Feb 16, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Curriculum and Instruction, MEd - Specialization in Health Science Education

College of Education  > Department of Curriculum and Instruction  > Curriculum and Instruction, MEd - Specialization in Health Science Education

The Master’s program is designed to meet the needs of professionals involved in health science education and course content focuses on teaching and learning in academic health science settings. The instructors utilize academic activities that students can use in their professional lives as they explore best practices in teaching, learn to design and conduct research and investigate the uses of instructional technology in an educational environment.

Students in the Master’s program for health science education typically work in a wide variety of different vocations. They include physicians, dentists, nurse educators, healthcare administrators, family therapists and others who work in various healthcare fields in the Texas Medical Center, the Houston area and other locations in the state and region.

We anticipate that upon earning the Master’s degree, many of our graduates will stay in the Houston area and seek positions within their respective institutions, such as Baylor College of Medicine, the UT Medical and Dental Schools, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Methodist Hospital, University of Texas Medical Branch, the Houston Independent School District, Houston Community College, San Jacinto College, etc. We believe that most of our graduates will move up in their current institutions or seek new positions in academic healthcare institutions or other locations where they will have educational roles and responsibilities in instructional design, curriculum development, teaching and more.

For more information, please visit the Graduate Programs for Health Science Educators page.

Admission Requirements

The Master’s program is delivered completely online and is open to applicants who:

  • are currently working or have worked at a healthcare institution, or in private practice, and
  • have earned a baccalaureate degree with an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.6 for undergraduate coursework (A = 4.00) for conditional admission. Conditionally admitted students must earn a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the first 12 semester hours of graduate work attempted at UH after admission, to remain in the graduate program.

Applicants with an overall GPA of less than 2.6 cannot be admitted. Since all coursework and degree requirements may be completed online, students in the Master’s program do not need to live in the Houston area or attend any face-to-face classes.

Please visit the Admissions Information page for more information.

Degree Requirements

Credit hours required for this degree: 30.0

Master’s students must complete 10 online courses (30 semester hours) to earn a master’s degree, and 2 courses are offered each fall, spring and summer semesters. Most students take 2 courses per semester for five semesters in a row and can complete the course requirements and earn the degree in under two years. In addition to the 10 courses that students take, a capstone project is required and is normally submitted upon completion of coursework. Since all coursework and degree requirements may be completed online, students in the master’s program do not need to attend any face-to-face classes.

Course Requirements

Students are required to complete at least one of the following two courses:

Additional Required Courses

In addition, master’s students must complete at least two of the following courses, although depending on a student’s individual degree plan, three or four of these courses may be taken and can count toward the master’s degree.

Course Electives

Students will select their remaining courses from the following list*:

Academic Policies

It is the responsibility of students to read the Graduate and Professional Studies Catalog and be familiar with the requirements, rules, and policies currently in effect for all graduate students at the University of Houston. The main catalog page is available here: 2018-2019 Graduate Catalog .

Transfer Credit

A maximum of two courses (6 semester hours) of graduate work with a grade of A or B or its equivalent and relevant to the planned program may be transferred from another university into the Master’s program. Official transcripts showing successful completion of these courses must be submitted. Transfer credit is subject to approval of a student’s advisor, department chair and the College of Education’s Associate Dean for Graduate Studies.

Master’s Capstone Project

All Master’s students must complete a Capstone Project. The purpose of the Capstone Project is to demonstrate the depth and breadth of a student’s educational growth through the Master’s program including the knowledge and skills gained as well as growth as a reflective practitioner. The Master’s Capstone Project consists of two components: a project design document and a narrated multimedia presentation. Project components are presented through a self-running narrated PowerPoint presentation that includes examples and demonstrations of content knowledge, instructional practices relevant to the student’s professional goals in an academic health science setting. 

The topic of the Capstone Project is determined by the student, with approval of a student’s advisor. Students are encouraged to select a topic about which they have some prior knowledge and is related to a real-world problem or issue. The Capstone Project should address an instructional need that can be identified and effectively addressed in the presentation. All components of the Capstone Project are due at least two weeks before the end of a student’s final semester. Students should consult with their advisor on how to submit copies of the multimedia presentation and the written design document. More information about the Capstone Project is online at: http://medical.coe.uh.edu/requirements_masters.html.