Frequently Asked Questions
- Who can earn the Honors in Co-Curricular Engagement designation?
All University of Houston undergraduates in good academic standing with the University of Houston may participate. Students who fulfill the requirements of the program and have at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA for their last 54 hours of enrollment at UH will receive the designation. Petitions will be accepted for students who do not meet the GPA guidelines.
- What counts for the HCCE designation?
There is a listing of approved programming for the Honors in Co-Curricular Engagement designation that students can select from when working towards the credential. The HCCE advisory board meets monthly and reviews co-curricular program proposals from co-curricular mentors on a rolling basis for inclusion.
- What if a co-curricular activity is not included on the pre-approved list?
Mentors of co-curricular activities and programs are encouraged to consult with the Director of Co-Curricular Honors and apply online for inclusion in the HCCE designation program. The HCCE advisory board meets monthly and reviews proposals on a rolling basis. University of Houston faculty and staff directors of co-curricular activities or programs are the individuals who request that a co-curricular activity or program be considered for approval.
- What if I have completed a HCCE activity, but I am not a HCCE participant?
No problem. Those students who have participated in activities supported by the designation but have not applied to the program will receive an invitation to join or can apply online. The activity must have been submitted by the co-curricular mentor in advance and must have been approved. Also, students must complete the reflection component in a timely manner. Students do not have to be pursuing the designation to participate in approved mentored co-curricular activities.
- How do I meet the Integrative Learning requirement?
All students completing the HCCE designation must complete a reflection component that integrates all experiences completed for the Honors designation. This requirement, which serves as the student’s gateway to integrative learning, guides students as they consider what they learned through these various experiences, how these experiences are connected, and how each of these experiences contributed to their collective personal and professional development. The preferred mechanism is an ePortfolio. Other reflective and integrative assignments or projects offered by a student’s college or academic program may be substituted for an ePortfolio, subject to approval by the HCCE designation advisory board.
- When do I submit my Integrative Learning requirement for approval?
The ePortfolio or other approved assignment should be started as early as possible in your undergraduate career and must be completed and submitted to the HCCE advisory board by the “W” drop deadline in the term in which you apply to graduate.
- How can I complete an ePortfolio for the Integrative Learning requirement?
All students earning the designation will be encouraged to develop an ePortfolio, which integrates and showcases their engagement activities in novel ways. Students who complete the integrative reflection requirement through the ePortfolio may do so in one of two ways. The first is by enrolling in and completing the ePortfolio course (HON 4130). The second option is to follow the pathway without completing the course. In this second pathway, students complete an online module to learn how to build an ePortfolio, they build their own ePortfolio draft, they complete a workshop where they get feedback from their peers and faculty/staff leading the workshop, and then they develop and augment their ePortfolio in subsequent semesters to include future relevant co-curricular activities. Other comprehensive reflective experiences may be substituted for an ePortfolio with prior approval.
- When should students complete the Integrative Learning requirement?
Students are encouraged to begin the Integrative Learning requirement as early as possible. This assignment is a valuable reflection tool that students will keep updated throughout their undergraduate career. Students submit their final Integrative Learning assignment for final approval in the term when they apply to graduate.
- Can students earn points more than once for the same Co-Curricular Experience (for instance, studying abroad more than once)?
Students may repeat experiences but may not earn more than 4 points for any one experience. Also, students must complete at least 4 unique experiences across 2 of the 3 categories of Co-Curricular Experiences. Students should communicate with the Director of Co-Curricular Honors if they have questions.