized.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Yes
  • ECE 5321 - Introduction to Nanoscale Design & Fabrication

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in ECE 3317.
    Design and fabrication at the nanoscale. Effects of nanoscale phenomena on device scaling; technological advantages and challenges. Design, fabrication, metrology, and device integration at nanoscale.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Yes
  • ECE 5330 - Introduction to Robotics

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 3321, MATH 2415, and senior-standing in major.
    Robotic fundamentals including rigid motions; homogenous transformations; forward and inverse kinematics; velocity kinematics; motion planning; trajectory generation; sensing, vision; control.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: N
  • ECE 5335 - State-Space Control Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 4375 .
    State-space modeling, matrix algebra, system response, coordinate transformation, stability, controllability, observability, realization, state-feedback design and observers, nonlinear systems, Lyapunov functions, and optimal control.
  • ECE 5340 - Introduction to Well-Logging Techniques

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3317  or GEOL 4330  or PHYS 4321  or consent of instructor.
    Logging tools, including electrical resistivity, induction, acoustic, dielectric, natural gamma ray, neutron density, pulse neutron, NMR, and dipmeter. Production tools, along with well log data transmission, processing, and recording.
  • ECE 5346 - VLSI Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3456  or ECE 3457 .
    Integrated circuit design using computer-aided design methods; MOS, GaAs and bipolar techniques; standard cells, digital subcircuit and memory layout and design. Includes project requiring students to design and to have fabricated a functional integrated circuit.
  • ECE 5354 - Digital Video

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3331  and ECE 3337 .
    Concepts, theory, and applications of digital video compression. Sampling and quantization, data compression, adaptive coding, BMP and JPEG image standards, H.261 video-conferencing, MPEG codecs, mathematical animation techniques.
  • ECE 5356 - CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3456 .
    Analysis and design of CMOS analog integrated circuits at the transistor level, single-stage and multistage amplifiers, differential pairs, current source biasing circuits, current mirrors, and operational amplifier circuit design.
  • ECE 5357 - Introduction to Cybersecurity

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 1331, ENGI 1100, & MATH 2415.
    Basic security concepts. Cryptography basics. Computer security and network security. Security analysis.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: N
  • ECE 5358 - Modern Optics and Photonics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3317 .
    Lightwave fundamentals: geometrical and wave optics, interference, diffraction, scattering, Fourier optics; photonic passive & active devices: waveguides, lasers detectors, modulators, photonic integrated circuits, displays; optical system design and engineering.
  • ECE 5367 - Introduction to Computer Architecture and Design

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3436  and ECE 3441 .
    Computer organization, computer arithmetic, instruction sets, programming with MIPS assembly language, CPU design, pipelining, and memory hierarchy including caching and virtual memory.
  • ECE 5377 - Power Systems Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Circuits and Systems (ECE 3364 ).
    Power System Fundamentals. Transmission Line Parameters and Steady-State Operation. The Impedance Model (Zbus), Admittance Model (Ybus) and Network Calculations. Power Flow Analysis, Economic and Reliable Operation of Power Systems, Symmetrical Fault Analysis, Transient Stability, Power Distribution Systems.
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ECE 5380 - Power Electronics and Electric Drives

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3155  and ECE 3355 .
    Power electronics; power semiconductor switches; converters and inverters; DC, induction and synchronous motor drives; industrial applications; harmonics and filtering.
  • ECE 5384 - Micro-Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems and Nano Devices

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3155 and ECE 3355.
    Micro- and nano-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS; relevant material science, physics, design, manufacturing techniqeues and operation. Applications.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: No
  • ECE 5385 - Smart Grid Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ECE 3364 .
    Cross-disciplinary topics in smart grid technology including energy generation, transmission, distribution, and delivery. Theory, technology, design, policy, and implementation of smart grid technology.
  • ECE 5388 - Renewable Energy Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ECE 3364 .
    Introduction and comprehensive overview of renewable energy technology. Topics include distributed generation and renewable energy including wind power, solar power, fuel cells and hydropower.
  • ECE 5397 - Selected Topics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Cr. 3. (3-0). May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • ECE 5436 - Advanced Microprocessor Systems

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 3436  and ECE 3441 .
    Microcomputer programming, I/O programming, I/O interface, flash interface, fundamentals of Real-Time Operating Systems, and Bluetooth Network interfacing.
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ECE 5440 - Advanced Digital Design

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 3155 , ECE 3355 , ECE 3441 , and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 3436 .
    Design fundamentals and techniques using application specific integrated circuit development and synthesis tools and field programmable gate arrays. Design of control units, arithmetic and logic units, memory and I/O subsystems, and cache.
  • ECE 5451 - Principles of Internetworking

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ECE 3355 .
    Local area networks, IP addressing, routing protocols, TCP flow, congestion and error control, Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and Network Address Translation (NAT). Selected applications.

