Jan 15, 2025  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Student Organizations: Graduate College of Social Work

Colleges  > Graduate College of Social Work  > Student Organizations: Graduate College of Social Work

GSCW Student Organizations

Active GCSW Student Organizations include:


Mission of organization: The purpose of this organization is to promote unity among all students of the Graduate College of Social Work (GCSW). Our goals are to 1) promote cohesiveness and communication among students; 2) promote student scholarship and leadership; 3) enhance community awareness of our school and its students; 4) advocate for students with faculty, staff, and administration.

Primary contact for the organization:  Kennedy Henderson, Student Engagement Coordinator, at kmhende2@CougarNet.UH.EDU if interested in leadership positions with this student organization.


Mission of organization: Association of Asian American Social Workers is a community of students and social work professionals committed to raising awareness and advocating for the needs of Asian Americans. AAASW supports social work students and professionals interested in or currently working with Asian Americans. AAASW also serves to raise awareness of the social and economic issues facing Asian Americans.

Primary contacts for organization: Linh Do, AAASW President, lkdo@cougarnet.uh.edu

Prior Statements from AAASW

Anti-AAPI Hate Crimes Statement from AAASW

Anti-Black Racism Statement from AAASW


Mission of organization: ABSW’s purpose is to advance the African American initiative at the University of Houston, specifically Social Work. 

Primary contact for organization: André Marcel Harris, ABSW President, amharr27@cougarnet.uh.edu, uhabsw@central.uh.edu


Mission of organization: CWEP is for students and alumni who are part of the Title IV E funded Child Welfare Education Project, the program in which students are prepared for the challenging and rewarding work in Children’s Protective Services.

Primary contact for organization: Renita Laury, rllaury@central.uh.edu


Mission of organization: ISG’s vision is to achieve a better graduate life for international students at GCSW, University of Houston. The mission of the ISG is to share resources, policies, and experiences to help international students at GCSW navigate their graduate life.

Primary contact for organization: Micol Rosen, International Student Group Staff Advisor, mrosen@uh.edu


Mission of organization: The Latinx Student Association of the University of Houston, Graduate College of Social Work, represents a community of students committed to the principles of empowerment, solidarity, and social justice for the Latinx population. We embrace a mandate to promote advocacy, service, cultural awareness, and scholarship through collaboration and networking in the school and the community.

Primary contact for the organization: Lillian Ortiz, LSA Staff Advisor, laortiz2@central.uh.edu


Mission of organization: The mission of our organization is to advocate for and on the behalf of macro focused social work students, to introduce social work students to macro level engagement, and to organize events that educate students on what a career in macro social work could look like.

Primary contact for organization: Melanie Pang, MACRO Network Faculty Advisor, mepang@central.uh.edu


Mission of organization: To bring awareness to the public policies that impact the communities and populations that we engage with both directly and indirectly. Through the “Policy Insider Series,” we hope to help GCSW students, faculty, staff, and the broader Houston social work community understand and navigate complex social welfare policy issues and engage in legislative and electoral advocacy around these issues.

Primary contact for the organization: Currently Open

Contact:   Kennedy Henderson, Student Engagement Coordinator,  at kmhende2@CougarNet.UH.EDU if interested in leadership positions with this student organization.


Mission of organization: To be a supportive Q+mmunity of graduate students and professionals led by the GCSW dedicated to the advocacy, service, cultural awareness, and scholarship of LGBTQ+ issues, while upholding the core values of the social work profession through education, engagement, and collaboration within and beyond the University of Houston.

Primary contacts for organization: President - Luis Sanchez - He/Him - uhqmmunity@gmail.com


Mission of organization: The purpose of this organization is to promote the field of international social work at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work by highlighting human rights and social justice issues, engaging students in the active pursuit of global justice, and increasing international social work awareness at the University of Houston. Our goals are to: promote advocacy, service, cultural awareness, and scholarship through collaboration and networking in the school and global community. 

Primary contacts for organization: Patrick Leung, PhD, SAISW Faculty Advisor at pleung@uh.edu


Mission of organization: Payments 4 Placements (P4P) is a nationwide movement calling for all social work students to be paid for their practicum placements. Our mission is to ensure all students are paid for practicum, remove barriers to accessing social work education, and support the nationwide movement towards paid practicum. 

Primary contacts for organization: Alex Parris aiparris@cougarnet.uh.edu, Frances Fisher ffisher@cougarnet.uh.edu, and Drew Tonjes dtonjes@cougarnet.uh.edu, Organization email: uhp4p@outlook.com 

Honor Societies at GCSW

Phi Kappa Phi

Phi Kappa Phi is a national honor society which recognizes superior scholarship in all academic disciplines. Membership in Phi Kappa Phi is by invitation and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. The University of Houston Graduate School oversees the determination process for Phi Kappa Phi. To be eligible, students must be:

Currently seeking a graduate degree at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work;

Have been enrolled at UH as a graduate student on a full-time basis for at least one academic year or on a part-time basis for the equivalent of at least one academic year (completion of 24 semester credit hours or more); and

Ranked scholastically in the top 10 percent of the students enrolled currently in the GCSW program.

Faculty Contact: Dr. Susan Robbins -srobbins@central.uh.edu

Phi Alpha

Phi Alpha Honor Society is a national honor society specifically for social work students. The purposes of Phi Alpha Honor Society are to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work. 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Patrick Leung - pleung@central.uh.edu

Phi Alpha Honor Society Board: Wendy Cooper (President), Jo Sullivan (Vice President), Dr. Leal Roberta (Treasurer), Holly Davies, Fakiya Blade, Limor Smith and Dr. Kristin Mena

Scholarships: Two $500 scholarships are available to current GCSW students (see the information posted in the Student Lounge at GCSW 2nd Floor)

Membership: A GCSW candidate is accepted into the Phi Alpha Honor Society Mu Lambda Chapter based on achieving a 3.85 GPA for the cumulative semesters spent in social work education and being in the top 35% of the graduating cohort.    

Phi Alpha, National Honor Society for Social Work Students 

Alumni Association (GCSWAA)

Graduates of the school are invited to become active members of the GCSW Alumni Association, which is affiliated with the university’s larger Alumni Organization. The GCSWAA, governed by elected officers and a board of directors, participates actively in the school’s fundraising efforts, and sponsors various programs for current GCSW students.
