Feb 10, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Tuition and Fees

General Information


The Texas Educational Code requires the university to collect tuition and fees at the rates in effect at the time of enrollment (registration).


The University of Houston reserves the right to change the provisions of this catalog, including, but not limited to, degree requirements, course offerings, tuition and fee charges, and listings in the calendar as necessitated by university or legislative action.

Note: The tuition and fee information provided is not intended to be comprehensive and is subject to change pending action taken by the Texas Legislature or University of Houston Board of Regents. Changes become effective on the date of enactment. The following information should be used only as a guide for estimating tuition and fee charges.

Tuition and Fees

The most current tuition and fee rates are available on the Student Financial Services Web site (www.uh.edu/sfs/). Schedules of charges reflect tuition as determined by residence status, curriculum of choice, and number of hours taken. Students should be aware that other fees, such as laboratory fees, course fees, parking decals, etc., are not included on the schedule of charges. The university reserves the right to change tuition and other charges without notice as necessitated by university or legislative action.

It is recommended that students print a copy of the detailed provisions relevant to billing, payment dates, payment methods, refunds, and other important information from the most recent online class listings at myUH.

Explanation of Fees

Laboratory/Course Fees

The University of Houston System Board of Regents may have authorized fees associated with specific courses. Students should check the class listings to determine if additional charges are associated with course offerings.


Students who park a motor vehicle on campus are required to pay a parking fee either annually or each semester or summer session.

Any vehicle not properly displaying a current university decal or temporary permit will be ticketed. Visitors may use parking meters or the hotel garage. Vehicles illegally parked on campus will receive tickets and may also be subject to towing.

A service fee will be charged for replacement decals. Refer to the University of Houston parking and traffic regulations for fee schedule and regulations. The Office of Parking and Transportation Services is in Room 112B, Welcome Center.

Language and Culture Center

International students enrolling (registering) for noncredit English language courses at the Language and Culture Center will pay certain fees.

These fees are subject to change. Refunds for these course fees will be given only when students drop these courses prior to the end of the first week of class. It is recommended that you contact the Language and Cultural Center for more information.

Room and Board

The campus has various housing facilities for single graduate and undergraduate students. Married students and those with children can reside on campus in the Cambridge Oaks Apartments (contact Cambridge Oaks directly at 713-748-2606). New housing is now available at the Cullen Oaks Apartments (713-743-6017). Housing assignments for new residents are made on a first-come, first-served basis. Room contracts are offered in the late spring with reservations being made upon receipt of the signed contract and the initial room payment.

For further information call or write:

University of Houston
Residential Housing
4161 Wheeler Room 105
Houston, Texas 77004
Attention: Room Assignments
713-743-6000 or

Miscellaneous Fees

“Miscellaneous Fees” may be viewed by accessing the Student Financial Services Web site at www.uh.edu/sfs. Once there, click on “Fee Schedule” and “Miscellaneous Fees.”

Course Auditing

Approval to audit, or visit, a course is sometimes granted to qualified students by the dean of the college in which the course is offered. Such approval conveys only the privilege of observing and does not include submitting papers, taking tests, or participating in laboratories or field work.

Students may obtain audit application forms from the office of the appropriate dean.

The Bursar’s Office will assess the fees.

Students wishing to audit may enroll (register) only after late enrollment (registration).

Credit is not given for an audited course, nor may a change to credit status be made after students have enrolled (registered).

Students auditing courses will pay the regular tuition and fees.

Students 65 years of age or older may audit any course offered by the university without payment of a fee if space is available. These students should first obtain audit application forms from the office of the appropriate dean, and then contact the Bursar’s Office, 129 Welcome Center, for a fee waiver application.

Installment Payment Plans

The University of Houston offers an installment payment plan for students to pay their tuition and fees in the fall and spring semesters (summer sessions must be paid in full at the time of fee payment). This plan allows students to pay in four installments. The plan allows for the installment payment of many current charges. Past due balances and certain current charges such as parking and library fines are due in the first installment. Students may select the plan by paying the minimum amount due on the bill. There is a $20.00 setup fee for being placed on the Installment Pay Plan. The due dates are published at the following Web site: http://www.uh.edu/about/offices/enrollment-services/ student-financial-services/ under the Billing Due Dates section. Additionally, they may be found in the student financial section of your PeopleSoft account.

After the initial fee payment, accounts not paid to a current status by the installment or bill due date will be assessed a $10 late fee and a financial stop will be placed on the account.

See specific loan programs under Scholarships and Financial Aid for impact on installment payment plans.

Payment Schedule:

All due dates are published online in the self service area as well as being published at the following Web site: http://www.uh.edu/financial/payment/billing-due-dates/index.php.

Refunds Under Installment Payment Plans

Dropping courses or withdrawing from the university does not relieve a student of the responsibility for unmet financial obligations to the university. Students enrolled in an installment payment plan will be required to continue making payments until the nonrefundable portion of their account is paid in full.

Refunds are based on the percentage of tuition and fees charged, not on the percentage of tuition and fees paid. Contact the Student Financial Services Office for more information. Students who are withdrawn for financial reasons must contact the Office of Student Financial Services.

Students who are enrolled in their first semester at the University of Houston and have received federal funds through the Federal Family Education Loan Programs, Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, or Federal State Student Incentive Grant and withdrew during that semester may receive a prorated refund through the first 60 percent of the semester. Prorated refunds are determined by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.


Two other Payment Plans are offered to assist students who are unable to pay the full amount of their tuition and fees. These loans are referred to as the Emergency Loan and the Short Term Tuition Loan. These loans may be used to defer payment until a later date in the semester.

The Emergency Loan defers the payment of the current semester’s tuition and mandatory fees. This loan is due no later than either the 90th calendar day of the semester or by the last class day, whichever comes first. This loan does not cover in room and board fees or any prior semester balances.

The Short Term Tuition Loan covers 100% of all current semester tuition and fees, as well as room and board charges. This loan is due by the 45th calendar day of the semester or by the last class day, whichever comes first. This loan does not cover any prior semester balances.

Two other loans also available to assist students are the Book Loan and the Dean of Student’s Cash Loan.

The Book Loan can only be obtained after a student has either paid their account in full or selected one of the offered Payment Plans. It is available through the 20th class day and must be used during the first 20 calendar of the semester. The Book Loan is for $400.00 during the fall or spring semester and $200.00 during the summer session.

The Dean of Student’s Cash Loan must be obtained through the Dean of Student’s Office.

The Emergency Loan, Short Term Tuition Loan, and the Book Loan are only available online in the self service area of online services. For more information please visit the following Web site: www.uh.edu/sfs or speak to a Customer Service Representative at the Welcome Center.

Tuition and Fees Exemptions and Residency Waivers

The University of Houston extends to students any waivers and exemptions for which they qualify. The university reserves the right to evaluate each individual waiver and exemption for compliance with existing regulations and will base any decision on the merit of such review.

The following waivers represent the most common available to students. For a more complete list of statutory waivers available to students, visit the Student Financial Service Web site at www.uh.edu/sfs. Once there, click on “Waivers.”

Blind and Deaf Students

Blind or deaf students who are residents are entitled to exemption from tuition if they present:

  1. Certification by the appropriate state vocational rehabilitation agency that they are handicapped in the respective manner.
  2. A high school diploma or its equivalent.
  3. Letters of recommendation by high school principals, clergymen, a public official, or other responsible individuals.
  4. Proof of admission to the university.

Highest Ranking High School Graduates

The university issues scholarships each year to the highest ranking graduates of each accredited high school in Texas. These scholarships exempt students from paying tuition during both semesters of the first regular session immediately following graduation. The exemption may be granted for any one of the first four regular sessions following high school graduation.

Senior Citizens

Senior Citizen means a person 65 years of age or older. The university allows senior citizens to audit any course offered by the campus without payment of a fee, providing space is available. Refer to the section on course auditing. Senior citizens enrolled in courses for credit are entitled to a waiver of the “tuition only” for up to six hours of courses.

Children of Disabled Firefighters and Peace Officers

Eligible parents include full-paid or volunteer firefighters, or full-paid municipal, county, or state peace officers, or custodial employees of the Texas Department of Corrections, or game wardens who have a child under 21 years of age.

Disabled means the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determined physical or mental impairment that can be expected to result in death or to be of long-continued and indefinite duration. Individuals are not considered disabled unless they furnish proof of disability. The university exempts students whose parents have suffered an injury resulting in death or disability sustained in the line of duty according to the regulations and criteria governing the department or agency that were in effect when the parent was employed.

Children of Prisoners of War or Persons Missing in Action

Upon presentation of satisfactory evidence, the university will exempt from the payment of tuition and fees the dependent child of any person who is a domiciliary of Texas on active duty as a member of the United States armed forces, and who at the time of enrollment (registration) is classified by the Department of Defense as a prisoner of war or missing in action.

Veterans and Dependents

The university exempts students from paying all tuition, fees, and charges, including fees for correspondence courses, but excluding property deposit fees, student services fees, and any fees or charges for lodging, board, or clothing, provided the students seeking exemption were citizens of Texas at the time they entered the services indicated and have resided in Texas for at least 12 months before the enrollment (registration) date. Exemptions include:

  1. All nurses and honorably discharged members of the United States armed forces who served during the Spanish-American War or World War I.
  2. All nurses, members of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, members of the Women’s Auxiliary Volunteer Emergency Service, and all honorably discharged United States armed forces members who served during World War II, with minor exceptions.
  3. All honorably discharged men and women of the United States armed forces who served during the national emergency that began on June 27, 1950, and is referred to as the Korean War.
  4. All persons who were honorably discharged from the armed forces of the United States after serving on active military duty, excluding training, for more than 180 days and who served a portion of their active duty during the Cold War, the Vietnam era, the Grenada and Lebanon era, the Panama era, the Persian Gulf War, or any future national emergency declared in accordance with federal law.