Electrical-Electronics Technology

  • ELET 1400 - Circuit Theory and Lab I

    Credit Hours: 4
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Formerly ELET 1300/1100
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 2413.
    Principles and applications of direct current electricity. Applications to series, parallel, and series-parallel circuitry including Ohm’s Law, Kirchof’s Laws, mesh and nodal analysis, resistance, capacitance, inductance, magnetism, and electromagnetism.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 1401 - Circuit Theory and Laboratory II

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Formerly ELET 1301/1101
    Prerequisite: C or better in ELET 1400 .
    Analysis and applications of single phase and three phase alternating current circuits, transformers and electric power concepts.
  • ELET 2101 - Poly-Phase Circuits and Transformers Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 2301 .
    Experiments in poly-phase circuits and power transformers.
    Additional Fee: $2.00 Fee Type Lab Fee
  • ELET 2103 - Digital Systems Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Corequisite: ELET 2303  .
    Experiments in digital systems, including basic gates, combinational and sequential systems, binary arithmetic circuits, MUX/DEMUX, decoder and encoder devices. Use of modern software simulation tools is emphasized.
  • ELET 2105 - Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Corequisite: ELET 2305 .
    Experiments in semiconductor circuits and systems.
  • ELET 2300 - Introduction To C++ Programming

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: MATH 2312.
    Fundamentals of C++ programming, conditional and looping constructs, functions and function overloading, arrays, pointers and references, class concepts, and files. Emphasis on practical applications.
    Repeatability: No

    Core Category: (90) Core-Math/Reasoning, Component Area Option
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 2301 - Poly-phase Circuits and Transformers

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: C or better in ELET 1401 .
    Poly-phase circuit analysis and fundamentals of power transformers.
  • ELET 2303 - Digital Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 1401  or ELET 2307 .
    Corequisite: ELET 2103 .
    Digital systems and their applications, gates, Boolean algebra, simplification methods, design of combinational logic circuits, counters, IC characteristics, MSI, and memory devices.
  • ELET 2305 - Semiconductor Devices and Circuits

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: C-or better in ELET 1401, PHYS 1302, PHYS 1102, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 2105.
    Corequisite: ELET 2105.
    Solid state devices and circuits, including single stage and multistage amplifiers, frequency response, and semiconductor circuit applications.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 2307 - Electrical-Electronic Circuits

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 2312.
    Repeatability: No

    Note: For non-CETE and non-EPTE majors. Basic DC and AC circuits.
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 3107 - Electrical Mach & Control Lab

    Credit Hours: 1
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 2413 and ELET 3307 or equivalents.
    Experiments in the characteristics, operation, and control of DC and AC motors and generators.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 3112 - Rotating Machine Controls Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in ELET 3307 .
    Experiments in electromechanical, PLC, and solid-state controls for rotating machines.
  • ELET 3301 - Linear Systems Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: C or better in MATH 2414, and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 2305.
    Differential equations, Fourier series & transforms, Laplace transforms. Applications to linear systems: electrical circuits, communication, signal processing, and control. Use of modern simulation software packages.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 3307 - Electrical Machines & Controls

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 2301 and MATH 2413 or consent of instructor.
    Corequisite: In ELET 2301 and MATH 2413 or consent of instructor.
    Characteristics and operation of dc and ac motors, generators, and basic motor control principles.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 3312 - Programmable Logic Controllers & Motor Control Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ELET 3307 .
    Programmable Logic Controllers and microprocessor-based controls for electrical motors and generators.
  • ELET 3402 - Communications Circuits

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ELET 3301 .
    Analysis of tuned circuits, rf oscillators, amplifiers, modulation/demodulation theory and circuits and rf and fiber optic transmission lines.
  • ELET 3403 - Sensor Applications

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Formerly ELET 3303
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ELET 2305  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 3301 .
    Sensor technology and its applications, including OpAmp and signal conditioning circuits, modern sensors, ADC/DAC, AC/DC and step motor control circuits, and interfaces between these components.
  • ELET 3405 - Microprocessor Architecture

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Mininmum grade of C- in ELET 2300 , and ELET 2303 .
    Architecture and operation of microprocessor-based systems including basic hardware, software, and interfaces.
  • ELET 3425 - Embedded Systems

    Credit Hours: 4.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ELET 3405  and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 3403 .
    Hardware and software design of embedded microprocessor/microcontroller systems: system architecture, memory management, I/O programming, real-time operating systems, and application development using a high level programming language.
    Additional Fee: $2.00 Fee Type Lab Fee
  • ELET 4103 - Power Distribution and Transmission Lab

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 4303 .
    Experiments on power transmission and distribution systems.
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 4105 - Senior Design Lab in Electrical Power Engineering Technology

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ELET 4305  and EPET major.
    Senior project laboratory including progress reports, prototype construction and testing, final project report, and presentations.
    Additional Fee: N
  • ELET 4126 - Power Converter Circuits Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 1.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 3
    Prerequisite: ELET 2305  and ELET 3301 .
    Pspice simulation and laboratory experiments involving power converter circuits and their control/application.
  • ELET 4198 - Independent Study

