Sep 27, 2024  
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]




  • ENGL 7399 - Essay

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (; )
    Prerequisite: Completion of 27 hours of course work toward the MA in English and approval of the director of graduate studies.
    May be repeated.

  • ENGL 7699 - Master’s Thesis

    Credit Hours: 6.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(6-0); )
  • ENGL 7699 - Thesis

    Credit Hours: 6.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(6-0); )
    Prerequisite: Completion of 36 hours of course work toward the M.F.A. in English and approval of director of graduate studies.
    May be repeated.

  • ENGL 8198 - Graduate English Research

    Credit Hours: 1.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1-0); )
    Prerequisite: approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Conference course concerned with specific areas of research and professional development under the supervision of members of the graduate faculty.
  • ENGL 8199 - Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 1.0 (; )
  • ENGL 8298 - Graduate English Research

    Credit Hours: 2.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(2-0); )
    Prerequisite: approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Conference course concerned with specific areas of research and professional development under the supervision of members of the graduate faculty.
  • ENGL 8316 - Documenting Community Culture

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: ENGL 8316 - Folklore Theory and Fieldwork.
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    A term-long fieldwork and research project emphasizing the methods and principles of community ethnography and recording folklore.
  • ENGL 8318 - Research Seminar in Rhetoric and Composition

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or approval of chair.
    Investigation of approaches, assumptions, and methods in specific fields within the discipline of rhetoric and composition employed in production of research.
    Course can be repeated once for credit.

  • ENGL 8322 - Master Workshop: Poetry

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: 9 hours of poetry workshops.
    Shaping and refining the poetry manuscript.
  • ENGL 8323 - Master Workshop Narrative

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: 9 hours of fiction workshops.
    Shaping and refining the fiction manuscript.
  • ENGL 8330 - Chaucer

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7362  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Detailed study of Troilus and Criseyde and shorter poems.
  • ENGL 8331 - Chaucer

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7362 , ENGL 8330 , or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Detailed study of the Canterbury Tales.
  • ENGL 8332 - Early English Drama

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7362  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Origins of English drama and its early development.
  • ENGL 8340 - Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7363  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Drama of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, excluding Shakespearean drama.
  • ENGL 8341 - Shakespeare’s Comedies and Histories

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7363  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of selected plays of the genre.
  • ENGL 8342 - Shakespeare’s Tragedies

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7363  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of selected plays of the genre.
  • ENGL 8344 - Sixteenth Century Nondramatic Literature

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7363  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Detailed study of British prose and poetry of the period.
  • ENGL 8346 - Seventeenth Century Nondramatic Literature

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7363  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Detailed study of British prose and poetry of the period, excluding the poetry of Milton.
  • ENGL 8347 - Milton

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7365  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of both the prose and poetry of John Milton.
  • ENGL 8350 - Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7364  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Significant English dramatists of the late seventeenth century and the eighteenth century.
  • ENGL 8352 - Swift and Pope

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7364  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Includes studies of other late eighteenth century writers.
  • ENGL 8353 - Johnson and Boswell

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7364  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Includes studies of other late eighteenth century writers.
  • ENGL 8354 - The English Novel

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7364  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Evolution of the English novel to 1832.
  • ENGL 8355 - English Romanticism

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7365  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of early romantic poetry and prose.
  • ENGL 8356 - English Romanticism

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7365  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of late romantic poetry and prose.
  • ENGL 8360 - The English Novel

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7365  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Development of the English novel from 1832.
  • ENGL 8361 - Victorian Poetry

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7365  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, the Pre-Raphaelites, and others.
  • ENGL 8362 - Victorian Prose

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7365  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Carlyle, Macaulay, Newman, Mill, Ruskin, Arnold, and others.
  • ENGL 8363 - Modern British and European Drama

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7366  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    English and continental drama from the time of Ibsen to the present.
  • ENGL 8364 - Women Writers

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in English or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    This course focuses on the poetry, prose, and drama written by such writers as the Brontes, Austen, Eliot, Woolf, Cather, Lessing, Drabble, and Morrison.
  • ENGL 8370 - American Colonial and Federal Literature

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7367  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Colonial and independence era of American letters.
  • ENGL 8371 - American Novel of the Nineteenth Century

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7367  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of such writers of the period as Cooper, Hawthorne, Melville, James.
  • ENGL 8372 - American Transcendentalism

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7367  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of such writers of the movements as Emerson, Whitman, Thoreau.
  • ENGL 8373 - American Romanticism

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7367  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of such writers of the movement as Poe, Hawthorne, Melville.
  • ENGL 8374 - American Realism and Naturalism

