Sep 24, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [Not Current Academic Year. Consult with Your Academic Advisor for Your Catalog Year]

Mexican American and Latino/a Studies, B.A.

Colleges  > College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences  > Mexican American Studies  > Mexican American and Latino/a Studies, B.A.

The B.A. in Mexican American and Latino/a Studies is a multi and interdisciplinary degree program focusing on the experience and contributions of Latinos, Latinas, and Latinx in the United States. The Major will also offer specialization tracks in enterprise applications, quantitative methods and public policy, and Latino/a cultural studies to better prepare students for their successful incorporation into the labor market or graduate and professional school.

Students majoring in Mexican American and Latino/a Studies must complete all university and college requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree . A major in Mexican American and Latino/a Studies consists of thirty semester hours and requires a minimum of 18 semester hours in the major and 12 semester credit hours in an appropriate concentration track.

List of Concentration Tracks

  • Enterprise Applications
  • Quantitative Methods and Public Policy
  • Latino/a Cultural Studies

Students are strongly encouraged to talk to a MAS advisor to talk about their career interests and before choosing a concentration track.

Concentration Track in Enterprise Applications

The concentration track in enterprise applications is designed for students wishing to pursue a career in the business world and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the region’s multicultural economy. This track will also allow majors to apply for the Corporate Entrepreneurship Certificate, Social Entrepreneurship Certificate, or pursue a minor in Business Administration or Management and Leadership for non-business majors after fulfilling C.T. Bauer College of Business requirements.

Students are strongly encouraged to contact an advisor both at C.T. Bauer College of Business and MAS.

Students majoring in Mexican American and Latino/a Studies must complete all university and college requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree . In addition to the university and college requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree, majors seeking a concentration track in enterprise applications will have to take thirty semester hours to include:

2. Three Hours in Gateway Course

It is strongly encouraged that majors contact MAS advisor to review courses

Chose ONE of the following courses

3. Three Hours in Capstone Project

  • Credit Hours: 3
    • The capstone course has three options:
      1. The capstone course for majors that plan on attending graduate school in the humanities, social sciences, education, social work, or law will entail undertaking a research project (paper) using primary resources.
      2. Students that plan on working immediately after graduation will have the option of doing an internship in one of many partner businesses/corporations, non-profit agencies, foundations, public schools, community centers, clinics, and other social service agencies. Students will be expected to put in a minimum of 10 hours a week as an intern and will write a professional paper describing and analyzing the learning experience.
      3. Students interested in the visual and performing arts and other creative areas will have the option of doing a creative project as their internship. This can include any number of artistic creations such as a film, mural, dance choreography, one-act play, or any number of other approved artistic creations such as a one-time community newspaper or magazine.

Notes on the Enterprise Applications Track:

Check requirements from non-business majors at C.T. Bauer College of Business

Eligible courses to apply for the Corporate Entrepreneurship Certificate (Student must receive a C- or better to apply)

Eligible courses to apply for the Social Entrepreneurship Certificate (Student must receive a C- or better to apply)

Eligible courses that count towards the Business Administration Minor. Students must satisfy Bauer requirements

Eligible courses that count towards the Management and Leadership Minor. Students must satisfy Bauer requirements

Concentration Track in Quantitative Methods and Public Policy

The concentration track in quantitative methods and public policy is designed for students wishing to pursue a career in government or non-profits with a focus on data analysis and public policy.

Students are strongly encouraged to contact a MAS advisor before choosing a concentration track.

Students majoring in Mexican American and Latino/a Studies must complete all university and college requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree . In addition to the university and college requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree, majors seeking a concentration track in enterprise applications will have to take thirty semester hours to include:

2. Three Hours in Gateway Course

Choose ONE of the following courses

3. Three Hours in Capstone Project

  • Credit Hours: 3
    • The capstone course has three options:
      1. The capstone course for majors that plan on attending graduate school in the humanities, social sciences, education, social work, or law will entail undertaking a research project (paper) using primary resources.
      2. Students that plan on working immediately after graduation will have the option of doing an internship in one of many partner businesses/corporations, non-profit agencies, foundations, public schools, community centers, clinics, and other social service agencies. Students will be expected to put in a minimum of 10 hours a week as an intern and will write a professional paper describing and analyzing the learning experience.
      3. Students interested in the visual and performing arts and other creative areas will have the option of doing a creative project as their internship. This can include any number of artistic creations such as a film, mural, dance choreography, one-act play, or any number of other approved artistic creations such as a one-time community newspaper or magazine.

4. Twelve hours in Quantitative Methods and Public Policy

Concentration Track in Latino/a Cultural Studies

The concentration track in Latino/a cultural studies is designed for students wishing to pursue a career in teaching, communications, or graduate school, particularly in graduate programs in History, Spanish, Sociology, or Mexican American or Ethnic Studies.  

Students are strongly encouraged to contact a MAS advisor before choosing a concentration track.

Students majoring in Mexican American and Latino/a Studies must complete all university and college requirements for the Bachelor of Arts Degree . In addition to the university and college requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree, majors seeking a concentration track in enterprise applications will have to take thirty semester hours to include:

2. Three Hours in Gateway Course

It is strongly encouraged that majors contact MAS advisor to review courses

Choose ONE of the following courses

3. Three Hours in Capstone Project

  • Credit Hours: 3
    • The capstone course has three options:
      1. The capstone course for majors that plan on attending graduate school in the humanities, social sciences, education, social work, or law will entail undertaking a research project (paper) using primary resources.
      2. Students that plan on working immediately after graduation will have the option of doing an internship in one of many partner businesses/corporations, non-profit agencies, foundations, public schools, community centers, clinics, and other social service agencies. Students will be expected to put in a minimum of 10 hours a week as an intern and will write a professional paper describing and analyzing the learning experience.
      3. Students interested in the visual and performing arts and other creative areas will have the option of doing a creative project as their internship. This can include any number of artistic creations such as a film, mural, dance choreography, one-act play, or any number of other approved artistic creations such as a one-time community newspaper or magazine.

4. Twelve hours in Quantitative Methods and Public Policy

Choose four

Notes on the Latino/a Cultural Studies Track:

  • Students must choose nine (i.e., three courses) out of the 12 semester credit hours from at least two different departments.
  • Individual courses with the “MAS” prefix may be used under the Latino/a Cultural Studies track to satisfy the 12 semester credit hours if the courses are different.
  • No more than three semester credit hours can be taken in Spanish “language” courses