Feb 06, 2025  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Composition, M.M.


To provide advanced training for students pursuing a career in music composition.

Minimum Entrance Requirements:

In addition or supplementary to the admission requirements stated on the Moores School of Music Master of Music Programs  page, applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Bachelor of Music degree, preferably in composition.
  2. Minimum GPA of 3.00 for last 60 semester hours and 3.00 for all music hours.
  3. Submission of Graduate Record Examination General Test scores.
  4. Submission of TOEFL scores (as applicable) that meet University of Houston minimum standards.
  5. Full senior recital in the undergraduate degree program.
  6. Beginning graduate-level composition ability as determined in a faculty examination of previous composition work, presented in score and recorded format.
  7. Satisfactory results on entrance examinations in music theory and music history. (Unsatisfactory results will require remedial coursework beyond courses required for the degree.)
Degree Requirements:
  • Rectial Requirement: Students are required to present one full solo recital of their own compositions.
  • Comprehensive Examination Requirement: Students must pass a comprehensive examination in the last semester of study. 




*Additional hours of applied study in the major area are not applied toward the degree plan.

Program Total: 30.0 Credit Hours