For those planning to major in ASL Interpreting:
1. All students are required to meet with the undergraduate advisor prior to declaring the major.
2. To be accepted into the major, students must complete both ASLI 2233 and ASLI 2301 or its equivalent with a grade of C or better and apply to the program by the set deadline.
3. Degree plan should be filed once the student has reached junior status and have been accepted in the major. The degree plan must be filled the semester prior to enrollment in ASLI 4489 Service Learning.
4. ASLI students will take one of the following courses to complete their Writing in the Discipline (WID) requirement for the core.
5. All courses in the major must be completed with a grade of C or better.
6. A satisfactory rate of progress toward the degree is required throughout the student’s enrollment. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 (C) for all ASLI courses attempted is required for continuation in the program. Failure to maintain a 2.00 grade point average may result in a warning. If a student is unable to improve their GPA within one semester, removal from the program is possible.
7. Prior to enrollment in a class any prerequisites must be completed successfully (grade of C or better). If a student enrolls in a class for which they have not successfully completed the prerequisites, they will be dropped. Neither the department nor the university will be responsible for any tuition refunds.
8. Only two courses in the major can be repeated, and they may be repeated only once.
9. All undergraduate students must attend all mandatory undergraduate advising meetings. It is recommended that students meet with their advisor at least once a year.
10. Students whose latest ASL class was over 12 months prior must be evaluated for placement in the appropriate ASL level.
11. Courses in the major that are seven or more years old may not count toward a degree, whether taken at the University of Houston or transferred to the University of Houston, unless successfully petitioned.
12. A minimum of twelve hours of advanced ASLI courses must be taken in residence at the University of Houston.