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7368  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of such writers of the movement as Twain, Howells, Crane, James, Dreiser.
  • ENGL 8376 - American Poetry of the Nineteenth Century

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7367  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of such writers of the period as Bryant, Longfellow, Whitman, Dickinson.
  • ENGL 8378 - Modern American Literature

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7368  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of such writers of the period as Eliot, Stevens, Williams, Faulkner, Hemingway.
  • ENGL 8379 - Modern American Drama

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7368  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Emphasis upon American drama of the twentieth century.
  • ENGL 8381 - Contemporary American Fiction

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7368  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of such writers of the period as Bellow, Mailer, Pynchon, Gass.
  • ENGL 8382 - Contemporary American Poetry

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: ENGL 7368  or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of such writers of the period as Bishop, Berryman, Warren, Wright.
  • ENGL 8383 - African American Poetry and Drama

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in English or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of the works of such writers as Paul Laurence Dunbar, Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Arna Bontemps, Gwendolyn Brooks, Lorraine Hansberry, Ed Bullins, Alice Childress, Ntozake Shange, and August Wilson.
  • ENGL 8384 - African American Fiction

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in English or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of the works of such writers as Zora Neale Hurston, Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Margaret Walker, Alice Walker, and Toni Morrison.
  • ENGL 8385 - Topics in Mexican-American Literature

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in English or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Mexican-American literature using various, genres, themes, or critical or theoretical approaches.
  • ENGL 8386 - Topics in Postcolonial Studies

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in English or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Study of any topic within the field of postcolonial studies including but not limited to surveys of postcolonial fiction, poetry, drama, film, or theory, colonial discourse analysis, globalization studies, third world intellectuals, specific traditions within the postcolonial world.
  • ENGL 8388 - Topics in Literary Translation

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in English, or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Critical approaches to the history, theory, and practice of translation.
    Course may be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • ENGL 8389 - Advanced Projects in Translation

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in English or approval of director of graduate studies in English; and either Literary Translation or Topics in Translation Studies; and permission of the instructor.
    Advanced workshop on individual projects in literary translation.
    May be repeated once for credit.

  • ENGL 8390 - Literary Translation

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: ENGL 8390 - Studies in Literary Translation.
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing in English or approval of chair of graduate studies in English; reading knowledge of a foreign language.
    Study of the theory and practice of literary translation.
  • ENGL 8391 - Dissertation Prospectus Workshop

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in English or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    May be repeated for a maximum of six semester credit hours.

  • ENGL 8393 - Research Colloquium for Ph.D. Students

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in Ph.D. program in English.
    Seminar on writing and research methods.
  • ENGL 8394 - Selected Topics in Comparative Literature

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing in English or approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    The theoretical bases and critical strategies for the comparative study of literary texts from different linguistic and national traditions. Texts may be selected according to genres, themes, poetic or narrative techniques, geographical or political areas, etc.
  • ENGL 8395 - Selected Topics in Rhetoric and Composition

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing or approval of chair.
    Study of major topics within discipline of rhetoric and composition.
    May be repeated for credit if topic varies.

  • ENGL 8398 - Graduate English Research

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Conference course concerned with specific areas of research and professional development under the supervision of members of the graduate faculty.
  • ENGL 8399 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (; )
    Prerequisite: admission to degree candidacy.
  • ENGL 8498 - Graduate English Research

    Credit Hours: 4.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(4-0); )
    Prerequisite: approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Conference course concerned with specific areas of research and professional development under the supervision of members of the graduate faculty.
  • ENGL 8598 - Graduate English Research

    Credit Hours: 5.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(5-0); )
    Prerequisite: approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Conference course concerned with specific areas of research and professional development under the supervision of members of the graduate faculty.
  • ENGL 8698 - Graduate English Research

    Credit Hours: 6.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(6-0); )
    Prerequisite: approval of chair of graduate studies in English.
    Conference course concerned with specific areas of research and professional development under the supervision of members of the graduate faculty.
  • ENGL 8699 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (; )
    Prerequisite: admission to degree candidacy.


