Sep 30, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Economics BA or BS/Public Policy, MPP

Hobby School of Public Affairs  > Economics BA or BS/Public Policy, MPP

The Economics BA or BS/Public Policy, MPP is open to qualified undergraduate Economics students. The program allows students to take 12 hours of graduate-level Public Policy courses that can be applied to both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

An undergraduate student wishing to be approved for the accelerated pathway dual degree program and enroll in MPP graduate-level courses at the start of their senior year should complete and submit an application to the Department of Economics during their junior year (no later than the beginning of their final year of undergraduate study).
The minimum eligibility requirements to enroll are:

  1. Junior standing.
  2. Minimum GPA of 3.0 in all coursework completed at University of Houston.
  3. Completion of ALL Texas Core, CLASS Block, Economics major coursework, and BA foreign language requirements or BS math and science requirements.
  4. Approval of application by the Department of Economics and the Hobby School of Public Affairs.
  5. Students must still apply for the Hobby School’s MPP program in their senior year by May 1.

Required Courses for the Economics Major

Major Requirements

33 Hours (9 lower level hours, 24 advanced level hours)


  1. Bachelor of Science candidates must take ECON 3370 (this course counts as part of the required 18 advanced semester hours)
  2. ECON courses taken for core may also be applied towards major requirements.
  3. 15 hours of major coursework must be taken at UH, 12 of which must be advanced.

  • ECON 2302 - Principles of Microeconomics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON 2301 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON 2370 - Introduction to Economic Data Analysis Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON 3332 - Intermediate Microeconomics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON 3334 - Intermediate Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON Electives (advanced) Credit Hours: 18.0

College Requirements

  1. Satisfactory completion of nine additional semester hours of credit in three CLASS departments outside the student’s major field of study (to include 3 semester hours of diversity course requirement).
  2. Bachelor of Arts: Satisfactory completion of six semester hours of credit at the 2000 level or higher in one foreign language.
  3. Bachelor of Science: Satisfactory completion of six semester hours of credit in the formal sciences (i.e., mathematics, computer science, formal logic, or statistics), at least three of which must be in mathematics, unless the student satisfied the core curriculum requirement in Mathematics/Reasoning with a course in mathematics. Satisfactory completion of at least two semester hours of credit in the natural sciences.
  4. Satisfactory completion of a second major, approved minor, honors thesis, or other approved activity.

Note: Graduate courses taken for the MPP in the fourth year will substitute for the minor for purposes of the Bachelor’s degree in Economics.

University Requirements

42 hours of CORE course requirements:

BA Economics and Master of Public Policy (MPP) Accelerated Pathway Dual Degree Program Requirements

First Year

Fall Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Spring Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Second Year

Fall Term

  • ECON 2302 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON 2370 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Creative Arts Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Foreign Language Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Approved General Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
Semester Hours: 15.0

Spring Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Third Year

Fall Term

  • ECON 3332 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON Advanced Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
  • CLASS Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Writing in the Disciplines Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Foreign Language Credit Hours: 3.0
Semester Hours: 15.0

Spring Term

  • ECON 3334 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON Advanced Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
  • CLASS Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Foreign Language Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Social & Behavioral Sciences Credit Hours: 3.0
Semester Hours: 15.0

Fourth Year

Fall Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Spring Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Summer Term

Semester Hours: 3.0

Fifth Year

Semester Hours: 12.0

Spring Term

Semester Hours: 12.0

BS in Economics and Master of Public Policy (MPP) Accelerated Pathway Dual Degree Program Requirements

First Year

Fall Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Spring Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Second Year

Fall Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Spring Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Third Year

Fall Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Spring Term

  • ECON 3334 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON Advanced Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
  • ECON Advanced Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Approved General Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
  • Approved General Elective Credit Hours: 3.0
Semester Hours: 15.0

Fourth Year

Fall Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Spring Term

Semester Hours: 15.0

Summer Term

Semester Hours: 3.0

Fifth Year

Semester Hours: 12.0

Spring Term

Semester Hours: 12.0