Feb 15, 2025
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]
Pharmacology/Pharmaceutics, Pharm.D./Ph.D.
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Pharm.D./Ph.D. Program
The Pharm.D./Ph.D. program is an integrated program which allows a student to complete both degree requirements in a shorter duration of time as opposed to entering each degree program (Pharm.D. followed by Ph.D.) successively. The Pharm.D./Ph.D. program at the University of Houston is designed for highly motivated and qualified individuals who are seeking an integrated program in the clinical and basic sciences preparing them for a career in academia or research. By carefully structuring the dual degree program, it is feasible to educate and train students to complete the requirements of both the Doctor of Pharmacy and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in seven years. Students will select a research track in pharmacology or pharmaceutics, with emphasis in one of the following disciplines: pharmaceutics, basic pharmacology, medicinal chemistry or clinical pharmacology. All students admitted to the Pharm.D./Ph.D. program are eligible to receive stipends for years two and three in the Pharm.D. program, and graduate assistantships each year thereafter.
The program’s graduates will have the necessary knowledge of a basic science discipline and a full appreciation of the clinical sciences to excel in and act independently in research. The graduate will be able to assume a leadership role in and provide exemplary service to a wide spectrum of institutions concerned with health care and/or health delivery.
Admission Requirements
All applicants must submit for admission:
- Copies of all application materials required for admission to the UH Doctor of Pharmacy program.
- A statement of purpose explaining your decision to pursue the combined degree.
- A letter of reference from an instructor or supervisor addressing our research motivation and/or experience.
- Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score, if available, otherwise the exam must be taken by the end of professional year 2.
All application materials and admission inquiries should be addressed to:
Dept. of Pharmacological & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Graduate Programs Office Manager
University of Houston
521 Science & Research Building 2
Houston, TX 77204-5037
Degree Requirements
All Pharm.D./Ph.D. degree candidates are required to take core courses and courses specific to their chosen research track (clinical pharmacology, basic pharmacology, medicinal chemistry or pharmaceutics). It is anticipated that the total course of study (Pharm.D. and Ph.D. degrees) will be completed in a total of seven years upon entering the College of Pharmacy.
Additional Courses
The students are also required to take an additional nine credits of graduate level elective courses in their area of emphasis. Further, students are given credit for an additional 3-6 credit hours of didactic courses in the Ph.D. program because they take equivalent courses in the Pharm.D. program. Therefore, students will take an additional 22-23 credit hours of didactic and 24 hours of research courses prior to completion of their Ph.D. program. Special problems courses may account for no more than half of the research credits. The courses are to be selected in consultation with the student’s Dissertation Committee. The Dissertation Committee may make minor changes in the proportion of graduate-level didactic to research courses in the student’s plan of study. The courses will be predominantly from the course offerings in the College of Pharmacy and the respective discipline. Some courses may be taken at other colleges in the University and/or from our sister institutions at the Texas Medical Center. Pharm.D./Ph.D. candidates must participate in all the academic activities of both the professional and graduate programs. Examples of these activities include: attending and presenting seminars; literature review classes, participation at state and national professional/scientific meetings. Students are encouraged to select a major professor as soon as possible after admittance into the combined program. If the student has not selected a major professor by year three of the program, the Director of Graduate Studies will serve as major professor until a selection has been made. The dissertation committee shall consist of the major professor as Chair, two additional faculty members within the major department, and two members from outside of the colege (at UH or elsewhere) meeting specific criteria as defined in the committee appointment form. A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (A=4.00) must be maintained in all required Ph.D. courses. Students receiving a grade of C or lower in courses within a Ph.D. degree plan, totaling 8 credit hours or more, will be dismissed from the Ph.D. program. A graduate course in which a “D” grade is earned must be repeated and a “B” grade earned. Dismissal from the combined program will occur with a grade of “F” in either a Pharm.D or a graduate course. In addition to coursework, the students must pass a qualifying examination, defend their research proposal, complete an original research project, write a doctoral dissertation and successfully defend the dissertation before their doctoral committee. Typical Academic Schedule for Pharm.D./Ph.D. in Pharmacology
- Graduate level special problems OR courses/deficiences Cr. 6. *
Total 6
*If conditionally accepted into Ph.D. program due to deficiencies in coursework, these deficiencies can be corrected during this summer semester (e.g. Calculus II or physics). This semester could also be used to expedite choice of research lab by doing laboratory rotations. Ph.D.
- PCOL Elective (#1) Credit Hours: 3-4.
- PHAR 56XX - Clinical Specialty Elective Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 6 Credit Hours: 6.0
- PHAR 56XX - Elective Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 7 (Clinical Specialty or Other) Credit Hours: 6.0
This fulfills the requirements for the Pharm.D. degree. Students should graduate from Pharm.D. program at the end of this summer semester and can officially enter into the Ph.D. program if admittance was conditional. Sixth Year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
- Doctoral Research/Doctoral Dissertation 24 hours/ year
Seventh Year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
- Doctoral Research/Doctoral Dissertation 24 hours/ year
Typical Academic Schedule for Pharm.D./Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics
- Graduate level special problems courses/deficiencies Credit Hours: 6.0 *
Total 6
*If conditionally accepted into Ph.D. program due to deficiencies in coursework, these deficiencies can be corrected during this summer semester (e.g. Calculus II or physics). This semester could also be used to expedite choice of research lab by doing laboratory rotations. Ph.D.
* PHAR 5402 accepted in lieu of Elective #1. Ph.D.
* PHAR 5403 accepted in lieu of Elective #2 (Credit Hours: 3) Pharm.D.
- PHAR 56XX - Clinical Specialty Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 6 Credit Hours: 6.0.
- PHAR 56XX - Clinical Specialty Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 7 Credit Hours: 6.0.
This fulfills the requirements for the Pharm.D. degree. Student should graduates from Pharm.D. program at the end of this summer semester, and can officially enter into Ph.D. program if admittance was conditional. Sixth Year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
- Doctoral Research/Doctoral Dissertation 24 hours/ year
Seventh Year (Fall, Spring, Summer)
- Doctoral Research/Doctoral Dissertation 24 hours/ year
Students are required to take 9 credit hours of electives.
The courses below are electives offered by the Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Students are also encouraged to take courses in other departments or at other institutions to fulfill elective credits if those courses are more appropriate for their studies. Elective Courses in Pharmaceutics or Pharmacology
Pharmacy Practice Experience
Required Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience
Required Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE)
Choose two Clinical Specialty APPE from the following list to satisfy Pharm.D. requirements:
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