Feb 19, 2025
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Geophysics, B.S.
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Students who choose to major in geophysics must complete the following requirements in addition to the special requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree:
Eleven hours of approved electives, to include the NSM Capstone Requirement. Students are encouraged to satisfy capstone by either taking GEOL 3355 and GEOL 3360 (which also counts as 6 hrs of advanced geoscience electives), or 3 hours of 4000-level mathematics (to complete a mathematics minor). Advanced Electives
- Approved advanced Geophysics electives Credit Hours: 12.0
- Approved advanced Geoscience electives Credit Hours: 3.0
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