Feb 17, 2025
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Preparation for Pharmacy
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Preparation for Pharmacy
The University of Houston no longer admits students into the Pre-Pharmacy major effective for students entering Fall 2015. Students who wish to become a pharmacist may choose any major while completing PharmD pre-requisite courses for admission to the PharmD program at UH. Prospective PharmD (applicants) students are encouraged to attend regular advising sessions with PharmD Advisors at the College of Pharmacy: Natasha Hindocha, Nekesa Sapp, and Ivy Bejarano or at http://www.uh.edu/pharmacy/prospective-students/pharmd/advising.
PharmD Prerequisite Curriculum
University Core Curriculum
All bachelor’s degrees require completion of a core curriculum. Further information on courses that satisfy core curriculum requirements can be obtained by consulting the current class listings, an academic advisor, or the core curriculum . Requirements
Core Curriculum Requirements College of Pharmacy’s Pharm.D. Pre-requisite Courses
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