Feb 16, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Curriculum and Instruction, MEd - Specialization in Learning, Design and Technology

Colleges  > College of Education  > Curriculum and Instruction, MEd - with Specializations  > Curriculum and Instruction, MEd - Specialization in Learning, Design and Technology

The Master’s program in Curriculum & Instruction - Learning, Design & Technology systematically prepares education, health care, and business professionals to create, deliver and analyze instruction and improve performance using effective technology tools. The program provides opportunities to learn new and innovative skills to integrate the latest technologies in teaching and learning. There is a strong connection between course activities and implementing and improving practices in an instructional setting.

Students learn the following skills:­

  1. Integrating technology into educational practice to improve learning in innovative and creative ways,
  2. Using a diverse range of technologies to connect and collaborate with others,
  3. Designing authentic learning experiences and assessments using the instructional design process,
  4. Applying and incorporating digital citizenship in teaching and learning activities,
  5. Engaging learners through online and blended instructional approaches,
  6. Strategically planning for technology use, implementation and dissemination in educational practice, and
  7. Making sound decisions based on research about the use of technology to support and enhance learning.

For more information, please visit the Master of Education (M. Ed.) Curriculum & Instruction - Learning, Design & Technology website.

Master of Education: College of Education

Degree Requirements

The following represents minimal expectations for the completion of a master’s degree in the College of Education.  Each department establishes specific degree requirements for its major areas.  For more information, students should consult the department or program of their choice.

  • A Master’s degree in the College of Education requires a minimum of 30 graduate credit hours; however, some program areas require additional credit hours.
  • A degree plan is required; students must complete a degree plan in MyAdvisor.
  • The master level courses numbered at the 6000- and 7000-levels.
  • The College of Education requires approval by a faculty advisor for all courses outside the college bearing numbers lower than 6000 for a degree program.  College of Education courses numbered lower than 6000 cannot apply toward a graduate degree.
  • Students must earn all term credit hours, including thesis, within the five years prior to graduation.
  • The College of Education accepts a maximum of nine term credit hours of transfer credit from an accredited university, with the approval of a faculty advisor and the college’s Associate Dean of Graduate Studies.
  • Transfer students must complete at least 24 graduate credit hours at the University of Houston (after admission to the graduate program).  Of these hours, no less than 18 graduate credit hours must be in courses numbered 6000 or above.
  • All transfer and subsequent work require a minimum 3.00 grade point average (A=4.00).  Grades lower than a C does not count for graduate credit.
  • A graduate student receiving a grade of C+ or lower in 12 term hours of credit at the University of Houston, whether or not in repeated courses, is ineligible for any advanced degree and cannot re-enroll for graduate study.

Students use MyAdvisor to reflect benchmark requirements for degree completion; a degree plan requires approval by a faculty advisor, the program coordinator, the department chair, and the Dean prior to completing 18 semester hours of credit.

Department Requirements

  • All students in the CUIN Masters of Education program must take nine (9) graduate credit hours of common core (Professional Seminars I and II and Capstone).

– Students satisfactorily complete a Capstone project during their final term of course work.

  • All students in the EPLS Department for the MEd in Administration and Supervision and EdD in Professional Leadership are required to complete TExES Certification (Principal or Superintendent) in lieu of a comprehensive exam.

Graduation Requirements

Complete all applicable graduate coursework and benchmarks prior to proposed graduation.  Students should file an application for graduation in MyUH early in the final term of their degree.  The university’s Academic Calendar  lists the application filing deadlines per term.  For more information, visit the college’s Office of Graduate Studies, 256 Farish Hall.

Course Requirements

Credit hours required for this degree: 30.0

The Learning, Design & Technology master’s program consists of ten courses - two Curriculum and Instruction core courses (CUIN 7303: Professional Seminar 1 and CUIN 7304: Professional Seminar 2) and eight Learning, Design & Technology specialization courses for a total of 10 courses or 30 graduate hours. The program can be completed in five semesters when students enroll part-time (2 courses each semester).

Each semester, students can choose classes that are taught face-to-face on the main UH Campus or at the new UH Sugar Land campus or they can choose online classes. Student may even complete the entire degree online if they wish.

Required Courses:

Example Degree Plan

Summer Semester 1

Academic Policies

In addition to completing 10 courses, students submit a Capstone Project as part of the program requirements for the Learning, Design & Technology Master’s program. The Capstone Project provides students with the opportunity to apply, integrate and synthesize key concepts learned from courses in the program. This project demonstrates the depth and breadth of educational growth through the program and highlights the knowledge and skills gained, as well as development as a reflective practitioner. Students identify an authentic and challenging technology-related problem and then design, develop, implement and evaluate a proposed solution to meet that need.

Under most circumstances and with careful planning, students may complete the course requirements for Master Technology Teacher certification from the Texas State Board of Education at the same time without taking additional courses. Students may also use master’s courses to count towards the requirements for three UH Graduate Certificates in Designing and Developing Educational Graphics , Designing and Developing Educational Multimedia , and Online Teaching and Learning .