Policies > General Policies > University of Houston General Policies |
Introduction to the Undergraduate Studies Catalog
The Undergraduate Catalog states policies, procedures, rules and regulations, for undergraduate students, as well as those students’ responsibilities and rights.
The Catalog provides answers to most questions concerning academic and administrative requirements for admission, enrollment (registration), retention, financial aid, student life, degree requirements, and graduation.
All undergraduate students are responsible for observing the standards and regulations governing this institution as published in this catalog and in other official publications.
The University of Houston reserves the right to change the provisions of this catalog, including, but not limited to, degree requirements, course offerings, fees, and listings in the calendar as necessitated by university or legislative action.
Equal Educational and Employment Opportunity
The University of Houston is fully committed to the principle of providing equality of treatment and opportunity to all persons in an environment which appreciates and respects the diversity of the community it serves. University policy prohibits discrimination in employment and educational services based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation, except where such a distinction is required by law, and promotes the full realization of equal opportunity through an affirmative action program.
For more information concerning this policy, contact:
Office of Equal Opportunity Services (EOS)
University of Houston
153 Student Service Center 2
Houston, TX 77204-3020
Other University Policies
Information on other University of Houston policies (for example, the Academic Honesty Policy, Student Life Policies, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy, AIDS Policy, Smoking Policy, and the Sexual Harassment Policy) can be found in the Student Handbook published by and available in the Dean of Students Office. When possible, students searching for such items will be redirected to the Student Handbook.
Mission Statement
The mission of the University of Houston is to offer nationally competitive and internationally recognized opportunities for learning, discovery and engagement to a diverse population of students in a real-world setting. The University of Houston offers a full range of degree programs at the baccalaureate, master’s, doctoral and professional levels and pursues a broad agenda of research and creative activities. As a knowledge resource to the public, the university builds partnerships with other educational institutions, community organizations, government agencies, and the private sector to serve the region and impact the world.
UH System Strategic Principles
Along with the other UH System universities, the University of Houston pursues the following strategic principles established by the UH System Board of Regents:
Strategic Principle 1: Institutional Excellence. The UH System universities will continue to strive for academic excellence in all undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, as well as in research and public service.
Strategic Principle 2: Student Access. The universities of the UH System will continue to provide broad access to higher education opportunities in the upper Gulf Coast region and Texas.
Strategic Principle 3: Diversity. The diversity of the UH System universities is a strength that distinguishes us among universities nationwide. Increasingly, the faculty, staff, administration, and students of our universities will reflect the the city of Houston’s diversity.
Strategic Principle 4: Research. The cornerstone of higher education is the creation and dissemination of new knowledge, through which the UH System universities will enrich the educational experience of students, enhance the cultural life of our constituents, and contribute to economic development.
Strategic Principle 5: External Partnerships. Partnerships with business, industry, government, the community, and alumni are critical to achieving institutional goals of excellence and ensuring the financial health of the UH System universities.
Strategic Principle 6: Faculty and Staff Recruitment and Retention. Faculty and staff constitute the most valuable assets of the UH System universities. As such they must have access to career opportunities that are competitive with those at other universities.
Strategic Principle 7: PK-16 Partnerships. Partnerships among the UH System universities, public schools, and community colleges are critical to increasing the college-going rates of Texas students to the national average.
Strategic Principle 8: Accountability and Administrative Efficiency. The universities of the UH System will be accountable for student learning and for the effective use of resources.
Published online by the
University of Houston
Office of the Senior Vice President
for Academic Affairs
203 E Cullen Building
Houston, Texas 77204-2019
713-743-9101 |