Faculty Emeriti
Randall Jose. Professor Emeritus of Optometry. O.D., University of California, Berkeley.
Penelope Kegel-Flom. Professor Emeritus of Optometry. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley.
Paul L. Pease. Professor Emeritus of Optometry. O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley.
Jerome Rosner. Professor Emeritus of Optometry. O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry.
Charles R. Stewart. Professor Emeritus of Optometry. O.D., Ph.D., Ohio State University.
Heather Anderson. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston.
Raymond Applegate. Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics and Borish Chair of Optometry. O.D. Indiana University; Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley.
Kassaundra Barlow. Clinical Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., Residency in Pediatric Optometry, University of Houston; B.S., Biochemistry, Schreiner University.
Harold E. Bedell. John and Rebecca Moores Professor and Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., University of Florida.
Jan P. G. Bergmanson. Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry; Ph.D., Sc.D., The City University, London, England.
David A. Berntsen. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., University of Houston; Residency in Cornea and Contact Lens, M.S. and Ph.D., The Ohio State University.
Rudy Black. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston.
Roger L. Boltz. Interim Dean, Chief Financial Officer and Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston.
Alan R. Burns. Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., University of British Columbia.
Carolyn Carman. Clinical Professor of Optometry. O.D., Southern College of Optometry.
Han Cheng. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. Ph.D., O.D., University of Houston.
Yuzo Chino. Benedict-McFadden Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., Syracuse University.
Debra Currie. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., University of Waterloo; M.S., University of Houston.
Vallabh E. Das, Ph.D. Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University.
Jennifer Deakins. Visiting Assistant Professor. O.D., University of Houston; Residency in Ocular Disease at Cedar Springs Eye Clinic in Dallas, Texas.
Joe Deloach. Clinical Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston.
Karen D. Fern. Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Pacific University; Residency in Pediatric Optometry, University of Houston.
Donald A. Fox. Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., University of Cincinnati.
Laura J. Frishman. Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research and John and Rebecca Moores Professor. Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh.
Nancy George. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston.
Gavin Gerondale. Clinical Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., Northeast Oklahoma State University.
Amber Gaume Giannoni. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., Fellowship in Cornea and Contact Lens Research, University of Houston.
Adrian Glasser. Benedict-Pitts Professor, Professor of Optometry and Vision Sciences. Ph.D., Cornell University.
Marcus Gonzales. Clinical Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston.
Samuel Hanlon. Research Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Southern College of Optometry; M.S., California State University at Fullerton; Ph.D., University of Houston.
Ronald S. Harwerth. Chair of Basic Visual Sciences Department and John and Rebecca Moores Professor. Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., University of Houston; Ph.D., University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
Ralph J. Herring. Interim Assistant Dean for Professional Studies, Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston; Residency in Family Practice Optometry, University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Nicky R. Holdeman. Associate Dean for Clinical Education, Executive Director University Eye Institute, Chief of Medical Services and Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston; M.D., Texas Tech University.
Nicole Hooper. Visiting Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., Southern California College of Optometry.
Tonya G. Ketcham. Clinical Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., Indiana University School of Optometry; Ph.D., Indiana University Medical School.
Julianne Knowles. Clinical Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., Ferris State University.
Kimberly Lambreghts. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. R.N., Pace University; O.D., SUNY College of Optometry; Residency in Hospital-Based Optometry, Northpost V.A. Medical Center, New York.
Norman E. Leach. Clinical Professor of Optometry. O.D., M.S., University of Houston.
John Lewis. Visiting Professor of Optometry. M.S., Rice University; M.D., University of Texas Medical Branch; Residency in Ophthalmology, University of Pennsylvania; J.D., Yale Law School.
Ruth E. Manny. Charles R. Stewart Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston.
Danica Marrelli. Clinical Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston; Residency in Hospital-Based Optometry, Ft. Howard/Baltimore V.A. Medical Center.
Jason Marsack. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., University of Houston; M.S., Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin.
Jessica Mathew. Research Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., O.D., University of Houston.
Alison M. McDermott. Golden-Golden Professor of Optometry and Vision Science. Ph.D., University of London.
William L. Miller. Chair of Clinical Sciences Department and Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., Ph.D., The Ohio State University.
Swati Modi. Visiting Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston; Residency in Low Vision Rehabilitation, University of Houston.
