Feb 12, 2025
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Mandatory Employment Discrimination Training
All Texas State agencies are required to provide employment discrimination training to employees. The University of Houston is a State agency, and graduate students who are employed by UH in graduate student appointment categories (TA, TF, IA, RA, GA, and GA NE) must undergo such training. Graduate and Professional student employees must attend training classes conducted by the Office of Affirmative Action/EEO not later than 30 days after they are hired and attend supplemental training every two years thereafter. Students holding graduate appointment titles who attend this training will be required to sign a statement verifying attendance which will be placed in the Graduate Student’s personnel file. Contact the department of your major or the Office of Affirmative Action/EEO for more information. |