These exemptions also apply to the benefit of the children of members of the armed forces of the United States who are or were killed in action, who die or died while in service, who are missing in action, or whose death is documented to be directly caused by illness or injury connected with such service, and to the benefit of orphans of members of the Texas National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard killed since January 1, 1946, while on active duty. However, to qualify for this exemption a person must be a citizen of Texas and must have resided in the state for at least 12 months immediately preceding the date of the person’s enrollment (registration).

The exemption from fees in this section does not apply if the student is eligible for benefits under federal legislation in effect if such benefit is equal to or exceeds the value of the exemption. The exemptions obtained shall not exceed a cumulative total of 150 credit hours.

Military Personnel and Dependents

Officers, enlisted men and women, selectees, or draftees of the Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Air National Guard, Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Navy, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard, or Coast Guard Reserve of the United States, who are assigned to duty in Texas, are entitled to enroll (register) themselves, their spouses, and their children at the university by paying Texas resident tuition and fees. This tuition waiver is without regard to the length of time they have been assigned to duty or resided in the state.

As long as they reside continuously in Texas, spouses and children of United States armed forces members who have been assigned to duty elsewhere immediately following duty in Texas are eligible to pay resident tuition and fees.

Spouses and children of United States armed forces members who die or are killed are eligible for resident tuition if the spouse and children become Texas residents within 60 days after the death.

If United States armed forces members are stationed outside Texas and their spouses and children establish Texas residency by residing in Texas and by filing with the university a letter of intent to establish residency, they will be permitted to pay resident tuition and fees regardless of the time they have resided in Texas.

Student Employees

Teaching assistants and research assistants are entitled to enroll (register) themselves, their spouses, and their children by paying the tuition and other fees charged to Texas residents. This residency waiver is without regard to the length of time they have resided in Texas, provided the students are employed at least one-half time in a teaching or research position relating to their degree program.

To receive a waiver for summer, students must be employed one-half time during the summer sessions. A waiver form must be presented to the Human Resources Office during the semester to which it applies. No retroactive waivers will be granted.

Faculty and Dependents

Teachers, professors, and researchers of state institutions of higher education are entitled to enroll (register) themselves, their spouses, and their children by paying resident tuition and fees. This residency waiver is without regard to the length of time they have resided in Texas, provided the employees are employed at least one-half time.

Tuition and Fees Refunds Refund Policy

Dropped Courses

Students who drop courses but maintain enrollment for that academic term (i.e., do not drop all their courses) may be given a refund for the dropped courses(s) according to the following schedule. (Students should read Refunds Under Installment Payment Plans in this section for additional information.) A 100 percent credit will be issued for courses dropped by the dates listed below only if other enrollment is maintained.

Refunds for dropped courses

Semester Date Course Dropped Refund

Summer Session 1,
Summer Session 2,
Summer Session 3,
Summer Session 4
Within the first four class days 100 percent
After the fourth class day No refund

Fall/Spring Within the first twelve class days 100 percent
After the twelfth class day No refund


Students who withdraw from the university prior to the first day of classes will be charged a $15 matriculation fee. The withdrawal refund schedule is as follows:

Refunds for Withdrawals

Semester Date of Withdrawal Refund

Summer Session 1,
Summer Session 2,
Summer Session 3,
Summer Session 4
Prior to the 1st class day 100% minus $15
During the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class day 80%
During the 4th, 5th, or 6th class day 50%
Seventh class day and thereafter No refund

Fall/Spring Prior to the 1st class day 100% minus $15
During the first five class days 80%
During the second five class days 70%
During the third five class days 50%
During the fourth five class days 25%
After the twentieth class day No refund

Note: Administrative offices are not open on weekends. If the percentage of refund due to a withdrawal changes over a weekend, the student must submit his withdrawal to the Registrar’s Office by 5 p.m. the Friday before that weekend in order to obtain the higher percentage of refund, or withdraw via myUH.

The effective date recorded for drops or withdrawals will be the date the student drops the course(s) through myUH or the date the drop form or written request is received by the Registrar’s Office, 128 Welcome Center.

Note: Any refund of charges calculated on dropped (or withdrawn) courses is determined by the drop (or withdrawn) dates on record. Refund percentages are listed in the schedules printed above. Payments applied to an account will be subtracted from the total “remaining charges.” When payments received exceed the “remaining charges,” the excess will be returned to the student.

