Sep 09, 2024  
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

VII. Visual and Performing Arts

Policies  > Degree Requirements > UH Core Curriculum  > Core Requirements by Category  > VII. Visual and Performing Arts

(3 hours)


The objective of the visual and performing arts in a core curriculum is to expand students’ knowledge of the human condition and human cultures, especially in relation to behaviors, ideas, and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought.

Through study in the visual and performing arts, students will engage in critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments, and develop an appreciation of the arts as fundamental to the health and survival of any society.

Critically oriented Performing/Visual Arts courses require substantial writing (at least 3000 words, including at least one piece of work done outside of class and returned to the student prior to the end of the semester or term with the instructor’s written evaluation of grammar, style, and content). Experientially oriented Performing/Visual Arts courses require graded assignments in a performing or visual art.

The following courses satisfy the core requirements in Visual and Performing Arts. See the current Course Listings for prerequisites and other restrictions, additions, and deletions.

Visual and Performing Arts: Approved Core Courses


*Core courses effective 8/27/2012 (Fall Semester)