  • FINA 6A35 - Managerial Finance

    Credit Hours: 1.5 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1.5-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
    Principles of financial analysis, including discounting techniques, project evaluation techniques, and fundamental concepts of securities pricing.
  • FINA 7A10 - Intermediate Corporate Finance: Valuation

    Credit Hours: 1.5 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1.5-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: FINA 7330 - Advanced Corporate Finance .
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35 .
    In-depth analysis of valuation techniques, including Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), Adjusted Present Value (APV), and Free Cash Flow to Equity.  Application of these techniques to value firms.
  • FINA 7A20 - Capital Markets

    Credit Hours: 1.5 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1.5-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: FINA 7320 - Investments .
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35 .
    Analysis of the institutional structure of stock, bond, and derivatives markets.  Analysis of securities trading.  The valuation of fixed-income securities and derivative securities.
  • FINA 7A23 - Portfolio Theory and Practice

    Credit Hours: 1.5 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1.5-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: FINA 7320 - Investments .
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 7A20 .
    Analysis of risk and return, portfolio theory, and asset allocation.  Factor models, performance evaluation, and market efficiency.
  • FINA 7A30 - Advanced Corporate Finance

    Credit Hours: 1.5 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1.5-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: FINA 7330 - Advanced Corporate Finance .
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 7A10 .
    In-depth analysis of financial structure and dividend policy.  Application of theories to develop a better understanding of a firm’s optimal mix of financing sources, and thus its cost of capital.
  • FINA 7A33 - Mergers, Acquisitions and Joint Ventures

    Credit Hours: 1.5 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1.5-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: FINA 7333 - Mergers, Acquisitions and Joint Ventures .
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 7A10 .
    In-depth study of major aspects of mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures and their impact on firm value.  Emphasis is on effective techniques for valuation, tax optimization, and post-project implementation.
  • FINA 7A50 - Introduction to Derivatives

    Credit Hours: 1.5 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1.5-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: FINA 7A97 - Selected Topics in Finance.
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35 .
    Mechanics and institutional features of option markets, and trading strategies involving options.  Properties of options prices and valuation using the Black-Scholes-Merton model.
  • FINA 7A97 - Selected Topics in Finance

    Credit Hours: 1.5 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1.5-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
    May be repeated when topics vary.

  • FINA 6335 - Managerial Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing, ACCT 6331 , and FINA 6387 .
    Principles and methods of asset management, and financial planning and control of the attainment of both short- and long-range objectives.
  • FINA 6385 - Capital Markets

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of dean.
    A study of financial markets with particular emphasis on the markets for long-term securities. Topics covered include equilibrium forces in these markets, flow of funds, the connection between inflation and supply and demand forces, and theories of interest rate determination. Consideration is given to models that account for varying degrees of risk and expected levels of return. The role of financial intermediaries receives thorough examination throughout.
  • FINA 6387 - Managerial Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing.
    An examination of analytical concepts and methods that have application to business problems.
  • FINA 6398 - Research

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (; )
    Prerequisite: graduate standing and approval of chair.
  • FINA 7197 - Selected Topics in Finance

    Credit Hours: 1.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(1-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • FINA 7297 - Selected Topics in Finance

    Credit Hours: 2.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(2-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    May be repeated for credit when topics vary.

  • FINA 7315 - Financial Environment

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    In-depth analysis of financial environment with special emphasis on the role of banks, other intermediaries, and non-financial organizations.  Security design and innovation and the importance of dispersed information and agency relationships in financial markets and contracting are also discussed.
  • FINA 7320 - Investments

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Risk, return and the institutional structure of stock and bond markets.  The theory of portfolio analysis and performance evaluation.  Methods employed in managing portfolio choices and asset allocation.
  • FINA 7321 - Fixed Income Security Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Provides thorough grounding in fixed income security analysis.  Develops performance measures for bond portfolios and analyzes their hedging and risk characteristics.  Various strategies for pricing government and corporate bonds are also examined.
  • FINA 7322 - Security Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Topics will include:  Analytical methods used in projecting individual stock and bond performance such as discounted cash flows, factor models, value versus growth and an analysis of factors affecting the risks and returns of individual securities.
  • FINA 7325 - Equity Valuation and Analysis

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Study of equity valuation in financial market equilibrium, trading strategies, and development of performance measures to evaluate mutual funds and investment performance.
  • FINA 7326 - Private Equity and Investment Banking

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6335.
    Structure and objectives of private equity with a focus on venture capital and entrepreneurial finance.  Analysis of investment opportunities, structuring, financing and growing portfolio companies and small businesses.
  • FINA 7327 - Debt Markets

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Provides a thorough grounding in the concepts of language of fixed-income securities analysis, including valuation and price-risk assessment.  The course will also develop performance measures to see how bond portfolios can be structured to achieve desired hedging and risk characteristics.
  • FINA 7329 - Behavioral Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
    Examination of individual decision behavior within a financial market context. Evaluation of psychological explanations for market movements and anomalies. Emphasis on the application of psychological principles to decision making behavior.
  • FINA 7330 - Advanced Corporate Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    In-depth analysis of value maximization, capital budgeting, cost of capital, financial structure and dividend policy, working capital management, and financial forecasting.
  • FINA 7331 - Strategic Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Provides a unified framework for the financial management of the firm using modern theories of competitive analysis and security pricing.  Firm performance analysis through economic and cash flow value-added (EVA and CVA) methodologies is emphasized.  Case studies examine the interaction between financial and business strategies.
  • FINA 7333 - Mergers, Acquisitions and Joint Ventures

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    In-depth study of major aspects of mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures and their impact on firm value.  Emphasis is on effective techniques for valuation, tax optimization, and post-project implementation.
  • FINA 7334 - Strategy For Project Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6335
    Focuses on the reasons why borrowers employ project financing and critically examines whether such uses create or destroy value. Special attention is given to project financing as a strategy to manage different types of risk. Topics include the theory of project financing, the creditworthiness to project loans, sources of funding, and the impact of project financing on project economics
  • FINA 7335 - Value Creation

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Financial management of the firm from a value creation and value maximization perspective.  Deals with capital budgeting, cost of capital, valuation, incentives and information issues.
  • FINA 7336 - Techniques For Project Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6335
    Examines the financial know-how and negotiating approaches needed by borrowers to implement project finance transactions. Builds upon the broader strategic material covered in the Strategy of Project Financing. In-depth examination on the topics such as credit assessment, deal structuring, choosing advisers, and the final negotiation and documentation of a financing
  • FINA 7337 - Commercial Banking

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (; )
  • FINA 7340 - Financial Markets

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    In-depth analysis of the financial system in which banks, other intermediaries, and non-financial organizations function.
  • FINA 7341 - Commercial Banking

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Survey of commercial banking principles and in-depth analysis of current banking issues.
  • FINA 7350 - Derivatives I: Options

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 7A50 .
    Analysis of the theory of options and its applications in practice.  Emphasis is on the options’ strategies and modeling as used in managerial risk management.
  • FINA 7351 - Derivatives II: Forwards, Futures and Swaps

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 7A50 .
    Analysis of the theory of forwards, futures, and swaps, and their applications in practice.  Emphasis is on the use of these derivatives in risk management by investors and firms of all sizes.
  • FINA 7352 - Energy Derivatives

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6335
    Analyzes the most important traded energy instruments, including futures, swaps, and options; the institutions on which they are traded; and their pricing. Relationships between economic fundamentals and price behavior are explored, as are the implications of these relationships for the pricing of traded energy instruments and the management of energy price risk, current policy issues in energy markets.
  • FINA 7354 - Financial Securities and Innovation

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and  .
    Develop frameworks for analyzing new types of securities.  Focus on the benefits and risks of financial innovations and examine the most widely used approaches for their pricing.
  • FINA 7360 - International Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: (Also INTB 7360, formerly FINA/INTB 7386.)
    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Students may not receive credit for both FINA 7386 and INTB 7386.  A comprehensive overview of currency, equity, and international bond markets around the world.  Institutional, theoretical issues, and current trends will be analyzed.  A strong emphasis will be placed on the hedging techniques and tools used to reduce the risks associated with those financial markets.
  • FINA 7361 - Risk Management

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Examines advanced risk issues for top management.  Systematic characterization of types of risk facing corporations and the hedging of such risks through the use of derivatives, futures and forwards, securitization, and specialized contracting arrangements with input suppliers and purchasers.
  • FINA 7370 - Cases in Corporate Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: FINA 7368
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Application of financial theory to analyze interesting and topical case studies of corporate financial management.
  • FINA 7371 - Energy Value Chain

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6335
    The nature of energy assets, operations and products produced, and the economics of each component of the EVC.
  • FINA 7372 - Upstream Economics

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6387
    The energy industry’s upstream (E&P) segment, discussing geological processes that form and trap hydrocarbons, describing the techniques used to find, produce, and process energy discoveries. Ownership, operational decision making, finding and lifting costs, risk assessment and mitigation, reserve accounting, financing, and unconventional hydrocarbons.
  • FINA 7373 - Petrochemical and Refining Economics

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
  • FINA 7376 - Energy Trading

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Energy trading organization and the risks facing energy companies.  Emphasis on valuation in contract trading, including technical and fundamental analysis in petroleum, natural gas, and power markets.
  • FINA 7380 - Real Estate Finance

    Credit Hours: 3.0 (Lecture Contact Hours:(3-0); )
    Formerly/Same as: FINA 7391.
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing and FINA 6A35  or FINA 6335 .
    Introduction to real estate economics and finance fundamentals.  Analysis of investments, trends in development, and financing.

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