Aug 31, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

II. Mathematics

Policies  > Degree Requirements > UH Core Curriculum  > Core Requirements by Component Area  > II. Mathematics

(3 hours)


Courses in this category focus on quantitative literacy in logic, patterns, and relationships.

Courses involve the understanding of key mathematical concepts and the application of appropriate quantitative tools to everyday experience.

The following three Core Objectives must be addressed in each course approved to fulfill this category requirement: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, and Empirical and Quantitative Skills.The objective of the mathematics component of the core curriculum is to develop a quantitatively literate college graduate. Every college graduate should be able to apply basic mathematical tools in the solution of real-world problems.

The following courses satisfy the core requirements in Mathematics. See the current Course Listing for prerequisites and other restrictions, additions, and deletions.


*MATH 1312, MATH 1313, MATH 1314, MATH 1330, MATH 1431, MATH 1450, and MATH 2311 may also be applied to satisfy Core Math/Reasoning.