Note: If a credit balance is the result of dropped or withdrawn courses, or due to an overpayment, or due to credit(s) issued on an account, and no financial aid has been received, then a refund will be issued only upon a specific request that such refund be generated. To do so, access myUH and request a refund. A refund will then be automatically processed in the next accounts payable cycle (three times weekly).

If a credit balance is the result of the application of excess financial aid to an account, and eligibility for financial aid is maintained with the existing class load, then a refund will automatically be generated to the student. It is not necessary to access myUH in this situation to request a refund.

Optional fee refunds for such items as parking, yearbooks, etc., are processed in the respective offices or departments. Students who have paid optional fees may apply for refunds at the respective offices.

Health Insurance
100 Health Center (by 20th class day)

The Houstonian
1 Ezekiel W. Cullen Building (by 20th class day)

112B Welcome Center (by 20th class day)

Students must withdraw from school or drop classes at the Registrar’s Office, 128 Welcome Center, for these transactions to be recognized as valid. Students who have received financial aid may also be required to repay to the university a portion of their aid upon withdrawal.

Refunds Under Installment Payment Plans

Dropping courses or withdrawing from the university does not relieve a student of the responsibility for unmet financial obligations to the university. Students enrolled in installment payment plans must continue making payments until the nonrefundable portions of their accounts are paid in full.

Contact the Bursar’s Office for more information.

Undergraduate Tuition Rebate

As a Texas public baccalaureate-granting general academic university, UH is required to offer rebates to eligible students. UH shall rebate up to $1,000.00, pursuant to the procedures described in the Manual of Administrative Policies and Procedures, to those eligible undergraduate students who meet the criteria established within Section 54.0065 of The Texas Education Code.

For complete information on this policy see the Manual of Administrative Policies and Procedures document at this Web site www.uh.edu/mapp/05/050304.pdf.

Students must apply to their colleges for the rebates prior to receiving their baccalaureate degrees. Forms are available at the college of the student’s major, Registration and Academic Records, Scholarship and Financial Aid, Academic Affairs, and the Dean of Students Office. Students must keep the institution apprised of their addresses for at least 60 days after their graduation date.

Undergraduate Enrollment Limit

Enrollment Cap

The Texas State Education Code (54.014, Tuition for Repeated or Excessive Undergraduate Hours) applies only to undergraduate students who are Texas residents paying resident tuition and who enrolled for the first time in a Texas college or university in Fall semester 1999 or after.

This code authorizes a limit on the number of hours those students may attempt while paying in-state tuition.

  • Students who initially enrolled in or after Fall 1999 and before Fall 2006 are allowed to attempt only the number of hours necessary to complete a degree in their approved major plus 45 hours.
  • Students who initially enrolled in or after Fall 2006 are allowed to attempt only the number of hours necessary to complete a degree in their approved major plus 30 hours.

Students who have not chosen a major are considered, by state law, to have degree requirements of 120 hours.

Attempted hours are calculated for courses in which a student is enrolled on the Official Reporting Day (ORD) (typically twelfth class day or fourth class day in summer), not by the courses in which a student receives a grade (passing, failing, or W).

When students to whom this law applies enroll (register) for courses that exceed this limit, state law authorizes the university to charge additional fees up to a maximum of the out-of-state tuition rates. If you stop attending a class with the intent to drop, be sure you drop on or before the Official Reporting Day (ORD) (typically twelfth class day or fourth class day in summer) or these hours will count toward your in-state tuition limit. See your advisor if you have questions about this policy.

Course Cap

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Rules (under Chapter 13) authorizes institutions to charge out of state tuition for students who enroll in a course for the third or more time.

Students may be charged for semester credit hours or contact hours attempted in any course, other than a non-degree-credit developmental course, containing the same content for a third or more times at their institutions since Fall Semester 2002. Attempted hours are calculated for courses in which a student is enrolled on the Official Reporting Day (ORD) (typically twelfth class day or fourth class day in summer), not by the courses in which a student receives a grade (passing, failing, or W). This provision is effective for the Spring 2004 semester for credit students and for Third Quarter 2004 for continuing education students.

Semester credit hours or contact hours attempted by students for the following types of coursework are exempt from the provisions of this section:

  • thesis and dissertation courses.
  • courses that may be repeated for credit because they involve different or more advanced content each time they are taken, including but not limited to, individual music lessons, Workforce Education Course Manual Special Topics courses (when the topic changes), theater practicum, music performance, ensembles, certain physical education and kinesiology courses, and studio art.
  • independent study courses.
  • special topics and seminar courses.

If you stop attending a class with the intent to drop, be sure you drop on or before the Official Reporting Day (ORD) (typically twelfth class day or fourth class day in summer) or these courses will count towards your two attempts. See your advisor if you have questions about this policy.