Feb 19, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]


The University of Houston libraries include:

These libraries constitute a premier research facility with large collections in both print and electronic formats. These collections consist of over 3.2 million volumes, 170,000 journals, as well as access to manuscripts, maps, electronic datasets and tens of thousands of digitized images of unique items.

The M.D. Anderson Library is open more than 100 hours a week. Reference service, available more than 70 hours a week, provides users with assistance in locating information and resources. Subject librarians in all major disciplines offer specialized reference and research assistance, conduct classes for undergraduate and graduate students, and develop the library collections in their subject areas.

The Academic Research Center (ARC) is a computer lab located on the first floor of the MD Anderson Library focusing on the research and study needs of students, faculty, and staff at the University of Houston. The lab contains a mix of Apple and Windows machines, loaded with basic productivity software including MS Office. These computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Learning Commons is a computer lab in the first floor of MD Anderson Library that caters to high-end multimedia and collaborative needs. This space is intended for group work and collaboration. These computers may be reserved up to a week in advance via the library’s website or the reservation station in the lab. Assistance with software and hardware questions is available in the Technology Consultation Room.

The Learning Commons also contains 2 multimedia studios for producing professional audio, and a Makerspace with available in-library oscilloscope, multimeter and power supply. Additional Makerspace kits and equipment are available for checkout from the Service Desk.

The Digital Research Commons (DRC), located on the second floor of the MD Anderson Library, cultivates digital research projects and exposes the campus community to new and emerging digital methodologies, including digital humanities, GIS, and other digital scholarship topics.

A valid CougarNet account is required to use computers in the labs.

The library’s Technology Training Program offers free instructor-led technology courses to current UH students, staff and faculty. Topics include Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, numerical software (i.e. SPSS and MATLab) and web design, among others. Classes are offered year-round and are held in room 106-P on the first floor of MD Anderson Library. Please visit the library’s training page at info.lib.uh.edu/training for more information or to enroll in classes.

The UH Libraries Instruction Program supports the student success goals of the University by developing and strengthening students’ research and information skills through a combination of instruction methods. Librarians can provide course-related instruction classes, collaborate on research assignment design, and develop online learning tools to teach research skills. A wide-variety of online research guides are readily available from the libraries’ website (libraries.uh.edu/guides). Subject librarians also offer an ever expanding range of instruction support on research topics including data management, data visualization, citation management tools, information about impact factors, and more.

The M.D. Anderson Library contains a collection with particular strengths in science, engineering, education, psychology, and business. The library is a depository for both United States and Texas state documents.

The Special Collections Department of the Library houses rare books, University Archives, and strong collections including:

  • Architecture & Planning Research Collection
  • Carey Shuart Women’s Research Collection
  • Contemporary Literature Research Collection
  • Energy & Sustainability Research Collection
  • Hispanic Research Collection
  • Houston Hip Hop Research Collection
  • Houston & Texas History Research Collection
  • LGLBT Research Collection
  • Performing & Visual Arts Research Collection

An online library catalog provides information about the collections of the University of Houston libraries as well as those of the UH Law Library, the UH-Downtown Library, and the UH-Clear Lake Library. The online catalog may be searched from remote sites through the campus network or the Internet. University of Houston students may borrow materials from all University of Houston System libraries. The online catalog provides information about the collections of the University of Houston libraries as well as those of the UH Law Library, the UH-Downtown Library, and the UH-Clear Lake Library. The online catalog may be searched from remote sites through the campus network or the Internet. University of Houston students may borrow materials from all University of Houston System libraries.

In addition to this large size and scope, the university libraries extends its collection by participating in a number of resource sharing networks. On the state level, the university’s membership in the TexShare cooperative program provides access to some of the most popular databases. Traditional collections of books and journals are available through the TexShare library card program. This allows students, faculty, and staff of the university to borrow items at over 130 libraries statewide. At a national and international level, the university’s membership in the Center for Research Libraries provides shared ownership of more than three million research materials. Online access to the cataloging records of more than 32 million items in 30,000 libraries worldwide is also available. Students may borrow materials from other research libraries in the United States and abroad through the Interlibrary loan program. The library is one of 120 membership partners of the HathiTrust Digital Library providing access to a digital collection of over 15 million volumes.

The Health Sciences Library opened in the spring of 2018. The Health Sciences Library supports the Colleges of Nursing, Pharmacy and Optometry. The library occupies 5,941 square feet on the second floor of a new health and biomedical sciences building. It also has four group study rooms, a computer lab, computer classroom and a reading room. The majority of the collection is online, however there is space for reserve materials, reference books and anatomical models. The faculty and graduate students in health science fields have access to the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library with a collection of more than 359,000 books and journals, 100 electronic databases and over 4,000 electronic journals.

M.D. Anderson Library

Click the M.D. Anderson Library link for more information.
Dean of the Libraries: Lisa German
Associate Dean for Resource Management: John Lehner
Associate Dean for Academic and Research Services: Marilyn Myers

William R. Jenkins Architecture and Art Library

Click the William R. Jenkins Architecture and Art Library link for more information.
Coordinator: Catherine Essinger

John M. O’Quinn Law Library

Click the John M. O’Quinn Law Library link for more information.
Director: Amanda Watson

Music Library

Click the Music Library link for more information.
Coordinator: Stephanie Lewin-Lane

Conrad N. Hilton Library

Click the Conrad N. Hilton Library link for more information.
Click the Hospitality Industry Archives link for more information.

Health Sciences Library

Click the Health Scinces Library link for more information.
Director: Rachel Helbing