Feb 19, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Placement Without Credit

Undergraduate Admissions  > Evaluation of Credits > Placement Without Credit

Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

All entering college students are required to demonstrate their college readiness by meeting established minimum standards on TSI Assessments in math, reading and writing or by demonstrating an exemption for each area. Students who have not met the TSI requirement in any one of the areas of math, reading and writing should consult their academic advisors for a success plan, which may include enrolling in appropriate developmental courses designed to improve their academic skills and prepare them for college level courses. For details on TSI requirements, please see: http://www.uh.edu/ussc/tsi/.

First-Time-In-College Students

  • English Placement

    • Incoming freshmen who are TSI complete should enroll in ENGL 1301 .
  • Mathematics Placement

    • All freshmen entering from high school and freshmen transferring into UH with less than 15 hours of college credits, even those who are TSI complete are required to take the mathematics placement test.
    • Mathematics placement examinations are offered through Courseware: www.casa.uh.edu/.
    • Additional information about the Math Placement is available at:
    • Those who enroll for a course for which they lack the proper placement score may be dropped from the course and will be required to re-enroll at the appropriate level.
  • Reading Placement

    • Students who are not TSI complete in the area of reading may not be able to take courses for which TSI completion in reading is a prerequisite.
  • Chemistry 1331 Pre-Assessment

    • To gauge chemistry and math preparation for CHEM 1331, students are required to take a Preparation Assessment (PA).
    • Additional information is available on the Testing Services website at http://ussc.uh.edu/ under Assessments for Placement.

Language Placement

Students who have completed two or more years of French, German, Latin, or Spanish in high school or one or more semesters of German at another college or whose heritage language is one of these languages are required to take a language examination for placement without credit before enrolling in a course in that language. 

Language Placement with credit is available for Arabic, Hindi, and Vietnamese.

Please review the Credit by Exam options at the Testing services website to determine language credit that is awarded based on Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) and other test programs.

For additional information please visit: http://ussc.uh.edu/.

University of Houston
Testing Services
204 Student Service Center 1
4365 Wheeler Street
Houston, Texas 77204-3025