Feb 08, 2025
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Communication Sciences and Disorders, B.S.
Communication Sciences and Disorders Major
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders offers a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in communication sciences and disorders (speech-language pathology and audiology). A baccalaureate degree or equivalent semester hours of approved courses in communication sciences and disorders must be completed in order to enter a master’s degree program. The master’s degree is required for professional certification and membership in the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The department offers a Master of Arts degree in communication sciences and disorders for speech-language pathology only. For more information about admissions to the graduate program, consult with the Program Coordinator (713-743-2897). General Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science Degree
In addition to successful completion of the university core requirements and CLASS college requirements, students must: 1. Complete 32 semester hours within COMD for the major.
Additional courses outside the major are also required as listed below: 2. The following courses are required by the Council for Clinical Certification in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CFCC).
Both of these requirements can be met through University Core Courses. - A college level Statistics course;
- A college level Biological Sciences course;
- A college level Physical Sciences.
3. All COMD majors will be advised by COMD undergraduate faculty and staff advisors(s).
4. Any incoming freshman, college transfer, international, or current UH student
With an overall GPA of 2.67 interested in majoring in COMD must apply first as a PRE-COMD Major. Pre-COMD majors are required to complete the following prerequisites prior to being approved as COMD majors. Once Pre-COMD requirements are completed, students must file a general petition to declare a COMD major. The general petition is subject to evaluation by the advisor, the undergraduate coordinator and the department chair. Students are NOT considered COMD majors until the petition has been approved. Why is there a COMD Core? The COMD Core courses (COMD 2439 , COMD 2338 and COMD 2376 ) are foundational courses for our major. They (or their approved equivalents) are required for all Pre-COMD Students in order to ensure that each student has a solid basis on which to build knowledge in later classes. These courses must be completed with a grade of B- or higher and may not be repeated. Students who have not completed the COMD Core successfully will not be allowed to declare COMD as a major. 5. All COMD courses must be completed with a grade no lower than B.
A student may earn no more than one grade below a B- in a COMD major course. - Enrollment in the major will not be permitted after a second grade below B- is earned.
- A single course may be repeated ONCE to resolve a grade below a B
- Grades below B- in a prerequisite course must be resolved before enrollment in subsequent courses.
- Students who earn more than one grade below a B- may petition the faculty to remain in the major:
- A meeting to consider petitions is scheduled at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
- Please see the COMD Academic Advisor for guidance in writing a strong petition letter and to determine specific dates for submission.
6. Students must file a degree plan once the following requirements are completed:
- A minor must be declared.
- A minor degree plan must be completed and approved.
- 60 credit hours must be completed with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and a COMD major cumulative GPA of not less than 2.67.
- University Core requirements must be completed as follows:
- 6 core credits Communications
- 6 core credits Math or Math Reasoning
- 6 core credits Natural Science (3 credits Biology must be included with a grade of C or better)
- 6 core credits U.S. History
- 6 core credits Political Science
- 3 core credits Social Science
- 3 core credits Visual and Performing Arts
- 18 COMD major hours must be completed.
- All completed courses that are required by the major must have a grade of B- or better.
- Only one required COMD course may be repeated to achieve this standard.
7. Clinical Procedures, COMD 4489, is a required class and is one of the final courses taken as part of the COMD sequence.
This course introduces students to the clinical process and has a strong hands-on component. There is no substitute for this course. The following eligibility requirements are strictly enforced. - Only COMD majors with senior status may enroll in Clinical Procedures.
- Students must have a COMD major degree plan filed and approved prior to enrollment.
- Filing a major degree plan is a lengthy process and is dependent upon completion of multiple previous steps.
- Students are strongly advised to submit a COMD major degree plan for approval in the summer before their fifth semester in COMD.
- Students must have a GPA of 2.67 in the COMD major. This includes grades for all COMD courses taken. If a course has been repeated, both grades enter into the calculation.
- Students must have completed 22 hours of COMD Major classes prior to enrolling in COMD 4489 .
8. Students who enroll (register) for advanced classes in COMD without successful completion of the prerequisites will be dropped by the instructor.
Neither the department nor the instructor will be responsible for tuition refunds. 9. Courses in the major that are seven or more years old may not count toward a degree
Whether taken at the University of Houston of transferred to the University of Houston. A minimum of twelve hours of advanced COMD courses must be taken in residence in the department. 10. All COMD majors must pass a speech, voice, and language proficiency test.