Feb 12, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Phronesis Politics and Ethics Minor
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The Honors College > Phronesis Politics and Ethics Minor
Phronesis is the ancient Greek word for prudence, or practical wisdom. Aristotle identified it as the distinctive characteristic of political leaders and citizens in adjudicating the ethical and political issues that affect their individual good and the common good. As an Honors Program in Politics and Ethics, Phronesis aims to cultivate practical intelligence. Students in this program develop their capacities to engage difficult moral and political issues confronting our world today. Building on the Honors College’s signature course, “The Human Situation,” the curriculum of Phronesis introduces students to major works in ethics, political theory, classics and history. In their courses, students discuss fundamental questions and problems of political and moral concern from a wide range of perspectives. To receive the Minor in Phronesis, a student must complete19 hours of approved coursework, and all courses in the Minor must be Honors sections. Other courses may be approved for Minor credit by the Director through a general petition.
Elective Courses
III. Category Requirements [9.0 credit hours] Choose one course from each category of designatred Phronesis courses (see the list of approved course electives). |
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