Feb 10, 2025
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Professional Reading Specialist Professional Certificate
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Professional Reading Specialist (24 semester hours)
This program leads to the Reading Specialist Professional Certificate and prepares teachers to fill roles in regular or special classrooms, clinics, or administrative positions. Graduates will be certified to teach reading at the elementary or secondary level. Requirements include 12 semester hours in reading; and three semester hours each in multicultural education, language arts education, literature education, and linguistics education. Approved electives are required to complete the requirements for the MEd degree in curriculum and instruction with a major in reading and language arts. For further information, consult the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, 256 Farish Hall, 743-4950.
For further information, consult the Department of Educational Leadership and Cultural Studies, 401 Farish Hall, (713) 743-5030.
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