Feb 08, 2025
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Executive Global Retailing, MS
College of Technology >Department of Human Development and Consumer Sciences >Executive Global Retailing, MS
Advisor: Dr. Shirley Ezell
The ExMS Global Retailing program is designed for professionals currently in retail stores who have a strong interest in global opportunities, and that are recognized by companies as successful candidates. Students enter in a cohort and courses are taught in a block. Each student will be asked to identify a retail mentor inside the company at an executive level as a sponsor. Students will also be asked to work on a project within their company during the entire program and provide an executive report at the conclusion of their program. This project will be approved by both the faculty graduate director and the company.
Please refer to the College of Technology web site for more information.
- Core Courses 18 hours
- Approved Electives 12 hours