Feb 12, 2025
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Master of Music - Piano Performance Track
To provide advanced training and performance experience for students pursuing a career in music performance.
Minimum Entrance Requirements:
In addition or supplementary to the admission requirements stated on the Moores School of Music Master of Music Programs page, applicant must meet the following requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree in music (preferably in applied music).
- Minimum GPA of 3.00 for last 60 term hours and 3.00 for all music hours.
- Submission of TOEFL scores (as applicable) that meet University of Houston minimum standards.
- Full senior recital in the undergraduate degree program.
- Beginning graduate-level performance ability as determined in an audition before members of the graduate faculty.
- Satisfactory results on entrance examinations in music theory and music history. (Unsatisfactory results will require remedial coursework beyond courses required for the degree.)
Degree Requirements:
- Comprehensive Examination Requirement: Students must pass a comprehensive examination in the last term of study.
- Recital Requirement: Students are required to present one full solo recital.
¹ Additional hours of applied study in the major area are not applied toward the degree plan. ² Students are encouraged to take a literature course in their discipline. Program Total: 31.0 Credit Hours