Feb 13, 2025  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Colleges > Cullen College of Engineering > Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering has research programs in four core areas:  materials engineering (including polymeric and electronic), biomolecular engineering, energy engineering, and reaction and systems engineering. Specific research areas include biochemical engineering, chemical reaction engineering, chemical vapor deposition, catalysis, colloid science, combinatorial chemistry, applied molecular biology, process control, interfacial phenomena, numerical simulation, molecular recognition, rheology, fluid flow and phase behavior in porous media, polymer and macromolecular solutions, processing of electronic materials, thin-films materials fuel cells, two-phase flow, solid-fluid separation, reliability theory, super-conductivity, thermochemical energy storage, and petroleum production engineering.

The department occupies more than 50,000 square feet in the two modern buildings that house the Cullen College of Engineering. All full-time graduate students are provided office and laboratory space to carry out their studies and research. Excellent facilities and equipment are available in the aforementioned research program areas. Typical equipment includes scanning electron microscopes, an X-ray diffractometer, pulsed excimer-pumped dye laser, quasi-elastic laser light scattering spectroscopy unit, atomic force microscopes, ellipsometers, and confocal microscopes systems. In addition the department has laser anemometers, rheometus, gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer system, ultraviolet spectrometers, microscope-video recorder and microscope-move camera systems, and automatic image analyzers. New facilities include systems for infrared thermal imaging, plasma processing and etching, semiconductor processing equipment, high pressure centrifuge for porous medium analysis, X-ray scattering equipment, advance rheometer, TGA/ DSC, Fourier transform infrared spectrometers, parallel array diagnostic equipment, polymer chain reactor devices, cell culture facilities and fluorimeters. The faculty and students in the department participate in the Texas Diesel Testing and Research Center and the National Wind Energy Center.

Materials Engineering Program

The Materials Engineering Program at the University of Houston is an interdisciplinary program with faculty from Mechanical, Chemical and Electrical Engineering Departments. In addition, significant collaboration occurs with the materials faculty in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The principal objectives of the materials engineering program may be summarized as follows: to study the mechanical, optical, electrical and electronic behavior of engineering and engineered materials used in all engineering applications. The specific areas covered by this program range from metallic alloys, polymers, ceramics and composites for advanced mechanical/aerospace engineering applications to thin films and coatings for electronics and superconducting ceramics for energy-related applications.

Please select for more information about the Materials Engineering Program degrees offered

Petroleum Engineering Program




Petroleum engineering combines geology, drilling engineering, and petrophysical logging methods to find and produce crude oil and gas from deposits deep beneath the land and sea. Petroleum engineers design and operate surface facilities for drilling and for preparation of oil and gas for shipment to refiners and markets. They test to determine the predominant natural forces causing production in each deposit and apply principles of Chemical Engineering in devising processes for increasing recovery efficiency. Economics, safety, and environmental protection are essential aspects of all these activities.


Please select for more information about the Petroleum Engineering Program  degrees offered



    MasterDoctoralGraduate Certificate