Jan 15, 2025
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
American History: Approved Core Courses
Students must have earned credit for six credit hours or its equivalent in American History; three credit hours may be in Texas History.
Texas History
Up to only three credit hours of Texas history may be used in partial satisfaction of this requirement.
Credit in both HIST 1376 and HIST 1301 cannot be applied toward a degree; credit in both HIST 1302 and HIST 1379 cannot be applied toward a degree.
Credit in both HIST 2301 and HIST 2302 cannot be applied toward the American History component area.
State History and Constitutions Requirements
Senate Bill 254, passed by the 54th Legislature and amended by House Bill 935 of the 60th Legislature, provides that no individuals may receive an undergraduate degree unless they have credit for six credit hours or its equivalent in American history and six credit hours credit in the constitutions of the United States and Texas.
For information on advanced placement or credit by examination, consult the University Testing Services, 204 Student Service Center.
For more information visit the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board web site (see Sec. 51.302. American or Texas History).
For information about meeting the State’s Constitutions Requirements, please see the Government category of the UH Core Curriculum.