    Credit Hours: 1.0
  • ELET 4208 - Senior Project Laboratory

    Credit Hours: 2.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 0    Lab Contact Hours: 6
    Prerequisite: ELET 4308 .
    Senior project laboratory in computer engineering technology including progress reports, prototypes construction and testing, final project reports, and presentations.
    Additional Fee: $2.00 Fee Type Lab Fee
  • ELET 4300 - Unix Operating System

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 3425 .
    Unix operating system concepts, fundamental command-line features, file and directory system navigation, file security, simple editors and vi text editor, command shells, shell scripts, mail, and basic network use.
  • ELET 4302 - Data Communication Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 3402 .
    Analysis and design of communication systems, emphasizing system performance evaluation, microwave channels, linear, nonlinear, and pulse/digital modulation, multiplexing, and propagation effects.
  • ELET 4303 - Computer-Based Power Distribution and Transmission

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ELET 3307 .
    Principles of operation and applied design of bulk power distribution and transmission systems and substations.
  • ELET 4304 - Control Systems

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ELET 3301 .
    Modeling and analysis of single-input, single-output feedback control systems. Tuning of cascade compensator parameters, stability, analog and digital implementation, frequency-domain methods, and simulation using modern software packages.
  • ELET 4305 - Senior Design in Electrical Power Engineering Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 3307 , credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 4317 , and EPET major.
    Senior projects; including proposals, project management, and integrated hardware and software design.
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 4308 - Senior Project

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ELET 3425 , and TLIM 3363 , and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ELET 3402 .
    Senior projects in computer engineering technology including proposals, project management, integrated hardware and software design.
  • ELET 4309 - Object-Oriented Applications Programming

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 3425  or consent of instructor.
    Object-oriented concepts, implementation using modern programming languages such as C++, Java, and C#. Concepts of class, methods, overloading, abstract classes and polymorphism, inheritance, exception handling and files. Software design processes and tools, program efficiency, and differences and similarities between OOPLs.
  • ELET 4310 - Alternative Electrical Energy Sources

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 3307 .
    Relative advantages and economic factors associated with alternative energy sources, utility interface issues and their impact on power quality.
  • ELET 4315 - Telecommunications

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in ELET 3402 .
    Topics in telecommunications, including digital transmission systems, digital switching, and communication techniques in wired, wireless, and optical systems.
  • ELET 4317 - Computer-Based Electrical System Protection and Safety

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 4303 .
    Computer-based protection of electrical systems and components. Electrical system safety practices.
    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 4319 - Electrical Power Systems and Industry Practices

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 3307 .
    History, regulatory and legal issues in electrical power. Relationships among institutions involved in electrical power: FERC, North American Reliability Council, state regulation boards, and EPRI. Basic electrical power generation plant principles.
  • ELET 4325 - Advanced Microcomputer Networks

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 4421 .
    Advanced topics in microcomputer networking, including internetworking and routers, and network management.
  • ELET 4326 - Power Converter Circuits

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- ELET 2305  and ELET 3301 .
    Electric power converter circuits: rectifiers, inverters, dc-dc converters, power supplies, and power quality issues associated with the operation of converters.
  • ELET 4327 - Optical Circuits

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 3402 .
    Fiber optic communication systems and related optical circuits and systems. Fundamental concepts to understand the design, operation, and capabilities of optical fiber communications systems.
  • ELET 4332 - Physiological Systems Modeling and Simulation

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: senior status in CETE or consent of instructor.
    Engineering and computational approaches for modeling physiological systems. Hands-on experience with elementary physiological measurements.
  • ELET 4345 - The Principles and Applications of Fuel Cell Technology

    Credit Hours: 3
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: CHEM 1305 or consent of instructor.
    Fuel cell use in an emerging, efficient, alternative energy technology frontier. Modern energy relevant to the DOE.
    Repeatability: No

    Additional Fee: Y
  • ELET 4350 - Overview of Computational Health Informatics

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: TLIM 3363 , ENGI 2304 , or Completion of University approved WID.
    Overview of electronic medical records, health information exchange, clinical decisions, computational information retrieval, telemedicine, consumer health informatics, HIPPA, and evidence based medicine.
    Additional Fee: N
  • ELET 4351 - Biomedical Data Mining

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 2300  or equivalents, ELET 3301  or CIS 3365 .
    Machine learning and data mining of biomedical, health, and demographic data. Practical examples and applications will be demonstrated using simulated and actual data sets.
    Additional Fee: N
  • ELET 4352 - Computational Tools for Technology

    Credit Hours: 3.0
    Lecture Contact Hours: 3    Lab Contact Hours: 0
    Prerequisite: ELET 2300  or equivalent.
    Introduction to scripting languages and associated toolboxes. The course consists of interactive lectures, hands-on experience with tools.
    Additional Fee: N

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