Understanding the Core can help start you out right - and keep you on the right track. This area provides an overview of the Core Curriculum’s purpose, some background, and some links to more detailed academic guidelines for the Core. If you have any questions, please see an advisor.
For information about the Fall 2014 Core Curriculum. visit the 2014 UH Core Curriculum resource page. Please contact your academic advisor for core curriculum inquiries.**
It’s a Requirement
All bachelor’s degrees from the University of Houston require completion of the core curriculum.
The courses listed here are approved to fulfill basic core requirements for the University of Houston. Students must meet the credit hour requirements for all ten of the categories . Special Topics, Independent Study, and Special Problems courses (those courses numbered xx94-xx98) may not be used to meet any Core requirements.
Keep in mind that requirements may change from time to time, so stay in regular communication with your advisors.
And you may have other requirements
Please note that many areas of study require specific core course choices, and may also require additional courses which are not listed here. Always see an advisor to confirm or review your specific degree plan requirements.
Why a Core?
The University’s 42-hour core curriculum is informed by a series of basic intellectual competencies - reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking, and computer literacy - that are essential to the learning process in any discipline and includes courses in the disciplinary areas outlined in this site.
These courses are intended to provide students with the opportunity for understanding how these disciplines present varying views of the individual, society, and the world and for appreciating the methods by which scholars in a given discipline organize and evaluate data. The perspectives acquired in these studies describe the potential, as well as the limitations, of these disciplines in understanding the human experience.
Thus the University of Houston continues to maintain, and strives to exceed, the solid standards of higher education shared by institutions across the State of Texas. The University of Houston offers world-class programs to students, faculty, and researchers from local, national, and international arenas.
Our Core - Fall 2007 and forward
Beginning Fall 2007 a separate Writing Intensive category was included in the UH Core Curriculum, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences category no longer includes Writing Intensive courses.
Students enrolling at the University of Houston for the first time Fall 2007 and forward will follow the Fall 2007 Core Curriculum requirements.
Students who first enrolled Fall 1999 through Summer 2007 will continue to follow the Core Curriculum requirements implemented in Fall 1999. Please see the Fall 1999 Core page for reference if your degree plan is anchored to the Fall 1999 Core.
If you have any questions about what the Core Curriculum requirements are for you and your specific degree plan, please see an advisor.
To learn more
Further information on Core eligibility and on courses that satisfy Core Curriculum requirements can be obtained by reviewing the information available throughout this Catalog, by consulting the current UH Course Listing, by reviewing Texas Common Course Numbering information, and/or by contacting your academic advisors.
The Undergraduate Studies Catalog -
The University of Houston Core Curriculum requirements are described in detail in this Catalog. In addition, the Catalog offers specific outlines for all established degree plans at the University of Houston, including their unique Core requirements. Please see information by college . The Undergraduate Studies Catalog is currently presented online only. Older print versions of the undergraduate catalog, including 2005-2007 and earlier, are archived for public reference at the M.D. Anderson Memorial Library.
The Course Listing -
See the current UH Course Listing, published each semester, for relevant prerequisites, additions, deletions, and other restrictions which could affect your degree plan.
Course listings are presented on-line at: http://www.uh.edu/academics/courses-enrollment/courselisting/.
Texas Common Course Numbering Information -
For a table of courses which may translate to UH Core Curriculum credit, as well as further information about the TCCNS, please see the Texas Common Course Numbering information elsewhere in this Catalog.
Unique circumstances and specific questions -
Please contact an advisor if you have any questions about your degree requirements, and especially if you have questions about Core requirements.
How to find an advisor
Students who have been admitted to a particular college or department should seek advising from there. For a comprehensive listing of undergraduate advising contacts by college, department, and field of study, please see the advisors listings in the Provost Office area of the UH website.
Other undergraduate students should contact Undergraduate Scholars at UH, 832-842-2100, located in room 56 University Libraries. The entrance is at the back of M.D. Anderson Library, across from the University Center. (Please note: there is no public access to the southeast side of the building from inside the main part of the library.)
Contact information for each College is listed with its respective Catalog section. Please select the College of interest, then select “About the College”.
For further information about the role of advising at the University of Houston please review this catalog’s section on advising .