Feb 13, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Academic Information - College of Education

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The goal of the College of Education’s undergraduate advising team is to ensure timely and efficient academic completion for all students through commitment, partnership, and provision of resources necessary for success. Our team:

  • Assists with personal and academic goals
  • Tailors to students’ individual needs
  • Collaborates with faculty, staff and community partners
  • Empowers students to take ownership of their academic success
  • Provide mutual respect and appreciation for our diverse population

Orientation for the college is handled in conjunction with the Office of Admissions and is required for all new College of Education students. Once the student has been given an overview of the university and college, an undergraduate advisor helps the student with initial schedule planning and enrollment. Thereafter, advisors are available on an ongoing basis to answer questions and provide guidance.

Specific times when academic advising is suggested:

  • upon entering as a freshman or transfer (required).
  • for enrollment (registration) and add/drop questions.
  • to declare or change a major.
  • to declare or change a minor.
  • to clarify any academic policy or procedure.
  • anytime UH semester GPA falls below 2.0 to discuss UH resources for success
  • anytime UH cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 (required) to discuss UH resources for success, enrollment limitations and requirements in order to avoid suspension
  • at or before 60 hours to file a degree plan (filing a timely degree plan can and does minimize lost hours and delayed graduation).
  • at or before 90 hours and each term thereafter until graduation to verify that all requirements will be met as expected (required).
  • to file a degree plan;
  • to file petitions; and
  • at the beginning of the term before graduation, to verify all requirements for graduation.

Declaration of Major

Many entering students have a well-defined career objective and major course of study. These students should declare their majors upon entering the college and should seek academic counsel from their major departments.

Freshman students who are uncertain of their majors are encouraged to enroll first through Exploratory Studies and seek academic advising from the advisors for the major(s) they are considering. 

Declaration of Minor

Students who wish to declare a minor to any of the college’s degree programs must have established at least a 2.00 minimum cumulative UH grade point average and meet the requirements of the individual department. Some minor programs may have additional requirements.

Change Of Major

Students who wish to change their majors to any of the college’s degree programs must have established at least a 2.00 minimum cumulative UH grade point average and meet the requirements of the individual major program. Some major programs have additional requirements. Consult individual major programs for details on requirements.

Students with less than a 2.00 grade point average are encouraged to obtain academic advising from the department to which they wish to change; however, they are not eligible to officially change their major until the required grade point average is attained.

To apply for a change of major, consult the advisor of the desired major and submit an undergraduate general petition requesting the change. The Office of Undergraduate Studies will review the petition and send notification of approval or disapproval to the student.

Degree Plan

After selecting a major field of study, and not later than the beginning of the junior year (60 semester hours), students should ensure that a degree plan is prepared through an advisor within the student’s major. Students declaring a minor must file a minor degree plan in the college of the minor. Students must meet all requirements of the catalog under which they are graduating. The official degree plan remains in effect unless a 13-month break in enrollment occurs.

Required Enrollment Toward Degree Plan

Students who are admitted to a major in the college must enroll in at least one course each semester in approved coursework for their declared major requirements.

Students who wish to change their major to any of the college’s degree programs must also enroll in at least one course each semester in approved coursework for their declared major requirements.

Transfer Credit

Questions concerning transfer credit are resolved by the petition process. This process originates in consultation with an undergraduate advisor, and the petitions are routed to the relevant department and dean’s offices.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List, a tabulation of the names of all undergraduate honor students, is compiled each term. To qualify for this recognition, students must earn a 3.50 minimum grade point average (the grade of S is not counted) on twelve or more term hours completed during the term. At least nine of the twelve term hours must be letter grades. Students who earn a grade of I (except in a senior honors thesis course), D, F, or U during the term are excluded from consideration for the Dean’s List.

For additional information regarding general degree requirements, please see the General Degree Information  section.

Academic Warning

Academic Warning occurs when a FTIC (First Time in College) student earns less than a 2.00 grade point average in the first long term (i.e. Fall or Spring) of enrollment at the University of Houston. The College of Education maintains policies to support success among students placed on Academic Warning. Students placed on Academic Warning should consult the college website for current policies.

College of Education students on Academic Warning may enroll in no more than 13 credit hours in fall or spring terms. A student on Academic Warning may enroll in no more than 5 hours in Summer Session 2 or Summer Session 4, or 10 hours in Summer Session 1 or Summer Session 3.

Academic Probation

Second termFTIC students who have completed their first long term and all other students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00 shall be placed on academic probation.  The College of Education maintains policies to support student success among students placed on Academic Probation. Students placed on Academic Probation should consult the college website for current policies.

College of Education students on Academic Probation may enroll in no more than 13 credit hours in fall or spring terms. A student on Academic Probation may enroll in no more than 5 hours in Summer Session 2 or Summer Session 4, or 10 hours in Summer Session 1 or Summer Session 3.

Academic Suspension and Readmission

Students on academic probation whose term or summer session grade point average is below 2.00 are placed on academic suspension.  All students returning from academic suspension, regardless of the amount of time since their last UH enrollment, must apply for readmission. For readmission to the University of Houston also review the policy on Readmission for Former UH Students .

The College of Education maintains procedures to support student success among students placed on academic suspension. Students placed on academic suspension, who wish to be readmitted to the College may be placed on a contract in which they are required to meet certain criteria, including grade point average requirements for various majors; students should consult the College website for current policies.


Students whose UH enrollment has been paused for 13 month or longer must apply to readmission as a former student. For readmission to the University of Houston review the policy on Readmission for Former UH Students . Regardless of academic standing, students are required to meet specific re-entry requirements and deadlines. Please visit the University Admissions website for additional information: Undergraduate Admissions - Readmission for Former UH Students.

Academic Grievance Policy

The College of Education maintains policies and procedures to resolve academic grievances. Learn more at the college’s policies here.