Bruce Onofrey. Professor of Optometry. R.Ph., University of Illinois; O.D., Illinois College of Optometry; Residency in Primary Care, Albuquerque VAMC.
Lisa Ostrin. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., Physiological Optics and Vision Sciences; O.D., University of Houston.
Deborah Otteson. Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., University of Michigan.
Anastas F. Pass. Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., Illinois College of Optometry; M.S., University of Houston.
Katrina Parker. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., Illinois College of Optometry; Residency in Cornea and Contact Lenses, University of Houston.
Lloyd Pate. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston.
Nimesh Patel. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., University of Houston; O.D., Southern College of Optometry.
David M. Perrigin. Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston.
Judith Perrigin. Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston.
Marcus Piccolo. Associate Dean for Professional Advancement, Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry.
Jason Porter. Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., University of Rochester.
Daniel Powell. Clinical Assistant Professor of Optometry. Ph.D., M.S., Vision Science, The Ohio State University; O.D., Pacific University.
Sam Quintero. Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston.
Rachel Redfern. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston.
Dashaini Retnasothie. Clinical Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., Southern California College of Optometry; M.S., Molecular Biology, York University.
Tawna Roberts. Research Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Pacific University College of Optometry; M.S., Indiana University.
John Robson. Senior Research Professor of Optometry and Vision Science. M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., University of Cambridge.
Padhmalatha Segu. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry and Director of Optometry Services at Good Neighbor Healthcare Center. O.D., University of Houston; Residency in Hospital-Based Optometry, American Lake V.A. Medical Center.
Lanny Shulman. Clinical Associate Professor. Ph.D., O.D., B.S., University of Houston.
Earl L. Smith, III. Interim Chief Health Officer, University of Houston and Greeman-Petty Professor of Vision Development. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston.
Scott Stevenson. Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., Brown University.
Jerald Strickland. Professor of Optometry. O.D., Ph.D., M.S. in Optometry, Indiana University.
Anita Ticak. Clinical Assistant Professor. O.D., M.S., The Ohio State University.
Ashley Wallace-Tucker. Visiting Assistant Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Houston; B.S., Microbiology, University of Florida.
James Walters. Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. Ph.D., Michigan State University; O.D., New England College of Optometry.
Janice Wensveen. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of Waterloo; Ph.D., University of Houston College of Optometry.
Suzanne Wickum. Clinical Associate Professor of Optometry. O.D., University of California at Berkeley; Residency in Pediatrics/Binocular Vision, University of Houston.
Mona Younes. Clinical Assistant Professor of Optometry. M.B.Ch.B. in Medicine, University of Alexandria, Egypt; O.D., M.S., University of Houston.
Faculty Research
Heather Anderson. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston. Objective measurements of accommodation in children and factors limiting quality in individuals with Down Syndrome.
Raymond Applegate. Professor and Borish Chair of Optometry. O.D., Indiana University; Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley. Visual optics, ocular aberrations, cataract, refractive surgery, early disease detection.
Harold E. Bedell. John and Rebecca Moores Professor. Ph.D., Florida. Normal and abnormal space perception, control of eye movements, peripheral vision, clinical applications of visual psychophysics, nystagmus.
Jan P. G. Bergmanson. Professor. Ph.D., Sc.D., City University (London); O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry. Anatomy and pathology of cornea, corneal response to contact lenses, ultrastructural analysis of laser effects on ocular tissue.
David A. Berntsen. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., University of Houston; Residency in Cornea and Contact Lens, M.S. and Ph.D., The Ohio State University. Myopia, contact lens, aberrations of the eye.
Alan R. Burns. Professor. Ph.D., University of British Columbia. Inflammation of the cornea, cornea wound healing; leucocyte biology.
Han Cheng. Clinical Associate Professor. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston. Noninvasive functional and structural evaluation of the visual pathways under normal and pathological conditions.
Yuzo M. Chino. Benedict-McFadden Professor. Ph.D., Syracuse. Neural plasticity; effects of abnormal visual experience on retinogeniculostriate pathways.
Vallabh E. Das. Professor. Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Development of visual and oculomotor function; Response properties of neural oculomotor circuits in strabismus.
Karen D. Fern. Associate Professor. O.D., Pacific University. Vision development, assessing visual functions in preschool children, preschool vision screening.
Donald Fox. Professor. Ph.D., Cincinnati. Retinal cellular and molecular biology; effects of lead and drugs on cellular biochemistry, physiology, and morphology of developing and mature retina.
