Oct 06, 2024  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Theatre, B.F.A.

Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts  > School of Theatre & Dance   >Theatre, B.F.A.

Admission of New Students to the School of Theatre & Dance

In addition to meeting all requirements for admission to the University of Houston, all students applying for acceptance as majors in the School of Theatre & Dance must pass a performance audition or portfolio review. Applicants must audition or present a portfolio for a specific degree and area of concentration and will either be accepted or not accepted by faculty consensus. Students who are accepted into a theatre or dance degree will be “placed” into the curriculum at an appropriate level based on the faculty’s assessment. Audition or portfolio may be presented live (live preferred) or submitted electronically.

Admission of Transfer Students to the School of Theatre & Dance

In addition to meeting all requirements for admission to the University of Houston, all transfer students applying for acceptance as majors in the School of Theatre & Dance must pass a performance audition or portfolio review. Applicants must audition or present a portfolio for a specific degree and area of concentration and will either be accepted or not accepted by faculty consensus. Transfer students who are accepted into a theatre or dance degree will be “placed” into the curriculum at an appropriate level based on the faculty’s assessment. Audition or portfolio may be presented live (live preferred) or submitted electronically. Students transferring from other institutions must have a 2.67 minimum grade point average in all theatre and dance courses attempted. Transfer students must consult with the School of Theatre & Dance advisor concerning THEA 1111 :THEA 1112  requirements and transfer credits.

Standards for Continuation in the Program

Upon acceptance into the School of Theatre & Dance, all students must maintain the following standards for continuation in the program:

All students in the School of Theatre & Dance are expected to meet high standards of work and discipline. To strengthen the quality of education for those who meet and exceed these standards, those who fail to maintain these standards will not be permitted to continue in the program.

  1. Each major will be assigned a faculty mentor who will meet with the student at least once a semester to review the student’s progress and to address perceived problems. Students are responsible for contacting their mentor to schedule all such meetings.
  2. All students will be reviewed at least annually by a quorum of faculty members within their area of concentration. Faculty members conducting the review will consider the trainability and potential of the student. Students falling below minimum standards will be placed on departmental probation or will not be allowed to continue as Theatre or Dance majors.
  3. Students who earn a grade below C (2.00) in any course in theatre or dance (both required and elective) will be placed on departmental probation.
  4. To satisfy degree requirements, students must maintain a minimum cumulative B- (2.67) grade point average in all courses in theatre and dance (both required and elective) attempted at the University of Houston. Additionally, students who fail to maintain a minimum cumulative B- (2.67) grade point average of all courses in theatre and dance (both required and elective) in a given semester will be placed on departmental probation.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre

Students majoring in a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre must complete the university core requirements, the CLASS college requirements, and elect to follow one of these areas of concentration:




Stage Management  

Theatre Education  

Consult the appropriate Area of Concentration for requirements listed below.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre - Concentration in Acting

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre - Concentration in Playwriting/Dramaturgy

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre - Concentration in Production


Select 12 hours from:

Select 3 hours from:

Total 81

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre - Concentration in Stage Management

Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Theatre - Concentration in Theatre Education


Total 61

College of Education Coursework

In addition to the above THEA courses, Theatre Education students must complete the following courses through the College of Education: