Feb 17, 2025  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Foresight, MS

College of Technology  >Department of Human Development and Consumer Sciences  >Foresight, MS


Advisor:  Dr. Andy Hines

The Master of Science in Foresight, offered by the Department of Human Development and Consumer Sciences, is an interdisciplinary program that prepares strategic foresight professionals for careers in long-term forecasting and planning.  This program uses a wide range of theoretical and practical models to examine the sources, patterns and causes of change in order to map probable, plausible and preferable futures.

The curriculum is unique and rigorous.  It emphasizes foresight, creativity and innovation in order to gain competitive advantage in the job market.  The 36-hour degree pulls from other academic disciplines such as Business, Government and Education. Courses include:  Futures Research, World Futures, Systems Thinking, Strategic Planning, and Social Change.

Requirements (36 Credit Hours)

  • Required Courses                        24 hours
  • Domain Courses                            9 hours
  • Project, or Internship, or Thesis     3 hours