Laura J. Frishman. John and Rebecca Moores Professor. M.S., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh. Retinal physiology, retinal origins and cellular mechanisms of the electroretinogram (ERG).
Adrian Glasser. Benedict-Pitts Professor. Ph.D., Cornell. Mechanisms of accommodation, the accomodative refractive changes in the eye and the etiology of presbyopia.
Samuel Hanlon. Research Associate Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Southern College of Optometry; M.S., California State University at Fullerton; Ph.D., University of Houston. Corneal inflammation, nerve regeneration and wound healing; developing animal models for studying meibormian gland dysfunction and early signs of ocular inflammation related to contact lens wear.
Ronald S. Harwerth. John and Rebecca Moores Professor. O.D., University of Houston; Ph.D., Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Psychophysics of vision, animal psychophysics, structure-function relationships in glaucoma: non-human primate and human models.
Norman Leach. Clinical Professor. O.D., M.S., University of Houston. Primary care and contact lenses.
Ruth E. Manny. Charles R. Stewart Professor. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston. Development of normal and abnormal vision in human infants; preschool vision screening.
Jason Marsack. Assistant Professor. Ph.D, University of Houston; M.S., Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin. Visual optics, ocular aberrations and optical corrections, wavefront guided contact lens development.
Alison McDermott. Golden-Golden Professor. Ph.D., University of London. Corneal cell biology and immunology, wound healing, and pathology of the ocular surface.
William Miller. Associate Professor. O.D., Ph.D., The Ohio State University. Contact lenses, corneal physiology.
Lisa Ostrin. Assistant Professor. O.D., University of Houston; Ph.D., Physiological Optics and Vision Sciences. Structural and functional ocular changes in myopia, susceptibility for other ocular disorders, such as glacoma, in myopic eyes.
Deborah Otteson. Associate Professor. Ph.D., University of Michigan. Genetic, celluar and molecular perspectives on morphogenesis, neurogenesis and regeneration of the retina in vertebrates. Molecular regulation of cell-specific gene expression in the retina.
Anastas F. Pass. Associate Professor. O.D., Illinois College of Optometry; M.S., University of Houston. Spatial and spatio-temporal characteristics of the diseased eye, clinical visual pychophysics, and aging.
Nimesh Patel. Assistant Professor. Ph.D., University of Houston; O.D., Southern College of Optometry. Methodologies for structural analysis that account for non-neuronal tissue and ocular magnification, structural risk factors for glacoma progression, and the relationship between ganglion cell layer/inner plexiform layer thickness and visual function.
Judy Perrigin. Professor. O.D., University of Houston. Contact lenses primary eye care; medical laboratory analysis; ocular microbiology’s epidemiology of refractive errors.
Marcus Piccolo. Associate Professor. O.D., Pennsylvania College of Optometry. Ocular disease; ocular pharmacology; contact lenses and primary care.
Jason Porter. Associate Professor. Ph.D., University of Rochester. High-resolution retinal imaging with adaptive optics, scanning laser opthalmoscopy, mechanics of retinal disease.
Rachel Redfern. Assistant Professor of Optometry and Physiological Optics. O.D., Ph.D., University of Houston. Toll-like receptors in ocular surface pathology, ocular allergy, ocular surface inflammation, dry eye disease.
Tawna Roberts. Research Assistant Professor. O.D., Pacific University College of Optometry; M.S., Indiana University. Effect of visual experience in infants and children on binocular vision; prevention and treatment of stabismus and amblyopia.
John Robson. Senior Research Professor. M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D, Cambridge. Retinal electrophysiology; visual neurophysiology; light adaptation, contrast sensitivity, and normal lens pigmentation.
Earl L. Smith III. Interim Chief Health Officer, University of Houston, Greeman-Petty Professor. O.D., Ph.D. University of Houston. Amblyopia; binocular vision; psychophysical and neurophysiological effects of abnormal visual experience; myopia.
Scott B. Stevenson. Associate Professor. Ph.D., Brown University. Vergence eye movements and binocular coordination; stereoscopic depth perception; modeling of binocular image matching processes.
Janice Wensveen. Clinical Associate Professor. O.D., University of Waterloo, Ph.D., University of Houston. Stereopsis in normal and abnormal binocular vision; clinical accommodative/vergence anomalies; risk factors for myopia. |