Feb 06, 2025  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Subsea Engineering, M.S.

Colleges  > Cullen College of Engineering  > Department of Mechanical Engineering  > Subsea Engineering Program  > Subsea Engineering, M.S.


The Master of Science in Subsea Engineering at the University of Houston is a non-thesis, 10-course graduate curriculum.  The curriculum is comprised of three primary categories.

Category 1: Required Courses

Every student must take this required three-course sequence. These courses serve as the foundation of the engineering science knowledgebase needed for the remaining graduate curriculum.

Category 2: Restricted Electives

The courses listed below have been specifically developed for the Subsea Engineering Graduate Program.  Every student must take at least three of the courses from this prescribed elective list.  Additional subsea engineering courses are currently being developed and will be added to this list.  Students may submit a graduate petition if deviations from this requirement makes sense for individual career paths.

Category 3: Electives

Of the 10 mandatory courses required for the MS in Subsea Engineering, Categories 1 and 2 have prescribed at least 6 courses.  This leaves a maximum of 4 courses that can be selected by the student, subject to approval by the Director. Subsea engineering is an interdisciplinary engineering field, so students are strongly encouraged to take at least one course from another department or program within the Cullen College of Engineering.  Mechanical Engineering graduate courses applicable to MS in Subsea Engineering include:

Program Total: 36.0 Credit Hours